King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Hollywood whore

"Hey, doll?" Ryan questioned from the bathroom as I slid my dark blue denim shorts up my legs.

"Hmm?" My fingers buckled my studded black leather belt. I heard him rinse his mouth with mouthwash and then spit it out.

"What do you say if we go to my dad’s?" He walked out of the bathroom, wearing a black v-neck t-shirt and dark denim pants. His dad? I wasn’t sure if I was ready to meet his folks. You couldn’t quite call me the girlfriend material, I mean... just look at me. Even right now I was standing in front of him in trashy shorts and a white push up bra which not even a stripper dared to put on, but then again... were bra’s even necessary for those type of women? His eyes stayed on my breasts, before he smirked and started towards me. His strong, tattooed arms wrapped around my waist from behind and his chin rested on my collar bone. "I promised I’ll visit..."

"How drunk were you?" I joked, looking at our reflection in the full body mirror. I couldn’t ignore the thought of him needing someone more... exquisite, someone sophisticated... Someone ...Lillian. I was short, covered in ridiculous ink and starting to get chubby. Though it didn’t seem like he minded, at least for now.

"Very..." he chuckled, pressing a gentle kiss on my cheek. I figured that- hole-in-the-hallway-wall drunk. "Or... did you have some other plans?"

I sighed, realizing there’s no possible way out of this. Of course I could lie and say I had some musical bullshit with Chris, speaking of which, I really needed to get together with him, or some long forgotten drinking trips with Bails. I turned in his arms, before narrowing my eyes on his. "I guess my plans can wait."

"Meg, if you don’t want to go, we can—"

"King, we’re going and that’s final." I tipped on my toes and leaned into a kiss. I damn well knew my argument would also work as his and he somehow, only god know why, didn’t want to visit his family. I felt him moan against my lips and his hands dropping from my back to the outer edge of my shorts, before I realized he had picked me up and pressed against the cool wall.

"Fuck..." He breathed against the skin of my neck, "You have no idea what you’re doing to me..."

Actually? His member pressing against my butt-cheek? It was kind of hard to miss. His teeth grazed my skin. Gently. And that was the sexiest thing he could fucking do. "How’s your head?" I questioned almost out of breath as my fingers slid into his hair.

"Peachy..." He practically ripped the strap of my bra off my shoulder. Oh my fucking god... His lips trailed down my collarbone to the curve of my breasts and then... nothing. My eyes opened. He was looking straight in my face which I’d in most scenario's consider as awkward, but realizing how fucking hot he looked, I just wanted to rip his pants off and do that goddamn thing. "We have to stop..."

What? A confused chuckle ran loose, "Are you serious? Wait, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I’m good..." He sighed, before letting me stand on my own feet.

"Then what’s the matter?" My hand gently slid over his cheek, to feel some stubble underneath my fingertips.

"I don’t want to do it like this." He said simply. Was it something I did? Suddenly, I started feeling very uncomfortable. I didn’t know why, but I had the urge to cover my bare skin with something... anything. And right now. I fixed the bra strap, before walking over to the closet. I heard him sigh heavily. "Baby, don’t get me the wrong way..." He plead as I pulled out a transparent, white button up shirt. There wasn’t the right or wrong way to not get him, I simply just didn’t understand why the fuck did he stop, when I didn’t? The most stupid feeling, when you’re ready to spread your legs and the guy, the fucking guys, tells you to stop. I felt slutty. And not the Raven McQueen slutty, but just... slutty. "Meg..."

"If you’re thinking I’m going to give you another concussion, you’re probably right." I buttoned the last button, before he grabbed me by my upper arm and turned around so I’d be facing him. "I just... am very fucking much lost. You keep joking about me and you having sex, like... all the fucking time. I figured you fucked all those girls because I acted like a stupid miss goody two shoes and now when I’m horny and ready to fuck, you turn me down... How am I supposed to feel?"

He had that smug smirk on his face, almost if saying this was how he felt for a long time and now I was forced to experience it. Cool. Fucking awesome. Wait... so this was what’s it about? So I know how it feels? "And no, it’s not revenge..."

"Get the fuck out of my head, King!" How does he do it?

"Chill out Meg and try analyzing the situation with a clear head." His smirk disappeared, but his boner? Na-ah. So why the fuck should I think with a clear head, when his head was up and ready for work?

"I’m not going to analyze shit. Tell me why the fuck can’t we have sex right here and now?!"

"Fuck, you’re even worse than me when you’re horny..." He chuckled and I just gave him one of my famous death glares. "Okay, look... it’s the pills."


"I don’t want to risk it." He doesn’t want to risk what? Unloading his container? I don’t get it.

"What are you talking about? You look fucking fine to me." I pointed to the bulge in his pants.

"Listen to me! Those pills are like Viagra—"

"Then where’s the goddamn problem, dude? That sounds pretty much fantastic..."

"I can’t cum!" He exclaimed. Suddenly all my rage disappeared and an awkward chuckle escaped my lips.

"Okay?" He fell backwards on the bed. "Is it really that bad?"

"Trust me, I tried..." was it bad for me too, or was it bad just for him? I mean, couldn’t I just make myself feel good and then leave him be? I know, I know... that sounds like a bitch move, but come on, I too do have my needs.


"And nothing... I just get a major hard on and nothing. I can’t believe I’m even telling you this..."

"Oh come on," I rolled my eyes and hopped on bed, before continuing, "You’ve told me even more disgustingly embarrassing stories even when we weren’t together..." I couldn’t deny that bulge really distracting me. Like really... "Maybe you’re not doing it right?"

"What?" He frowned, "I’m not jerking off right?" His blues fixed on me, "There’s no such thing as a right jerking off."

"Dude..." I shot him a long glance.


"Just—" My fingers struggled with his belt before it came undone and so did his pants. Okay, this was the first I saw his... man parts and now I understood what’s the fuss about. It would probably feel like my first time with that thing trying to get inside me. I started massaging him, "Baby, tell me... what turns you on..."

"At my old age?" He laughed, but the laughter soon disappeared and was changed into panting. "Jesus Christ, Meg..."

"What do you want to do with me?" I asked in my most innocent voice. To be completely frank, I really had no idea, what made him hard and what turned him off.

"You really don’t wanna hear that, doll..." He moaned as my lips closed around the head and his dick slid deeper in my mouth.

"mmm..." I moaned, backing away, "Should I take my pants off?"

"No, but you can take the bra away..."


"I can’t believe you titfucked me..." I was holding out my powder case, checking myself in the mirror, looking over my cleavage which was a bit reddish from the intercourse. Ryan had insisted on him driving, even tho the doc said it’s forbidden at his state, but come on, did the doctor honestly believe I can argue with that handsome face?

"Oh come on, you know I love your boobs, so logically, I fuck what I love." He shot me a cocky smirk. Seriously? He loved donuts, but we didn’t see him fucking those, now did we?

"At least the ink covers the redness," I threw the powder case back in my bag, "... partly."

"No one’s gonna investigate your boobs, Meg."

"I hear you have an older brother," I replied mischievously.

"Ha-ha," he faked a laugh, "If he goes anywhere near you, I’m gonna kick his fucking ass."

"Somebody’s jealous..." I couldn’t bare, but chuckle.

"I’m not jealous." He denied.

"You’re so jealous, dude..." I laughed, teasing him, before he made a turn right, in to some unknown neighborhood. Where were we? I thought I knew every god forbidden corner of Santa Monica, but it seemed I’d been wrong.

"Why should I be jealous?" He grimaced, slowing the speed of the car to ten miles per hour. "I know he’ll never get you, and if he tries, I already told you, I’m gonna kick his ass."

"That’s probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said..." I was close to "awwing".

"No, I remember saying Paul didn’t sound like a douche on your newest single... I believe that’s the nicest thing I’ve said." He corrected. His hate for my front man probably was because we had a very sexual past together, but even he couldn’t deny that our new song In The End was something else, and so was Paul’s voice.

"It would’ve been nice you wouldn’t have bashed his face right after," I sighed, recalling the bloody scene. He and Paul had gone into way too many fist fights to be able to remember. Since Ryan broke Paul’s nose I’ve been avoiding bringing him to the studio when Paul is recording. And we weren’t even together back then!

"Hey, I’ve got to protect my land," He shrugged. His land? I laughed. I was his land? That’s an awesome comparison. Too much Games of Throne dude. The car stopped outside some expensive looking, light beige house. He turned the key and took it out of the ignition, "So, you ready?"

My head turned from examining the big house to look at him. Ready? I’d never be fucking ready to meet his parents, although I had met his dad under very different circumstances. "I’m wearing short shorts and a see-trough blouse, what do ya’ think?"

"You live in California and that’s considered a decent outfit. Come on," He patted my leg, before getting out of the car. The front door opened at the exact same time as he went around the front of his BMW. A purple haired girl was standing in the doorway.

"Ryan!" She shouted and came running towards him. Okay, so, I assume that’s Jenny. He caught her in the last second, "Oh shit, I forgot... the concussion. Does it hurt?" She tapped his forehead a couple of times, right at the exact spot where his bruise used to be. "Dad told you’re feeling like shit, so we cancelled our trip..."

What? They cancelled... I turned to look at him with a puzzled look. Why didn’t he tell me he had to go somewhere with his family? I mean, he wasn’t in that kind of pain. Frankly, he didn’t look in any kind of pain at all. "Yeah, sorry about that, but I want you to meet someone," He came to me and took me by hand dragging over to his sister, "This is Meg."

"Yeah, I know who she is," She looked indifferent, "Come on Ryan, you have to meet my friend Joanna. I promised you’ll teach us some amazing licks!" Jenny jerked him away from my reach and dragged inside the house, leaving me all on my own. On the street. Trying to figure what the fuck just happened and if this was where I bail. I wasn’t stupid and I knew, somehow, I hadn’t made the best impression on his sister. By not saying anything. Usually people started hating on me when I opened my mouth, but now... I guess this was the next level. I could make people hate me just by showing up. Now that’s a reputation I was eagerly trying to get when working back at the Institute, now? Not so much. It was difficult to be hated.

"Megan?" The door had opened once again and Ryan senior was coming towards me, "Why are you standing out here all by yourself?"

"I... I’m just... appreciating the scenery," What? The scenery? Godammit, Meg. Really, the scenery? You couldn’t come up with anything else? Not even with stalking that kid who just fell off the bike across the street? I bet that hurt like a motherfucker.

He looked very much unconvinced, tho he laughed, so I guess things weren’t as bad as I thought. "The scenery... Yeah..." He rolled his eyes, "Come on, let’s go inside, Vikkie has made her legendary Tex-Mex... We, King’s, are all about meat, so I hope you’re not a vegetarian or something."


"Really?" He looked at me surprised as he guided me indoors.

"Kinda... But it’s cool, I’m not that hungry anyway..."

"Who’s not hungry?" I heard a female voice shout from what I supposed was kitchen. King’s really had a wonderful home, light and... cozy. Right in front of me was a living room and Dev’s dad guided me in the kitchen to our right. I saw a petite woman with chestnut hair smiling warmly towards me. She was wearing a Midnight Noir t-shirt.

"Ryan’s Meg turns out to be a vegetarian,"

"Oh my..." Her smile turned upside down, "I can’t believe Ryan didn’t mention it."

"It’s fine, really..." I replied, figuring my boyfriend didn’t even know I didn’t eat meat himself. If his parents’ eyes weren’t glued to me, I would’ve sighed. Could this situation get even more uncomfortable?

"No, sweetie, we’ll figure something out... In the worst case scenario, we’ll just order something you like," She smiled reassuringly, before walking over to the refrigerator and Ryan senior taking a seat on one of the kitchen island stools. "I really don’t even know what vegetarians eat... We can make some salad, or mac and cheese? What do you want, honey?"

"Anything, really..." Oh god, this was so, so uncomfortable. His step mom was going to make a fully different dish just for me? Fuck. My ears perceived some string torture and girly giggles from the living room.

"So Meg," Ryan spoke up, moving my attention away from the fuss in the living room, "It really is an honor to finally officially meet you."

"An honor?"

"Sure, my son’s significant other and my recent idol." Okay, this guy surely knew how to make me blush. "He’s one lucky son of a bitch."

"That’s five bucks to the swear jar, Ryan." Vikkie said casually in between cutting some veggies.

With a heavy sigh, Ryan pulled out his wallet and placed a five dollar banknote on the counter. He leaned closer, before whispering, "if she thinks a swear jar will change me, she’s crazy."

"I heard that." Vikkie replied on which Ryan chuckled,

"So... returning to your career... what I wanted to say was I’m completely mindblown by your creativity on stage."

"I believe you wanted to say my stripper alter ego," I laughed.

"That too," He joined in with a good laugh,

"When did you realize you want to be a full time slut?" I hadn’t even noticed when exactly Jenny did walk into the kitchen. But I noticed the slight hint of me not being welcomed here. There’s two options in this situation, either I crawl up in a ball and cry my way to the oblivion, or I initiate the bitchy Raven McQueen mode?

"Jenny!" Vikkie exclaimed.

"It’s okay. Probably after a couple of Jagermeister bottles." I shrugged and noticed a satisfied grin ghosting on her face, but we could change that, "And right after meeting your brother." Both Vikkie and Ryan went into a hysterical laughter, but Jenny stayed with a stern face. Now why did she hate me this much?

"Don’t you think the whole thing’s a bit... well... I don’t know... childish?" She questioned. "It’s clear you’re seeking attention and nothing more." What was with this kid? If under different circumstances, where her folks wouldn’t be scolding her with their looks? Oh, so they were on my side. Rad. Where was I? Oh, if under different circumstances, I’d insult the crap out of her, but now? I had to behave and cuss only in my own head.

"Childish?" I frowned, "I don’t know, Jenny, ask your brother if being Devious Knox is childish."

"So you’re copying him..." She stated with a cheeky grin. Okay, Meg, calm down. There’s no need for a homicide right now. People are watching.

"Yup, I’m a copycat."

"What are you, twelve?"

"And a half." I stated proudly. But that was none of her business.

"Meg, Chris called," Ryan came in finally clearing the tension in the room. I noticed Jenny’s face change.

"No, he didn’t..." I frowned, realizing none of my pockets had vibrated.

"That wasn’t a question. He called me and told he’s got something important to talk with you."

"...And?" I couldn’t bear, but notice how intriguely Jenny listened to the conversation. "Why did he call you instead of me?"

"Cause you didn’t pick up," He said it like it was so obvious, "Anyhow, I told him to come by." Ryan went over to Vikkie and took a piece of cucumber and threw it in his mouth.

"Ryan, why didn’t you tell me Meg doesn’t eat meat?" I heard Vikkie scold Knox and I kind of zoomed out on rest of the conversation. I inspected Jenny’s face, that slight blush in her cheeks, before she ran out of the room and moments later I heard quick footsteps up the stairs. So this chick was into older men. And she despised me. But she had weak knees for my best friend... Huh... Look at that.