King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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are you gonna go my way?

"Which do you think is better, baby?" Lillian was standing next to the closet, holding two dresses in her hands. One was black, one red. "The red one is pretty, but I don’t want to pop out you know."

"Where are you going exactly?" I turned the volume down on the tv and fixed the pillows behind my back.

"I already told you," She put those both dresses on the bed and returned to the wardrobe just to take out another two.

"I know, but you know how I am baby." I watched her take off my black shirt she’d been wearing all day and slip into one of the dresses.

"Me and the girls wanted to go out, so we’re going to that Italian restaurant... what was it called? Remember the one we went to on our anniversary?"

"Pinot Provence," I replied. The place was good. And expensive. Just like my wife happened to be. I sat up, taking the wallet out of my jacket which was carelessly laying on the bed. I knew exactly what she wanted from me, "How much will you be needing?"

"I don’t know Ryan. We’re hitting the clubs later," I sighed taking out three Franklins from the wallet. I looked up at her to see she didn’t look very pleased with my choice. I barely contained myself from rolling my eyes. I added another three banknotes to the total amount.

"Thanks," she took the money, pecking my lips softly, before returning to the dilemma with her dresses. "What are you doing later?"

"Have no idea," I sighed, returning to the tv, although even the provided channels didn’t really catch my interest, "I mean I have to bring the guitar back to Zee’s daughter, but after that? Who knows, probably will stay home. Maybe Jason will come over..."

Lillian’s eyes slid over to the guitar case standing next to the window, "Why did you exactly borrow it?"

"That baby’s from the newest collection. It’s said to have tonal excellence, which is very crucial when it comes to recording." I twitched my shoulders, "I don’t know, I guess I wanted to try it out and decide if I want to swing over to the newer models."

"So she’s a musician too?" Lillian checked herself out in the full body mirror, next to the closet.

"Most possibly. I don’t know. Haven’t met her, but I guess she has to be. Nobody buys Schecter if they’re not serious about it."

"Zee haven’t talked about her?"

"He hasn’t said much," I confirmed, flipping through the channels, "Only told he could open a museum with all the guitars they have at their home. But why are you so interested in her?" I cocked an eyebrow, "Starting to swing both ways?" A naughty smirk lingered on my lips.

"No, not yet. Just figured you could use someone who’s interested in guitars and I’m clearly not the person for the job," Lillian turned around and looked over her shoulder at herself.

"I have the band..."

"That’s not the same. You need some fresh people in your life, otherwise you’re starting to become like Boyd." She grimaced, putting her blond locks over her shoulder.

"Wouldn’t you get jealous? She’s a chick after all." I got out of the bed and started off her direction.

"Me? Don’t be silly, Ryan." It seemed like she decided to go with the red dress after all. "You’ll always return to me,"

"And why is that?" I said huskily, sliding my fingertips over the back of her neck soon after kissing the pJamesious trail.

"I know what you like... how you like it and when you like it. There’s no limits with me." She turned in my arms, facing me as her hand slid lower and lower when finally starting to rub my crotch.

"You’re making me crazy, Lil..."


It took me an hour to get home from the studio and I realized I don’t know how to properly choose the outfit knowing what the weather will be like. Dad needed the car, so I was left with the options of walking or hitchhiking. Knowing how it’s very much impossible catching a ride in Santa Monica, I didn’t even bother with the second option. When I got to the porch of my house I had already stripped myself off two layers- the cardigan and the leather jacket, but still was sweating like a pig. I took a seat on the stairs, deciding it’s a perfect time for the hourly smoke.

As I dragged in the smoke, I noticed mister Cooper coming over from his house across the road. He was a guy in his forties, with a wife who was a kindergarten teacher. They had two twins somewhere around their early teen years.

"Hello Meg," He greeted me.

"What’s up mister Cooper?" I blew out the smoke, knocking off the ash of the cigarette.

"Nothing much," He started, "I was just wondering... Is it possible to get you as a tutor?"

"Tutor for what? You know I am a complete moron in anything that’s not music, right?"

"No, no, it’s about music." He laughed, "My son, Sean, he wants to learn the guitar."

"Usually I don’t tutor kids," Simply because I don’t like kids, neither I like teaching.

"I know, Meg. I talked to your dad before I came to you."

"What’d he say?"

"To not even bother." I grinned. Oh that Zee, he knew me too well.

"Yeah, sounds like him alright." I commented, "Anyhow, if I remember correctly, I have Monday’s off. We can do it once a week, cause honestly, I’m not a workaholic and I want some time to myself. So, decide when’s the best time and inform me."

"Thank you very much. So what does he need to get started?"

"I’d say a guitar." I replied, making him chuckle.

"Obviously. What kind? There’s so much I don’t know what to—"

"Acoustic. And don’t buy it from e-bay. There’s a great cheap place just a couple blocks from here. The kid needs to know how it feels to hold a guitar, so let him mess around a bit when choosing the right gun."

"Gun?" I took the very last drag.

"That’s another name for guitar." I explained, putting out the cigarette against the stairs.

"Oh," He laughed awkwardly, "Okay, thanks Meg. I guess I’ll see you around then." With a satisfied smile, he turned around to walk away. My hand slid into my black bag, searching for the keys.

"Goodbye mister Cooper." I got to my feet and unlocked the door.

The keys landed on the small glass table next to the door as I slipped off my boots. As soon as my feet were breathing again, I made my way across the living room. On my way to the kitchen, I threw the bag on the beige couch and walked over to the dad’s beloved Sony music system.

"Hmm... Let’s see what he’s been listening to..." As soon as it turned on, I just hit the ‘play’ button.

"American woman, stay away from me... American woman, mama let me be" Realizing it’s Lenny Kravitz, I instantly turned the volume up. His guitar riffs were almost too tasty for my comfort. I sang along, dancing my way to the kitchen island. Man, it was hot and knowing dad won’t be home, I could allow myself a bit more than on regular daily basis. I stripped myself off the Slayer t-shirt and unbuttoned my pants. Why was it so hot? Why’s the stupid air conditioning not working? I walked over to the box, but frankly, I didn’t understand anything. How does it even work?

I took the bar stool and climbed up in order to find the cause for it to not be working. I failed miserably, cause I really have no idea how do they work on daily basis and I didn’t even know if there was something needing to fix. Maybe there’s just a button I need to press, but I didn’t see even that one. Fuck. Fine, you wanna be a stubborn bitch? Perfectly fine by me. I put the bar stool back in it’s place and opened the fridge taking a cold Bud light. I took a mouthful. Something cold, something bubbly... Ahh yeah.

Through Lenny’s attempt to fly away, I heard the doorbell. Oh come on. I didn’t even know where I threw my shirt, so decision went over to that plaid flannel shirt lounging on the couch. Quickly throwing it over my shoulders, I went over to the door, not even bothering of buttoning it up. I just held it closed with my hand.

When I opened the door, a very surprised Devious Knox was standing in my face. His baby blues narrowing on me. He checked the number of the house, before looking back at me.

"Wait... This is Zee’s house, right?" He looked very much confused.

"It in fact is." I laughed, scanning the suitcase he was holding, "So you finally brought it back."

"Huh?" I pointed out to the black leather case he was holding. His eyes lowered on it, like he’d seen it for the first time in his life. Then it finally hit him, "You’re Zee’s daughter..."

"That I am." I approved. "Wanna come in?"

"Sure," he was still a bit taken aback. I chuckled, leaving the door open for him to come in and went back to the kitchen,

"You can put it anywhere. Beer?"

"Why not?" He shrugged, looking over the four guitars, placed around the music system. Those were all Gibson’s.

"Hey can I ask for a favor?" I questioned taking out another beer from the fridge, before going over to him.

"Maybe," His eyes lowered on my chest and only then I remembered I had been too lazy to button up the shirt. His blues returned to my face in just a matter of seconds. So he was not impressed. Even better.

"The stupid air conditioning..." I started turning around and going back to the wall where it had been built in. "It’s not working and I really don’t know shit about this stuff..."

"Did you check the control panel?"

"The what?"

"This thing," he pointed to the white small built in box just below the AC itself. Okay, now I feel dumb. "It’s turned off. See?" He pressed the power button and it was working, yet again.

"Okay... This is very much embarrassing." And I even dared to call him dumb, but look at me. I don’t even know how to turn on the fucking AC.

"I assume you’re not at home very often..." He smirked, taking a sip from the beer.

"No, I am... It’s just, I don’t know even... I guess dad’s always doing this shit so I don’t even bother figuring out what’s this and what’s that." I walked around the kitchen island and opened a cupboard, taking out a pack of twinkies.

"Just like my wife," He took a seat on one of the bar stools.

"That Lillian girl?" I’ve met her once and I can’t say I liked her very much.

"Yeah... She’s home more often than me, but I don’t even believe she knows where’s our AC system." He smiled, pointing out to my pJamesious problem.

"It’s good to hear there’s someone even more clueless than me," I faked a smile. I didn’t prefer to be compared to his wife, even if he said it just to lighten me up.

"Yeah," His eyes narrowed on my hands which were struggling with the twinkies pack, I was failing miserably. "Give me that..." He reached out for the pack and just in a second- twinkies were open. How the hell did he do it?

"Man you’re like my knight in shining armor." Okay how much more embarrassed could I get today?

"Anyhow... Did you do everything that needed to be done at the studio?" He questioned taking a sip from the beer. I took a good chunk of the cream filled goodness.

"Well, actually," I tried emptying my mouth, "Give me a second," I raised my finger, rinsing it all down with the beer. "It turned out I went there without no fucking reason."

"How come?"

"Dad needed to get his car fixed," I explained, taking another mouthful, "so I went there to drive his car to my uncle, but it turned out Scott had already done it." A cool breeze from the conditioner snuck up on me, forcing me to button up the shirt.

"That little bastard," Dev smirked, narrowing his eyes on my fingers.

"Exactly." I agreed, emptying the bottle, before putting it beside the sink.

"Nice ink by the way," He acknowledged, pointing out to my chest piece. I had a very wild guess, he wasn’t as interested in the ink as he was in inspecting my white bra.

"Thanks," I replied, doing up the last button, "Have one more session left before it’s completely finished."

"Where do you get your ink done?" He asked curiously, nibbling on the etiquette of the bottle.

"At HB tattoo. There’s this super talented artist Rob. He did dad’s sleeves so I figured to give a shot. The first tattoo I got at him was some monsters on my thigh."

"Would it be inappropriate to ask for a look?" Oh that sneaky little bastard. His wife was waiting him god knows where and he’s here begging to have a sneak peak on my panties.

"It certainly would," I laughed, "But I’m very open about these things, so-" I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down until my knees. Dev walked over bending down. Although I said I’m open towards nudity and that all, I thanked god dad’s flannel shirt was long enough to cover my laced panties. He pushed up the edge, looking over a pin up Frankenstein bride, holding Frankenstein in a leash. I felt his finger on my skin, drawing the outer lines of the tattoo. He didn’t say anything, it seemed like I don’t even interest him like a female. Thank god to that mates.

"I dig the art work, but why this concept?" Finally he straightened out, his face being just few inches from me. I pulled back up the jeans.

"’Cause chicks have the power, obviously." My lips turned in sort of a side smirk.

"Sadly, but that’s true," He walked passed me, stopping at the place he was pJamesiously sitting. "So you have plans for tonight?"

"I might," I frowned remembering about Bailey who I hadn’t called, "Why?"

"Oh no reason. Just figured you’re cool enough to be seen with me." He boosted himself on the island.

"Arrogant asshole," I mouthed, taking his empty bottle and placing it next to mine, before biting off a good chunk of the twinkie.

"I’ve been called worse." He shrugged, "So what do you say? Drinks on me?"

"Your wife won’t mind?"

"My wife? Yeah, please. She’s disinterested towards everything as long as she gets what she wants. So doll, what do you say? I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself."

Decisions, decisions. I started biting my lip. Bailey and Chris were in fact counting on me, but then again a rockstar was willing to spend time with me, the same one I seemingly hated until this morning. I sighed. "Fine. But I’ll have company tho..."

"Awesome, the more the merrier. And I’ll call Jason if you don’t mind." He had already pulled a phone from his pocket, before he sent me a inquiring look.

"As long as he doesn’t bring carrots..." I shrugged, looking over his smiling face as he typed the text. And I even started feeling sorry for handing his phone number out to every student, every goddamn year.

"Okay that’s that."

"So we can go?" I checked my wristwatch for time. Was it half eight already? Man the time flies. Dev slipped his phone in the back pocket, sending me a puzzled look.

"You’re not gonna change?"

"Why? Should I?" I looked over dad’s shirt and my black ripped jeans. This is basically how I always look.

"No," He shook his head, "I just figured chicks always get psyched with dressing up when they go out."

"Are we going out? I mean, aren’t we just going to hit Hatfield’s or something?" I frowned walking around him and emptying my bag all over the couch.

"You don’t want to go to some fancy place?" As soon as he asked that, I looked over my shoulder at him with a very confused face. "Okay, I believe you’re the coolest chick I’ve met so far."

"Damn right I am." I quickly refilled the bag with the essentials like my black android phone, my wallet, my smokes, some chips for when I get hungry and of course my shades. Yes, I was aware it’s going to get dark soon, but who knows when I’m coming back, right? I hurried myself to the hallway, opening the built in closet to look over the variety of choices for my shoes.

"Just please, don’t wear heels... I’m so sick and tired of carrying chicks..." He whined, getting his way to me.

Once again I frowned, turning to face him, "Let’s set things straight, Knox. I’m not the classy chick who’ll throw herself at you. I won’t, believe me. And I sure as hell don’t dress up just to get completely and utterly shitfaced, what’s the point? I do a lot of stupid shit when I’m drunk and heels? Seriously? I’m not stupid."

"I’ll be the judge of that," He stated. I just rolled my eyes, taking a pair of black cowboy type boots.

"yeah, sure." I took one of my many leather jackets and threw it on. "I’m set, we can go. But wait... Scott was supposed to bring the car..." I suddenly remembered when we already were at the front door.

"I’ll text him to leave it here and then just come to Hatfield’s. Simple."

"Oh... Okay, cool. I guess that’s sort of smart." My hand reached for the keys from the glass table.

"And you told me I’m dumb. Look who’s the stupid one now." He stopped in the doorway, a smug smirk ghosting on his face.

"Keep it up and I’ll call you a moron." I pushed him out, before locking the door.

"Ain’t you a sweetheart," He walked over to the car.

"Are you seriously going to drive there?"

"Well... Yeah?"

"Moron," I breathed out, "it’s a couple minute walk, come on. Leave it here."

"You’re getting bossy," he stated, joining me in our walk to one of hell’s atrial’s. "Let’s make a deal, everytime you insult me, you’ll have to take two shots."

"What kind of shots?" Miss Winchester waved, I replied with a nod of my head. Even though I used be a trouble maker back in the day, all the neighbors seemed to like me, which was very surprising.

"Doesn’t matter."

Where’s the catch? Why does he want to get me drunk? Sure, it took a lot to get me off my feet, but he didn’t know that, so I bet he thinks I’ll be off my feet in a jiffy. "Sure, why not? You’re paying after all."

I looked over his tanned face, seeing him smirk mischievously as he replied to a text of sort. What was he planning?