Midnight Noire by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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They had brought me to an old warehouse of which existence I didn’t even know. It smelled like somebody had died here, even the cool breeze couldn’t wind the stench out of the warehouse. It was past the old cottage I had planned on bringing Duke to and was good ten miles from the civilization. It was needn’t to say that the warehouse was abandoned. A perfect place for torture. Oh, if only I couldn’t feel pain, this thing would be a lot easier.

My skin was ripped up and bleeding. The tight grip of some wires made it extremely hard to avoid any of the punches that Michelle threw at me. They were asking me some questions, questions that seemed as illogical as heaven on earth. For example- where was I born or where did I graduate school. Why in heaven gracious did they feel the need to know it? Why couldn’t they just cut to the case? I was trying not to blacken out just because I wanted to know where had I gone wrong, what was my mistake?

"Now let’s talk like an adult to an adult…" T placed a bluish chair in front of the one I had been tied to. Like an adult to an adult? Fine. He asked for it. He sat down, bracing his elbows on his thighs. "How many people have you killed, of course, if you are aware of the count?"

"I’ve killed ninety seven people…" I granted him a bloody smile. I think few of my teeth were missing. That was unfortunate; I hated dentists, hated with passion. They had these torture devices that made my skin go in goose bumps just by seeing them and they charged a freaking gazillion. "Fifty six of them had families, three of them were gay and the rest were single."

"Liar…" He smiled a dreadful smile and I knew Michelle’s fist was going to collide with my face yet again. My pretty face. Not only had she ruined my Persian carpet but also my face? That was not something I’ll forgive her. I winced in pain as soon as her fist drove a rather forceful punch in my jaw. That will cost a few hundred from her pocket, because I was not going to pay for the fucking surgery. "You’re forgetting Lee Walker and his parents."

"Again with that?" I gasped for air, but did not lose my calm. I knew they were not going to set this place on fire before they get a confession out of me. This crime sphere jocks were somewhat similar to cops, they couldn’t make irreversible damage if they didn’t know for sure. Poor me, I didn’t know how long was I going to be able last without some black dots in my memory. Just then I noticed Duke’s missing. Bailing on the best part of the show, as per usual. "I didn’t kill them." Another hit from Michelle even though Trent hadn’t asked for it. I believed something cracked. I just hoped it wasn’t my nose. I had become mostly numb to her every hit, it’s simple- I didn’t feel my face anymore.

"The lack of explosives in your storage room tells differently…" So he had been trespassing, I wondered what cops would say about it. The explosives were supposed to be just where I left them, of course if no one else had been there. Who the hell was setting me up?

"I didn’t know an empty space could talk…" I smirked seeing Michelle massage her bloody knuckles. "Getting tired already?" I had to shut up, I really had to shut my mouth, but that wouldn’t be me if I was not balancing on the edge between life and death. If your conscience goes out the window – odds are – you will too.  Her hand grabbed a good handful of my hair and jerked it back painfully. So I could still feel something. It was a Christmas miracle!

"Just wait till he gives me the green light… Just wait and you’ll see in what kind of nightmare I can turn your life to." Ooh, I was so scared I couldn’t even handle myself from spitting my bloody saliva in her face. Of course I received another punch which left my head hanging loosely.

"Michelle… Enough. Go walk it off." Trent roared.


"Go!" Somebody was real fucking angry, but guess what, so was I and if I got out of here alive, it was going to be my turn in redoing the favor. The chair creaked under Trent’s body. His warm fingers took my chin. He raised my head so I could look in his dark hazel eyes. "This would’ve been so much different…" His fingers ran over my bruised cheek. It really did hurt like a bitch. I jerked my head back and a sudden wave of anger rushed over his face, his fingers grabbed my neck rather robustly. "Why did you have to go behind my back, huh?" His other hand brushed a strand of hair from my face. Behind his back? "And Duke… Out of all people, you chose to fall for him… You know he would kill you, if I asked him to. That’s how loyal he is." A smile ghosted on his lips and he lost himself in his deep, roar like laugh.

"Then why don’t you? Why won’t you make him kill me? We both know the answer- he would send you to hell!" At least I hoped it would be that way. I hoped he really felt something for me. Wait a minute. Oh that slimy bastard. "This is not as much about the Walker family as it is about Duke, is it?" He let go of me rapidly, as if my skin had turned to hot coals underneath his fingers. So I had been right. I smiled even though he couldn’t see it. My dark bangs were falling over my bloody face, hiding my, I would have to say, very pretty face from his eyes. "I don’t understand one though…" I closed my eyes and took a shallow breath, "Why did you kill Anastasia?"

"She wanted to be fucking free… I set her free. Although, it wasn’t me who pulled the trigger." I knew he was smirking not even looking at him. "I have other people to do that shit. You had to see that hopeful face when she handed me the chip… Priceless."

"You fucking bastard, I will gunpowder your lousy ass, you know that, right?" I tried to move my hands, but the pain was just too much to handle. The wire cut deeper in my skin by every move I made.

"Watch your mouth, sweetie pie, I’m the one who can end your life in just a blink of an eye." I eagerly waited for him to blink so this torture would be over, cause we were sort of running around in circles for the whole time I had been in this bottle littered, unkempt warehouse.

"So do it. You know I’m not going to confess in something I have not fucking done!" I leaned forward, willing to get closer to him and just then remembered about my aching wrists. The pain shot through my body, making me grimace.

"I guess we just have to wait and see, don’t we?" Yeah, we’ll see, we’ll see how I bring hell on earth and set this whole continent on fire, just wait and see, pig. Most of it all hurt the knowing that I had trusted him, I had trusted that soft dimpled smile and those warm hazel eyes. It was he who had double crossed me.