Love Hurts by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 1 - You’ve Got To Be Kidding?




Arica, Chile


Even though his thesis was due in less than a week and would count as ninety percent of the grade in his English as a Second Language course, Chad Jr. stopped to glance at the gold-framed portrait sitting on the right corner at the back of his walnut desk. The memory it brought of his uncles’ wedding always brought a smile.


How great it was to get to spend the time we did in Denmark, he thought, before continuing working on the paper he was assigned to write. It seems impossible that it happened over four years ago.


Alexander, Chad recalled, still reliving the days following his uncles’ ceremony, definitely made the trip escalate from being something just barely above mundane, into being downright fantastic. And the fact he also had a sister Jose’s age, who was nothing short of being youthfully beautiful with her shiny dark hair and sparkling brown eyes made everything even better. “Now, what was her name?”


“Whose name?” a voice unexpectedly asked as the sound of male footsteps nearing his bedroom resounded from the hallway.


Chad turned and gazed over his shoulder at the gangly male who entered the doorway.


Jose’s abnormally long arms and legs reminded him of the evolution theory which claims man had evolved from lower primates, such as apes.


“I can’t remember,” Chad said, looking toward the ceiling as if the ceiling light would provide an answer. “But you should know. She was Alexander’s sister. You know. The girl you went crazy about.”


Jose grinned as the memory of her thin, strong arms wrapping around his chest instantly flashed before him. Those lips ... Oh, those unbelievable gorgeous, moist ruby-red lips. And those hazel-green eyes. ... No doubt, they were nothing short of being sparkling satellites from above.


Jose’s crooked smile and sudden deep breathing promptly revealed he had entered an eternal falling-in-love daze.


“What? Don’t tell me you can’t remember her name either, bro,” Chad said, interrupting. “It’s unbelievable. You’re only seventeen and already you’re getting to be just like your dad. He’s always forgetting things.”


“What?” Jose’s expression reflected his annoyance. “What in the hell are you talking about Chad? Unlike you, I’m not the least bit forgetful. Alexander’s sister’s name was Josefina. How could you possibly forget considering how much you teased the two of us about our names being similar?”


Chad chuckled in reply. “Oh yeah. I had forgotten about that. Jose and Josefina --- the perfect young couple. I wonder what she’s up to now and if she’s got a boyfriend.”


Jose shook his head. “No, she doesn’t,” he said moving closer to his brother. “and neither does Alexander.”


Chad seemed shocked at his brother’s reply and twisted around to face him. “They don’t? He doesn’t? How would you know? It’s been four years since ...”


Jose laughed. “Since the wild time together we had in Denmark? Or, since we last communicated?”


Chad’s expression turned serious. “The latter,” he said. “It has been at least four years, hasn’t it?”


“Perhaps for you, it has,” Jose blurted. “But not for me. Does it matter?”


Chad Jr. paused before he answered.


“Yeah, in a way it does,” he said. “After all, Alexander was one heck of a friend. Well, ah-h, actually more than just a friend. But it doesn’t really matter anyhow. I’m sure things have changed. Just take a look at me and what’s happening. I’m with Felipe now and things are starting to get serious. We’re even planning on going to the University of Santiago together and possibly even getting married after we graduate.”


“Really?” Jose’s eyes rolled upward.


“Yeah. Why?”


Jose moved even closer and placed his hand on Chad’s shoulder. “That could be a problem, my friend ... considering the fact Mom and our dads have made plans which involve us going to college in the U.S. this Fall.”


“What?” Chad yelped, straightening his back taller than a school boy’s who’s been reprimanded by his teacher for slouching. “You’ve got to be kidding. Where in the hell did you come across that piece of crap, and who exactly said it?”


Jose shrugged as if he was bored. After all, the whole topic was something of complete unimportance.


“Mom,” he said with a pseudo-southern drawl. “She happened to mention it when I asked her if I could attend college at the same school she did during her freshman year. You know. Florida International University.”


Chad’s lower jaw dropped. “She did?” He didn’t want to believe his ears “Then why in Hades didn’t she tell both of us? Are you sure what she said doesn’t apply only to you? After all, Mom knows I have already been accepted at the University of Santiago. … Oh, my Gawd! What am I going to tell Felipe?”


Jose glanced at his panicking brother and started to laugh. “Well, I’d guess you better tell him adios unless he’s willing to make a sudden change of plans. Anyway. What does it matter? From what I hear, most likely you’re going to be attending classes with the boy of your dreams.”


The boy of my dreams?” Chad silently muttered under his breath. “Who in the devil are you talking about?”