Making Your Long Distance Relationship Work by Michelle and Frank - HTML preview

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Do things to make your partner feel special

Try to think of something you can do everyday to show your partner that you care. This can be as little as saying “I love you.” Or, “I love talking to you.” Or even, “You make me happy.” Those little things will make them feel great and it will give them reassurance.

Other things you can do… send a handwritten letter, email a picture of yourself to them, send a small gift, take an interest in their interests. For example, maybe you saw an article online that you think they would enjoy reading. Send it to them! Having constant reassurance that you care about them and think about them all the time will mean a lot. Not only they will benefit, but you will too, and your relationship will benefit from it tremendously. This is something so simple to do. It’s actually so simple that once a couple feels comfortable and settled in their relationship they tend to forget how important it is to do these little things for their partner.
