Love Hurts by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 3 - Teenage Conflict




Inside the Vargas’ fifteen hundred square foot home, the living room suddenly got silent. So silent, in fact, one easily could have been able to hear a pin drop.


A question – The Question – was asked. Yet, it seemed no one was prepared to answer, even though the unspoken fact needed to be said was obvious.


Were we right in not letting Chad know before now? the three of them (Chad Sr., Jose Sr. and Maria) simultaneously asked without verbally saying a word.


Perhaps so. Perhaps not. Chad Sr. mentally answered himself while fidgeting uncomfortably.


Maria paused and took a deep breath. “I think we need to talk,” she said before taking a step in her son’s direction.


The corner of Chad Jr’s lips turned downward and he took a step back.



Chad Jr. loved his mother and all throughout his childhood she had always been there for him, no matter how good or bad things had been. Yet now, at a time of true crisis, he had trouble meeting her eyes.


For the first time in his life, he felt like he couldn’t trust her. Thus, he turned to glance at this father. But, it didn’t help.


For like his mother, his father, Chad Sr. had also been involved in plotting this scheme. And he, just like his mother, Maria, and step-father, Jose Sr. was part of the trio which developed the conspiracy to not only ruin his life, but ruin the life of his friend – his lover – and eventually lifetime companion, as well.



“Please. Don’t leave,” Maria said as her oldest started down the hallway toward his bedroom without replying.


Her eyes reflected sadness and her expression conveyed she understood his anger.


“Why shouldn’t I?” Chad eventually said in a raised voice as he twisted around to face her. “It seems the three of you have already laid out my future and set up everything according to what you desire … without even bothering to consider anything I might want. Thanks for not giving a damn.”


“Not giving a damn?” Maria repeated, obviously taken back. “How could you think your fathers and I wouldn’t …”


“Maria. Darling,” Chad Sr. said, interrupting her. “Please wait a minute. Whether we actually care or not really isn’t the important thing here.”


Chad Sr.’s crimson cheeks reflected his anger and he turned to face his son.


“You’re definitely way off base Chad if you think for one single solitary minute you’re going to talk to your mother like that. Using a raised voice and profanity is strictly is not allowed by you or your brother, and I feel that you owe her an apology.”


Chad Jr. raised his eyebrows. “An apology? I owe her an apology? You’ve got to be kidding. Don’t you think I have the right to be upset? I just found out from Jose that because my little prick of a brother wants to go to school in Miami, my life’s about to get totally screwed.”


“I mean, wow! I guess I’d better drop my drawers and grab some Vaseline, because here it comes ... royally.”


Jose Sr.’s eyes burned upon hearing Chad Jr.’s words. And if it were humanly possible, all present would have been able to see the steam rising from Chad Sr.’s forehead.


“That’s more than enough from you, young man. Go to your room,” Maria quietly ordered. “And don’t even think about coming out until one of us calls you.”


Unlike her son’s father, when angered, Maria normally had the ability to remain calm – and usually, it was the calmness of her tone that indicated the depth of her anger.



“You know I really don’t have to,” Chad replied in a rebellious tone just before obeying. “I AM eighteen now and can leave whenever I want.”


Both Chad and Jose Sr. chuckled in reply. Whereas, Maria only folded her arms across her chest.


“Is that what you really want, son?” his father asked. “Living on your own and having to support yourself isn’t all most people your age makes it out to be.”


Chad glanced at him and nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.


“Your father’s right,” Jose Sr. interjected. “And you better think first before you act. After all, the cost of renting your own place, paying for utilities and purchasing every single bite you chow down doesn’t come cheap. Not to mention the cost of tuition.”


Chad first acted like he was going to ignore them and began to slip inside his room. However, seconds later, “So you won’t even pay for my schooling,” he yelled from the doorway.


All three parents simultaneously shook their heads.


“Not if you move out we won’t,” Maria added. “You’d be on your own.”


Chad glanced at her and gulped, then entered his bedroom and took a seat in front of his computer.



A moment later, Jose Jr. followed him in.


“Boy, Bro,” Jose began in a strange upbeat tone considering what had transpired. “When you piss our parents off, you really go all the way … holding nothing back.”


Chad looked at him and scowled. “Who said I was trying to piss them off? I wasn’t. I’m just trying to fight for the right to go to whatever in the Hell university I want to ... and I don’t need Mom, our Dads, or even you telling me otherwise.”


Jose Jr. narrowed both eyes and appeared to be puzzled. “What do you mean, me? I’m not telling you what to do. In fact, if you and your gay boyfriend decide to move a million miles from here, I personally wouldn’t really give a rat’s ass as long as you tweeted me now and then just to let me know you’re still alive.”


Chad shrugged his shoulder and almost laughed. “Gee. No real surprise there. I always felt the person you cared about most was yourself.”


“And, by the way, oh holy so-called heterosexual one. Since you decided to once again go out of your way to bring up the fact that I’m gay, there is something I would like to remind you. Ever since you were old enough to discover you liked being sexually touched – I don’t recall even once where you didn’t enjoy the intimate encounters we’ve shared.”


Jose Jr.’s cheeks instantly blushed. But not a single word was verbally spoken.