Love Hurts by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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Chapter 21 - What’s in the box?




Captain Richardson stared into both Chad and Jose’s eyes before he answered. Everyone knows that widened pupils usually indicate the person, or in this case, persons, are not telling the truth. Is Chad and/or Jose lying? That’s uncertain. I can’t really tell – at least not yet. Appearing to be unfazed would make them appear to be innocent of any wrongdoing. Yet, on the other hand, they could be professional smugglers and this is just another load of contraband — perhaps even drugs.


“Let’s get down to the point of why you two are here. Okay, gentlemen.”


Chad glanced in Jose’s direction and soon afterward, a small smile formed on his lips. It seems like they don’t have any clue what’s inside the box. “Sounds good to me,” he replied as both he and his brother nodded.


Captain Richardson smiled back before directing his attention to a twelve-inch monitor. On the screen, an industrial luggage cart within a blue metallic warehouse appeared to be holding a large wooden box a few feet above a cement floor - and not far from it, about a couple of feet, stood a large scanner.


It appeared that the local airport security personnel had brought the container here when their regular scanners were unable to penetrate the box’s contents.


Now, the six by three-foot container was Homeland Security’s problem.


“Would one of you two like to explain why our equipment has not been able to show us what’s inside?”


Chad semi-grinned before chuckling.


“Sure – if it’s really all that important. However, I do have to admit I’m a bit surprised that you and your men with all this top-of-the-line security equipment haven’t figured it out. After all, this isn’t rocket science and the United States is supposed to be the most advanced country in the world.”


“It is,” the captain replied, clenching his teeth. “However, every now and then we happen to run across a mystery and your box appears to be one of them.”


“Oh?” Chad nonchalantly said, even though inside, he had burst out laughing. “And why would that be?”


The captain gave him a dirty look. “I think you already know.”


Chad displayed a brief smile and when Captain Richardson noticed, he changed it to a frown.


“Are you aware, Captain, in unusual circumstances, with certain ceramic materials, while they are able to maintain whatever shape they were poured in, should they be bombarded with X-rays, its stabilization could be affected – which in turn, ruins it. Thus, even though the exterior of the box is wooden, the container itself is not only locked, it’s lined with a thin lead shielding.”


“That would explain the box’s weight and why we’re not able to scan it,” Joe commented.


Captain Richardson obviously agreed and when he looked at Custom Agent Joe, nodded. “That would make sense.”


Chad and Jose, on the other hand, glanced at each other and quietly exhaled. Let’s just hope the Captain is happy now and doesn’t ask us to open it.


“Okay men,” the captain said, not only to Joe, but also to the few other Homeland Security officers who had entered the room. “Let’s open the lid of this thing so we can verify that we are only dealing with ceramics. Afterwards, I believe we’re done here.”


“You want your men to do what?” Chad asked in a raised voice as the Captain began to rise from his seat. “And, exactly how are you planning on opening the lid, sir? You don’t have a key.”


Captain Richardson grinned at him, in reply. “You did say the outer lid was wooden? Didn’t you?”


“Yes,” Chad answered. “But.”


“But what?” the Captain said, having raised himself to his feet. “Either you can come with us and use your key to open it, or since the container is inside a wooden box with a thin lead lining, we’ll break it open and inspect it. Do you have a problem with that?”


Chad’s dark brown eyes instantly widened and he looked in Jose’s direction. Hopefully, the dork will quickly come up with something.


“Ah. Captain, sir,” Jose began, coming a bit closer to him. “Are you planning to inspect only the outside part of the inner container, or do you need to open it, as well?”


Captain Richardson chuckled. “We need to open it, of course. Is that a problem? How else will we know you don’t have a bomb inside or trying to import something illegal?”


Chad looked at the Captain and was about to reply when all of a sudden, a voice coming from outside the room could be heard.


“Captain Richardson. Attention Captain Richardson. Can you hear us?”


The captain immediately diverted his attention to the one-way mirror. “Yes. What do you have for me?”


“It has to do with one of the boys you questioned, sir. Our equipment is showing a negative response to some of the things he’s said. Not to mention, both are experiencing a slight increase in body temperature and have begun to perspire.”


“Oh?” the captain replied. “Which one showed the highest negative response?”


“The older boy. I believe you called him Chad.” the voice announced.


“Hmm. That’s interesting,” he said just loud enough for Chad to hear him and he briefly glanced in his direction. “And what about Jose?”


Jose looked toward the mirror.


“We’ve mainly detected an increase in nervousness in him. But, it’s not near the level we’re detecting in Chad.”


“I see. Thanks, men,” the captain replied. He then turned in Chad’s direction. “Would you like to explain this, son?”


Chad looked into the Captain’s eyes and gulped.


“Well, Sir. The reason for my physical response would be because I’m about to get killed,” he eventually said, staring down at his feet. “My parents wanted me to bring this to the U.S. for them. But, instead of waiting for it to have solidified in its mold – I brought it while it still partially liquid. If we open before its ready, there’s a possibility it’ll destroy it.”


Captain Richardson looked at him, and then to his brother. “Is that right, Jose? And remember, our equipment can tell if you’re telling the truth or not.”


Jose nodded. “Yes sir, it is. We have both worked with our parents in their stores for several years and if you open this container too soon, plans might get ruined.”


“David!” the captain immediately yelled while looking at the one-way window. “Are they telling the truth? What does our equipment show?