Lipstick Trace by Chad McClendon - HTML preview

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June 2003

Alice Mendell was sunbathing beside her pool in her two piece, marinated with sunscreen like butter on a lobster before the big boil. Her tiny body didn’t take up much of her fold out chair. She had plenty of space to turn and stretch.

Her hair smelled of chlorine from the pool, and within two weeks’ time her pale skin would be a fine bronze to make even a penny envious of her tone. She reached for her CD player turned down the volume of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. She was certain she had heard someone calling her.

She turned around in the chair and saw her two best friends walking towards her. Jenna Tillman, a curiously tall and tan seventeen-year-old with slender shoulders and long legs approached her. Jenna carried a small red bag with her, which held a swimsuit, sunscreen, designer shades and a fashion magazine from the New York fashion district.

Valerie Fallon walked side by side with Jenna. Valerie’s hair was as beautiful as the summer’s setting sun and as long as the equinox. Her penetrating green eyes were distinctly focused on Alice.

Her voice split the silence, as crisp as an apple’s skin. “Allie … you, Jen and I need to have a talk.” She sat on a lounge chair across from Alice. She began to compulsively tuck her hair behind her ears.

“We’re a bit worried about you Alice. You’re dating that Denslie boy?” Jenna accused more than asked, her tiny lips curled in a timid smirk.

Alice gracefully sat up and nodded at her friends. “He and I are together. Officially, at least, as of last night.”

Valerie tossed her sandals underneath the chair and stretched out lazily, reaching into her bag and pulling out her sunglasses. “Can I ask why you’re dating him and not someone more on your level?” She pulled off her shirt and revealed that she was already in her bathing suit, a festive bright green that reminded Alice of a watermelon.

Valerie let her shirt drop next to her sandals and pulled her glasses down to cover her eyes from the blinding light of the sun. “Here Jenna, do my back quickly before you get changed.” Valerie said, handing Jenna a bottle of sunscreen.

Jenna sat behind Valerie and began to cover her friend in SPF 30. “I agree Allie, he’s soooo not your usual.”

Alice could appreciate her friend’s interest in her love life. “I love that you two are concerned for my sanity, but really, William’s got a spark in him. He’s fun.”

“So are most guys until they get in your pants, honey.” Valerie said with contempt, taking the bottle of sunscreen from Jenna without offering to return her friends favor. “You’re Alice Mendell, what is he … in the AV club or something? I just can’t help but think that he’s out to date you to increase his own popularity.”

Alice frowned. “Think someone’s a tad jealous that I have a good guy for once, instead of some ball grabbing sleaze that’s my usual.”

“That’s not it at all Allie.” Jenna interrupted before Valerie could go forward. “We’re just worried that he’s going to let you down. Think of it, you’d probably have to dump him yourself, and you know how much work that is.”

“Especially when they know right where your locker is … have you thought of that Allie? You’d have to pass him every day once school starts up again. This is our last year, you sure you don’t want Zach?” Valerie asked.

“The fullback?” Alice rolled her eyes. “After what he pulled that last game under the bleachers … I think not.”

“Still claiming you weren’t ready for that?” Valerie asked.

“Yes. Still claiming. Remember Mick? Not ready for anything like that either again anytime soon.” Alice twisted her hair habitually.

Valerie’s cheeks flushed and Jenna seized control of the silence. “Well, what’s this William guy like really? Is he always so… outdated acting?” Jenna said, falling back into a more shaded region of the back yard.

Alice considered her request and deemed it appropriately respectful. “He’s a great kisser, never would have guessed that though from the looks. He’s got some good hands.”

Valerie burst into laughter. “Oh really?”

“He does. Makes me go all tingly when he touches the back of my neck.” Alice grinned, teasing her friends. “If you’re lucky, and I do dump him, maybe he’ll rebound to you, Val.”

Valerie scrunched her nose up, resembling a Pug. “No thanks, I don’t want your leftovers.”

“Think she’s gonna be sick Allie.” Jenna giggled, pushing Valerie slightly so that she nearly fell out from her seat.

“Well, it would certainly make me feel better about having so much to eat at lunch.” Valerie commented aloud, walking over to the pool and gazing into its depths.

Alice frowned disapprovingly at Valerie and caught Jenna’s timid eyes. She had caught the meaning also, and Alice thought that maybe Valerie had more important things to worry about than her boyfriend.

“Valerie?” Alice spoke louder.

Valerie turned, stared Alice in the eyes, and dived into the pool with a big splash.

“She’s over it Allie, we don’t need to worry.” Jenna said comfortingly, sitting next to Alice and hugging her.

“You saw her last year. We’ve come far since then, but I’m not going to rest easy over Valerie for a while Jen.”

Alice said, sliding her CD player under her chair and walking over to the pool.

“Alice,” Jenna said, pulling her back and speaking so low even that Alice had to strain to hear her. “I am happy for you, if you’re really happy for yourself.” Her China doll face looked fragile in the bright light of the sun. “What Zach did…I’m sure William wouldn’t do. He doesn’t seem…forceful.”

Alice broke into a wide grin before she fell backwards into the cool water.


Alice hurriedly buried her can of soda into the depths of her simple black purse next to her pack of cheese crackers. She had the whole evening ahead of her with William and this was technically their first date. They’d been together at school, but this was their first time out as a couple.

Soon, she was at the local movie theater, and there under one of its pillars was William. Does this boy know the phrase ‘Dress to impress’? She cringed as she noticed his attire.

He wore purple jeans and what looked to be a band t-shirt, with his chestnut brown hair styled down in a simple way. The square specs he wore made him look more intellectual and for that she blew him a kiss. He was unintentionally cute in that stray cat sort of way.

She closed the distance between them and he drew her in for a hug. As she breathed in the smell of his questionable cologne, she thought to herself what do my friends know?

They walked inside and approached the ticket desk. She watched appreciatively as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a twenty for their tickets. She walked with a spring in her step as they rounded the corner into the main movie theater atrium. Her last boyfriend hadn’t paid for very much during their time together. But he got his money’s worth, Alice thought spitefully.

They approached the snack counter, and she recognized the guy working behind it as one of William’s friends, Quentin or something of the like. The guy turned red as she and William approached.

“I could go for some popcorn, you game?” William asked. “I’ve got a hole in my gut for some saltiness.”

“I could pick it up,” She offered, “You did pay for the tickets after all.” She tested him, curiously awaiting his response.

He waved his hand. “Heck no. It’s a date you know, that’s why I’m wearing my good jeans.”

Then again, maybe my friends do know something. She bit her lip as she glanced again at the jeans. Course, I can always omit what he was wearing when they ask. If nothing else, he was a gentleman.

“That’s very sweet of you.” She said, nodding to him.

William waved at his friend who sneered slightly, and Alice gave him an obligatory smile as they came up to the counter.

“Evenin’ Quin.” William said, and Alice noted his name.

“Hey, lovebirds.” He jibed.

Alice thought she heard a crunching noise nearby.

She studied the boy’s face, long and pale, with dark hair covering his eyes. He had random holes in his ears from piercings that had yet to completely close, and an acne-scarred sort of complexion. He didn’t seem like he enjoyed being in his maroon work uniform, his beefy arms seemed like they were about to burst the seams of his sleeves, and his shoulders seemed to be bearing Atlas’s burden.

Will ordered and soon they were on their way to their dark and mostly deserted theater. Will took his seat next to her and she watched as he took a sip of his drink. Calamity struck in that the cup soon parted ways with the lid by which he was holding the beverage. Sugary sticky soda saturated his pants and he was soon padding himself thoroughly with napkins.

Alice laughed harshly and felt badly for doing so.

She saw William shrug and laugh uncomfortably.

“I’ll be um, back.” He said, walking awkwardly out of the theater.

Alice composed herself and waited in the dim theater. She ate a few pieces of popcorn without feeling too guilty over it and she reached into her purse and rummaged around until her fingers felt an icy coldness. She coughed loudly as she opened her can of contraband cola.

She got a tap on her shoulder and gasped as she saw the pale face of that friend of William’s. “Outside soda isn’t allowed in the theater, Miss Mendell.”

Alice crossed her arms mentally and prepared to overcome the boy with her winning personality. “You won’t let little ole me get away with one infraction of your very high laws, Mister Movie Man?” She tilted her head and stared at his impassive face.

“I could have you thrown out for this. It’s a pretty serious violation and ….”

“Make me leave.” Alice didn’t want to listen to his prattle, didn’t have to listen to his prattle. “I know you’re my boyfriend’s friend, and I’d hate to see him have to fight for my honor.”

She watched him as his lips started to tremble. She thought that maybe she’d been too hard on him, she was used to getting her way with her peers and this guy seemed to be breaking with no resistance.

She felt slightly uneasy as he began to stifle a deep and erratic laughter. His hair bounced from side to side, she could nearly see the slimy product falling off his strands. She resisted the urge to gag.

“Denslie? Fighting? What a joke!” He reached down and grabbed hold of her soda.

Alice burned inside, she was not one to be laughed at. “Fine. Take your drink. I’m senior representative in our class, a cheerleader and captain of the dance team. Also known as popular. You have your fun now, but this fall, your social life is dead.”

Now the boy looked intrigued, his eyebrows arched and his lips parted into a distantly attractive smile. Alice re-situated herself in her seat and took a firmer hold of her soda, determined to win the battle of minds with this brute.

“My social life? Please sweetie, maybe you didn’t notice but I have no social life. I have only my pain and my music.”

Alice shook her head, wondering where the hell William was. “What’s your name again? I know you were at the end of the year dance, but I can’t remember much else except you were nearly to tears because Lilia turned you down.”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m Quincy Abrams, remember?” He looked at her hopefully. “The transfer student?” He prompted.

“Hmm. No sorry, the name doesn’t ring a bell. All I see is the sad little boy with William during his presentation.” She yanked the soda and yet he held on with a grip death would envy.

Suddenly, she got a devilish idea and with a smile, she released her grip and watched as her soda spewed up and coated his face. Dark liquid dripped down his face and fell onto the movie theater’s chairs.

“Well.” She shrugged. “I no longer have the drink, so I suppose you can go now. I’ll be no further hassle.”

Quincy shook his head wildly.

“Ugh, dog, stop coating me with your second hand soda wash.”

Quincy seemed about to say something else, but with a jerk of his head he walked away. Alice heard a string of curse words and giggled silently.

Alice felt victorious. Boys usually didn’t stand much chance with her, and this one was no exception. Just before the feature started William returned. His pants were as dry as best as could be expected. He looked little worse for wear and his shoulder was fairly comfortable compared to others she had rested her head upon.


The film let out and William walked with her to the food court, where he was determined to get another drink. His friend wasn’t working at the snack bar, and she was actually a little disappointed. Part of her wanted to cause a scene, she was feeling a little roguish tonight and she desperately hoped that William would continue to entertain her.

They walked outside once William had his new drink, and there was a little stretch of forest not far from the movie theater. She watched his hands as they walked, waiting on him to make a move and take one of hers as his own.

She had decided he wasn’t nearly as bad as Jenna and Valerie had made him out to be, she was actually fairly impressed with his kissing caliber.

As the silence stretched on into uncomfortable continuance, she looked over at him. He was smiling at her. He nearly tripped over himself and she grinned as he fought to catch himself without spilling his drink for the second time this evening. “Careful Will. It wouldn’t do to break your legs, summers only started.”

“Breaking my legs would be a drag, suppose I’d be put up for a while.” He frowned, taking a long sip of his drink.

She saw his hand clench and release; it swung like a pendulum slowly onward towards hers. Their skin met for the briefest moment and she thought he was going to hold, yet the connection broke.

She exhaled loudly and looked at him with resignation in her mind. “Did your other girlfriends like to hold hands with you?” She questioned.

His eyes widened. “Other girlfriends? Well yeah, that’s mostly all we were comfortable doing back in 7th grade. Course, we kissed a little, maybe got a grab on the toosh but that’s it.”

“As we’re both seniors, I think I’d prefer a little more hand holding, if not the occasional hand on back motions.” She pushed him verbally, willing him to catch on to her needs.

“Oh, okay sure, that’d be peachy with me.” he put his hand in hers.

There we go. They continued walking, the stars were becoming clearer the further away from the theater they walked.

“So what were your other boyfriends like?” He asked.

His hands were quickly becoming sweaty; she thought it cute yet slightly off-putting as he had to be nervous. Yet with his question of her past she was suddenly the one feeling anxious.

“I had a few guys, none quite as…” She considered her words carefully, she didn’t want to offend him, and he didn’t deserve that. “…innocent as you.”

“Innocent huh? Your other dudes were guilty then? What crimes did they commit?”

She shook her head. “They weren’t criminals; I just meant that you seem to have a pure heart as opposed to the animals I’ve dated.”

He dropped his drink. “You’ve dated animals?” He ripped his hands from hers and started retreating into the woods.

“I didn’t mean I’ve dated animals, I just meant…”

He lessened the distance between them and she felt his lips upon hers. His hands stroked her hair and she felt herself relaxing. “I know what you meant, I’m not totally unaware. I probably could have not dropped the drink though.”

She leaned into him and let herself hide in his embrace. “I dated some real bastards if you want to know the truth, William.” She confessed to him, feeling unusually open in this moment. She peered up superstitiously at the full moon and shook her head.


She heard him swallow and his hands clumsily held onto her, yet she didn’t mind as much as she normally would have. He seemed to be a different kind of guy, at least remotely in touch with his feelings as opposed to…

“What kind of guys? Like, you’re a fine gal, who wouldn’t appreciate you?”

“I can’t go into details, not really, I wouldn’t want you thinking badly of me.”

“Nah, that’s impossible. I like to know the facts and I never think badly of someone unless they really deserve it. Like the guy that burned my stamp collection when I was at summer camp. He deserves my unyielding scorn.”

She laughed, and wondered what there was to be afraid of; she felt a kinship with him. “There have just been a handful of bad decisions since my sophomore year Will. Some rude jocks and some private school cocks as I like to say. None of them really wanted to know anything about me; all they saw was a pretty face. Especially the last guy I was with. He was probably the worst guy I ever was with.”

William patted her head, and she looked up into his eyes. “I’m not a cat, please don’t pet me.”

He nodded and simply held her against his chest. “I’m sorry you’ve had some bad dudes, I know you might already know this, but I’m not going to be one. I’m solid.”

She conceded that this probably was true, and so she felt comfortable going on. “He was a college guy, a freshman who had been given a sports scholarship. He was beefy, in a muscular sort of way. He could lift me up and run with me like I was lighter than air.”

“What was wrong with him?” William asked.

She frowned, remembering his tan face smirking at her in a way that drove her mad. “He had one thing on his mind, and after months of trying, he got it. The next day, he had another thing on his mind with a new girl.”

She looked into his eyes and watched him put the story together, she watched for the usual glint of lust that she so commonly saw in guy’s eyes when the topic of sex was brought up; yet she never saw that demon peek out from his eyes. She did see his eyes close slowly and she did hear a sigh escape him.

“I’m sorry.” he whispered, and she felt his hands start to leave her.

“Don’t.” she said, unaware that she had given her tongue permission to speak. She felt him hesitate, and felt relieved as his hands came back to her. She felt so exposed, yet with his touch he eased her anxiety.

They moved only when she felt comfortable again, and even then, they walked slowly hand in hand. “Do you want to know why I stayed with him for so long?” She waited for a sign from him, yet not daring to meet his eyes, she detected none.

“He seemed willing to wait for me until I was ready. He convinced me that he wouldn’t run off once he had gained what he wanted.”

“Karma’s going to write him a big check one day, and that sucker’s going to bounce.” William leaned down and kissed her forehead.

They walked back up to the theater and found Alice’s father waiting. They were unnoticed, so she gave him a long kiss and sighed into his chest. “I don’t tell many people what I’ve told you William. I don’t want you telling anyone else what I’ve shared tonight. But I do want you to know that I feel very safe with you.”

He tilted his head and smiled at her. “You don’t have to feel threatened with me, I won’t ever hurt you.”

She let his hand slip from hers and she couldn’t be more fascinated by him. She walked back to her parent’s car and felt a deep pang for William, though he had only been gone less than a minute. There was something so remarkably different about him. She felt a mixture of guilt as she realized with horrifying clarity that she didn’t think she deserved someone like him.


The next afternoon Alice had just gotten in from a run when her mother hailed her at the front door with the cordless phone. Alice’s calves burned as she ran up the walk to her front door.

“It’s Valerie; she’s been calling all morning.” Brenda Mendell said shaking her head amusedly.

Alice pressed the phone against her ear and shoulder and greeted Valerie breathlessly.

“Where the hell have you been? It’s been over 12 hours since your date with that boy. I want the details, you know, seeing as were best friends.” Alice heard her speak with a slice of sarcasm.

She walked into her house and slowly took her stairs one by one to her bedroom. She closed the door tightly, turning the lock to ensure privacy. “Sorry, I was a bit busy today. I went for a run to think about some things.”

“Well, great. I went swimming, it was cold. Now tell me about the date.”

“What’s there to say?” Alice said as she untied her ponytail and placing the hair tie onto the plastic hook that hung on the side of her bookshelf. She placed it directly behind the black hair ties, as that’s where green ones belonged. “I mean, he was very sweet, and just slightly under-dressed for the occasion.”

“How do you under dress for a movie when you’re a guy?” She laughed.

“Beats me, but somehow he did pull it off. It was cool though Val, he’s like…incredible.”

“Well, that’s cool then.” She said, sounding disappointed.

“Are you upset that I had a good time?” Alice took off her shoes and sat them in her shoe caddy.

“Of course not, don’t be stupid. I’m just a little pissed that you didn’t call me right away. I mean, it was your first date with the guy…first real date, and I wanna make sure he’s not screwing you around.”

“I appreciate that.” Alice said, a little moodily, still not sure that she believed Valerie. “Cuz I—”

“I still think you should date somebody else.”

Alice stopped removing her socks and left half of one dangling off her foot. “What?”

“Date somebody else because that freaks not worth your time.”

“What makes you say that?” Alice felt herself getting hot, and not just from running.

Valerie didn’t respond immediately. “He’s got that little skittery thing with his eyebrows all the time. His face…it’s like an avalanche. You don’t wanna be caught near it.”

Alice sputtered out a laugh, like a dying car’s last effort to turn over. “You sure do pay attention to him for not thinking he’s worth much.”

“I do not. I am just observant. He’s under you.”

Alice bit her lip, and felt a crazy comment pop into her head. Usually she could think of nothing clever when the time desired it, but it was as though she was possessed by a coy deity, and she was not one to deny the inspiration. “Whether he’s under me or on top of me is none of your concern, Val.”

The line went quiet again, and Alice felt herself revel in the victory of that silence. She usually wasn’t so dirty minded like that, and wondered what her Mom would have thought had she heard her just then. Her frown was fading, and her lips were stretching into a smile. I think I kind of like being crass.

“Well that was uncalled for.”

“As is your attitude, chicky.” Alice removed her sock and put them in her wicker laundry basket. “Think I’m getting off here.”

Valerie laughed. “Okay, you go ahead and get off, I think I’ll give you a few days to get this boy out of your system. He’s already changing you; you never would have talked to me like this before him.

“Fine. Take some time off, I’ll be here when you get off the rag.” Alice said on impulse, clicking the off button with haste.

She pondered Valerie as she went into her bathroom, ready to get a good shower. As she was climbing beneath the hot water, a little voice in her head that told her Valerie paid a bit too much attention to her boyfriend, and she wondered if that was purely as innocent as she claimed.


Quincy was working late that night, a quiet night but an okay one all the same. There weren’t many customers, but he did feel a surge of interest as two girls came walking in. He stared at them and realized after a few moments just who they were. It was Alice’s two best friends, or at least the girls he always saw with Alice. He swore his ears were deceiving him, but as they came closer he heard the dirty words rolling off at least one of their tongues. His hands were shaking at a 0.7 on the Richter scale as their words became clearer.

“How dare she not call either of us after her date with that slime ball? Doesn’t that just piss you off Jenny?”

The other girl, Jenny he noted, swayed and shook her head. “Not really. Seems to me Alice was just real busy.”

“Well you can bet she was busy. Told me she was getting off as we hung up on the phone. Can you believe that vulgarity from her? I mean…really, that guy is just rubbing off on her in all the wrong ways.”

Quincy had been chewing bubble gum before that sentence. It soon took a trip down his esophagus and was steadily heading towards his stomach. He pretended to clean the glass countertop. He kept wiping in the general direction in which they were walking, and he nearly upset his packed lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches, an apple and a pack of chocolate donuts. He repositioned himself and his lunch until he was able to hear the angry girl still badmouthing Alice.

Being close to them well…the angry girl was almost too much to tolerate. He watched them walk off towards their theater. He noticed their fancy clothes, their designer jeans and label purses. He cocked his head and thought of a fiendishly clever plan for defending Alice’s honor, though it seemed highly juvenile.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes Marissa. Got to check something.” He reached in his lunchbox and carefully concealed the pack of donuts in his pocket.

Into the blackness of the theater he walked, imagining himself to be a vampire who was forced to walk in darkness; lest the light reveal his true nature. He listened carefully, trying to gauge the whereabouts of his prey.

He heard Jenny address the angry girl as Val. Quincy smirked. He was a firm believer that names have power, to know a things name is to conquer it.

The preshow glow of the advertisements had not yet faded before he was crouched behind Val’s seat. With a skill born of necessity, Quincy reverse pick-pocketed Val’s purse and snuck the pack of donuts within.

He got up slowly, not trusting his bones to be silent and not pop. Away from their aisle he skulked, not breathing until he was at the opposite end. He took a moment to make sure that he hadn’t been noticed by them, but they were engaged in conversation. His lip twitched.

He took his slender silver flashlight from his pocket and he walked with purpose into their aisle. He heard them clearly carrying on with their conversation.

When he was within spitting distance he turned on his flashlight. “Excuse me,” Quincy began in a whispered tone. “You shouldn’t be talking during the show, it’s kind of rude.” He nodded his head dramatically, as if he was encouraging a toddler to do the right thing.

“Sorry, we’ll be quiet.” Jenny said, bringing her fingers across her lips and making a zipping motion.

He nodded gratefully, and made a show of looking down at the floor, after a moment he made a confused expression. “Miss, I’m sorry to ask. Are you aware outside food is not permitted in the theatre?”

Jenny looked up at him and held her purse out to him. “There’s nothing in here, just my phone and wallet, well my makeup too, but no food.”

Quincy shook his head. “I wasn’t speaking to you, but to your friend.”

Valerie looked at him like he was bubblegum on the bottom of he