Love Hurts by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 28 - Felipe’s Fate – Part 2




Chad had always liked new adventures and the moment Felipe called to ask him to join him at a restaurant they had never been to called the Miami Latin American, there was no way he could have turned the offer down. Latin Food in Miami? If it’s only half as good as what I used to get at home, I’d be happy.


He then paused.


The only strange thing though is – why would Felipe want Alexander and his sister there as well? That doesn’t make sense.


“Oh well,” he said, stuffing his Fall course schedule into his hip pocket and picking up the books he had purchased earlier that morning for a few of the classes he was going to take the upcoming semester.


That’s when Alexander and two other friends unexpectedly caught eye of him near the front of the administrative building and immediately walked up.


They were about to leave after spending the last couple of hours going through the tedious, but necessary routine of signing up for classes and/or making schedule changes.


“Chad, have you started to think about what you’re going to have for lunch, yet? We’re all starving so we’re about to head out and try to find something to eat.”


“W-e-l-l?” Chad began, noticing that Jose and Josefina seemed to be engaged in their own conversation. “Felipe called a bit earlier this morning and asked us to meet him at a place called the Miami Latin American.”


Alexander’s eyes narrowed. “H-m-m. I don’t know. A Latin food place? Are you sure they wouldn’t be serving something like, ah-h, what do they call that place? Taco Hell?”


Chad laughed. “Taco Hell? No. I don’t think so. And I think you meant Taco Bell. They serve what I would call an Americanized version of Mexican Food. Regardless. The food at Miami Latin America certainly wouldn’t be similar to that or anything you’d find in Chile. But, it shouldn’t be bad. At least, I wouldn’t think it would.”


“Okay. If you say so. But, if it’s the way you said it is, it certainly doesn’t sound like anything you’d find in Denmark either. Isn’t that right, Sis?”


Josefina responded with a glance in her brother’s direction. “No, it doesn’t. But, hey. Wait a minute ... let me take that back. What are you talking about, Alex? Jose and I were busy conversing about the Drama Club the university is starting in a week or so, so neither of us was paying attention.”


“It figures,” Alexander said, just before a jet passed overhead on its way to Miami International airport.




“I’m glad to see you guys made it,” Felipe said the moment he saw Chad and his friends mosey into the Latin-style restaurant. “If you like, they’re having a two for one deal this afternoon that smells fantastic. It’s a complete meal which not only includes your drink, but includes appetizers and a couple of really great entries.”


Alexander frowned. “Okay. If you say so. But how would you know if it’s good or not? Have you ever tried it?”


Felipe chuckled. “No. But I could tell by the aroma.”


Josefina smiled and looked at Jose. “Your friend is funny.”


“My friend?” Jose repeated. “Try again. It’s Chad and Felipe who were friends. Not me.”


“Sorry,” Josefina replied. “My bad.”



“So. What’s up, Felipe?” Chad asked several minutes later, once everyone had started eating. “Why did you want us all here?”


Felipe lowered his napkin. “Good question, Chad. And I believe I have the answer. I ...” he started to say when a couple men wearing bright t-shirts and jeans unexpectedly walked up and interrupted the conversation.


“Hey, Chad,” Mike began. “I bet you’re surprised to see us in town. You probably thought we were still in New York. Is that your brother, Jose? Man, he’s grown.”


Chad’s eyes widened as he stared at the two men in front of him, and his mouth dropped.


The two who were addressing him were a couple of close, long-distance friends of his parents. His mother had met them several years previous when they were all freshman students attending Miami International University.


Why are they here?


“Mike. Eric. This is quite a surprise. What the devil are you doing in Miami, not to mention, here – at this cafe?”


Mike smiled, while Eric answered. “Well,” he said, before hesitating. “A bit of business brought us into town. But more importantly, we’re here to do your parents, especially your mother, a favor.”


Chad looked at them questioningly. “Oh?”


“Yeah,” Mike replied. “Your mother asked us to talk to you about Felipe.”


Chad frowned. “Really? Then you might as well go back home and not waste anyone’s time. Felipe is my business, not hers or my Dads.”


Eric nodded and turned to Mike. “See. I told you this is how he would react.”


Felipe looked at them and then grinned. He then straightened his back before turning his torso so he could view everyone.


“It doesn’t really matter, Chad – gentlemen. You’re all a bit late. I’ve already made plans that are going to change everything – so you’re not going to have to worry about the goings-on between Chad and me, anyhow,” he announced in a loud voice, not noticing the gentlemen wearing dark jackets currently entering the restaurant. “I plan to be leaving for New York soon so I can meet up with some relatives of mine.”


“Oh?” A brown-hair, brown-eyed man whose front pocket had the capitalized white letters FBI printed on it said, interrupting. “You’re Felipe Alvarez, aren’t you? And you have a cousin in New York who was recently arrested for attempted murder. He claims you paid him to do it. So you’re right about going to New York soon. As of this moment, you can consider yourself under arrest. We’ll be leaving for the Big Apple this afternoon.”


“W-H-A-T?” Felipe yelped. “What are you talking about? You’re right, my name is Felipe. But I’m just here in Miami with my friend. Tell them, Chad?”


Chad looked at Felipe and slowly turned toward the officer. “It’s true, Sir. I and my brother, Jose, brought Felipe with us when we came here to start college at the Miami International University.”


The officer seemed puzzled and stepped back a step. “H-m-m. Okay. Didn’t all three of you recently arrive here from Arica, Chile?”


Sweat started to bead on Felipe’s forehead. “Well, yes and no, Sir. Chad and his brother still live in Arica and I used to live there. But I moved a while back to the outskirts of Santiago so I could live with my uncle.”


“How long ago?” the officer demanded.


“A couple of months.”


The officer laughed and turned toward his companions, “Book him, guys. I’m sure he’s the one we’re after. And with any luck, we’ll make it back to the city just in time for supper.”