Love Hurts by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 5 - What’s next?




The telephone rang, then it rang again. And with each ring, Chad’s anxiety increased another notch.


I wonder if Felipe’s home? Chad thought, moving the phone’s receiver a bit closer to his ear. I mean, where could he be? Sure, it’s summer and a Saturday afternoon. But still. He should be home.


Finally, a voice answered in a tone indicating the person had recently awakened. “Hello.”


“Felipe? Is that you?” Chad asked, rolling his eyes at the thought it was one o’clock in the afternoon and his friend was already in nap mode.


Felipe angrily moved the phone in front of him and stared for a moment at its face. “Of course it’s me, you moron. Who did you expect – Julio Iglesias? What do you want?”


Chad chuckled at his friend’s sense of humor, even though he could tell Felipe was upset.


“We need to get together,” Chad said in a calm tone. “Now, if possible.”


Felipe hesitated. “Why? Has your dog died or something?”


“I don’t have a dog, Felipe,” Chad answered before frowning. “You know that.”


“No kidding, meathead,” Felipe said sarcastically. “But maybe you ought to get one. That way, you could talk to it instead of bugging me each time your brother farts and it doesn’t smell like a rose.”


“Ha. Ha. Very funny, Felipe. Can’t you ever get serious? Even for a moment?”


Felipe sighed before he answered. “Okay. I’ll try. But only for a moment. So what’s up? What’s got you riled?”



New York City


Mike tapped his desktop phone’s speaker button upon hearing the goodbye click at the end of the call he’d been on for the past several minutes, and glanced out the window of his thirteenth floor Times Square office.


What could I say? he thought as ant-size cars, bicycles, and pedestrians below proceeded, totally unaware of anyone above who may be watching.


“Sarah. Is Eric busy?”


“No Sir,” the receptionist for Rainy Day Construction answered in her usual cheerful voice. “His meeting with Mr. Johnson ended about ten minutes ago. And by the look on our client’s face, I got the impression it wasn’t a particularly good one.”


Mike turned toward his open doorway so he could face her. “Oh? Any idea why?”


“No, sir. Not exactly. I really wasn’t carefully listening. But I did hear the word Miami repeatedly pop up.”


“Miami?” A question mark formed inside Mike’s eyes and he resumed staring at the traffic below.



“Is there anything else, Sir?” Sarah asked after waiting several moments for a response.


Mike raised his left hand and grasped his chin. “Miami?” he silently repeated and shook his head. “Yes, Sarah. Could you ask Eric to stop by my office when he’s got a free moment? Tell him Maria called and there’s something we going to need to discuss.”





After entering their living room, Josefina paused to see if Alex was following.


He wasn’t. And when he casually passed without speaking a word, I know I could have told him while we were at the park, she thought as she watched him head toward the kitchen. But how would he react? It hard to believe after all this time, he still doesn’t know.


Alexander suddenly stopped in front of their refrigerator and unexpectedly turned toward her. “Did you need something, Sis?”


Josefina’s mouth dropped an inch. Oh my Gawd. Has my brother turned psychic or something? Is he now able to read my thoughts?


“No,” she answered, trying to present a cool appearance. “What made you think I did?”


Alex laughed as he opened the refrigerator’s door and proceeded to focus on the contents inside.


“Well,” he began, giving a quick glance in her direction before grabbing a couple slices of bologna, a slice of yellow cheese, and a jar of mayonnaise. “I figured there had to be some reason you’ve been watching me.”


“Me? Watching you?” Josefina feigned a look of surprise. “Why should I be watching you?”


Alexander shrugged his shoulders and closed the refrigerator door after grabbing a pitcher of tea and setting it on the kitchen counter.


“How in the world would I know?” he said, snatching a couple slices of bread. “Unless something’s bothering you and it involves me.”


Josefina glanced at him and shook her head.


“No,” she replied about the time her brother completed making his sandwich. “It’s nothing involving you … at least not directly.”


Alexander sighed. “And what exactly does that supposed to mean?”


“It means it personally involves me a whole lot more than it does you,” she said, taking a step in his direction. “After all, you’re just my brother.”


Whoa. ... I’m impressed. Alexander thought, releasing a chuckle as he continued his gaze in her direction. After almost a full eighteen years she’s finally figured that out.


“And what does that supposed to mean?” Alexander said, repeating his last question.


Josefina placed her hands on her hips as if she about to lecture him.


“It means, older brother ... you’re not one of our parents, so I don’t have to tell you anything if I don’t want to.”


Alexander, once again, chuckled and took a bite of his sandwich and a sip of tea. “Okay, Sis. Whatever you say. I got it. You’ve got something bugging you and you don’t want to tell me about it. Right?”


“You got it,” Josefina said, folding her arms in front of her.


Alexander tossed his used glass and saucer into the kitchen sink. ... They made a loud clang.


“So, what are you about to do?” Josefina asked as she watched Alex take a seat at the end of their olive-green living room couch and grabbing the TV remote.


“What does it look like, Sis?” he replied. “I don’t look like I’m about to take a bath, do I?”


“No,” Josefina said, sounding a bit hurt. “But your lackadaisical response indicates you really don’t care what’s bugging me. Do you?”