Midnight Noire by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Her soft lips were leaving warm kisses on my neck, she made me moan in desire for her body. The brown couch creaked under my weight as she pushed me down. She had a playful smirk on her sensual lips. Her red high-heeled foot pressed on the couch right between my denim covered thighs. I couldn’t, she had been teasing me all this time, I just couldn’t wait any longer. She bit on her index finger, watching over me with her beautiful lustful eyes. There was something bestial tearing me inside out.

My fingers ran up her smooth leg, it was pure pleasure only touching her. God, where had she been all my life? She stopped my arm as soon as it had reached the lining of her black shorts. Fucking tease.

She kneeled down between my legs, raising the black shirt and tasting the skin on my stomach. My hand tangled up in her hair as she slid her tongue across my body. I arched my head back just thinking of what she was going to do.

"Wow…" A surprised voice made me open my eyes. Elle was standing, watching me with raised eyebrows. She had a book in her hand, which she instantly put in front of her face. Now this just got interesting. She was uncomfortable of… sex? I thought nothing could shake her little world, but here she was, surprised for me entertaining myself or more precisely receiving the entertainment.

She walked past us, making me and Michelle lock our stares with her as she went around the counter not once taking the book off her face. I was surprised seeing her not bump into anything. Actually it was pain in the ass trying to get myself to see the layer of her chestnut hair, since the whole kitchen zone was behind my back. Had she been to the hairdresser? I swore every time I saw her, the length of her hair got shorter and shorter. I just hoped she wouldn’t shave them completely off. Wait, I hoped? Nah, she could do whatever she wanted with herself. I couldn’t care less.

Michelle braced her arms on my thighs, hitting my belt with her finger, obviously annoyed. She was a girl I was dating for the past couple of weeks, although I knew her all my life. It was strange we got together just now. I guess that bottle of Patron did the fucking trick.

"You can take the book off… we’re not doing anything that doesn’t count as decent," I shouted, watching her over my shoulder. She waved me off.

"Your whole being is not decent." Was that actually music I heard coming out her room? Well I’ll be damned. She was actually a closet fan of my band not really knowing I was in the band. To think about it, what did we both knew about each other? I knew she was called Elle and she knew I was Duke and now I had found out she was a fan of mine. Ours. She was fan of Carnival of Rust. Or not. I liked to think she actually liked the songs instead of playing them just to wipe out our make out session.

"Duke…" Michelle sighed, I shushed her. Elle turned around with the whole pack of sliced cheese in her mouth and a bottle of water in her hand. Michelle was already sitting beside me when Elle crossed the room, taking the cheese package between her index and middle fingers. She was walking and reading at the same time. And she wasn’t wearing any pants, just a long tank top that was showing off the most of her buttocks. She opened the door and disappeared in the room.

"Duke." Michelle stood up with her arms crossed. I wrinkled my eyebrows in question.

"What?" I looked at her incredulous; she snorted grabbing her purse from the couch and headed for the door. "What the hell did I do?" She had closed the door with a loud thud. Great. This was just fucking perfect. Turn me on and then just leave me. Fine, who needs you anyway? Give me the bluest ball syndrome, let’s see if I care! I kicked the coffee table, shaking everything that laid on it.

As soon as she had walked outside the door, a knock was heard. If she thought she could walk out on me and then return, she had a huge another thing coming. I stood up from the couch. I opened the ugly used to be white front door and felt relieved, no Michelle. Instead a guy with a package in his arm was standing in front of me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat in his face.

"Uhmm…A delivery…" He raised his eyebrow arrogantly, before he looked down in the sheet, "for Miss Morrison?"

I squinted my eyes on the guy. Don’t you fucking piss me off even more, pal.

"Is…" He checked the sheet again, "Miss Morrison home?"

The guy was coming here every week, for as long as I lived here, with the same size and shape box and still he couldn’t remember what’s her last name? How dumb can you actually get?

 As soon as I was going to shout her name, she jumped in front of me, drawing her hand across my back, getting me off guard with the gentle touch, "That’s me," I watched her tuck a stray of her brown hair behind her ear while the delivery guy showed her what and where to sign. Like she already didn’t know the drill. She bit her lower lip. I had noticed she did it when people made her angry. He had pissed her off, but what had he done? I looked at the guy, he was standing, pressing against the unattractive door frame and smiling insanely towards her. Now this was about to get interesting.

"I’ll give you the box if you agree to get some coffee with me," He was flirting, fucking flirting in front of my eyes. How could he possibly know that I wasn’t the overprotective douche of a boyfriend?

"I don’t drink coffee," I leaned against the wall, now where’s my popcorn, ‘cause this IS getting interesting.

"Then evening at… Chipotle perhaps?" Chipotle? Really? Fucking Chipotle. I folded my arms, looking over the tattoos I had, eagerly waiting for the grand finally. I mean this already was grand, but you can’t blame me if I say I wanted something more amusing. Come on chump, say something excessively stupid so she could punch you square in the face... Please, for my entertainment.

"Ew… Junk food. No." So that was the reason behind loads of veggies and dairy products in the fridge? It took me long enough to figure. Only almost half a year.

"There’s really no way I could get you to go out with me?" Now he was using the seductive look through his eyebrows. Pathetic.

"No," Her voice got cold and she just jerked the box out of his slimy little fingers, which actually were long and slender, but I preferred saying he had slimy and little. Made me feel more comfortable. She kicked the door shut. "A fucking second longer and I would’ve killed him."

"Wow…" I was taken aback, "You’re cursing… the dude must’ve really gotten to you,"

She shot me a death glare, making me raise my hands in defense. "Chill… Remember I’m not the enemy, the deliveryman is," I smirked, receiving a very doubtful look.

"Since when you’re all fuzzy and loveable?" Her grey eyes pierced in mine. So she thought I was loveable? Another satisfied customer. But what the hell could I answer to her? I didn’t know why I was like this. And remembering Michelle ditching me and being pissed just minutes ago… Yeah, what happened? Or was she talking in general?

She put the box on her shoulder, making me notice she wasn’t wearing a bra. She noticed my stare and spun around, snorting.

"Look, I’m sorry…" I walked closer and put my arm on her … muscular shoulder? She was fucking… ripped. So she was a gym junkey? "I know I’m being a slob and all, but we have to live together and I don’t want to fight you." Her eyes noticed my arm, I could’ve swore her stare burned me. I let out a sigh, letting go of her shoulder.

"You would lose either way," She stayed like that for a moment- me facing her back, her head turned slightly, but not enough to see me. I noticed she was quite athletic, wearing boxers and… smirking.

"You wanna bet?"

"No. It’s not interesting betting on something I know I would win," The corner of her full lips raised in a smile as she turned her head so she could see me. Had she looked in the mirror lately? I was two times her. I could’ve easily killed her.

"Little too high and mighty aren’t we?" She laughed. Laughed. This was the first time I heard her laugh. She could go through the most hilarious jokes with a blank face and now she was laughing? "Come on, give me your best shot,"

"No crying over a broken nose?" I shrugged my shoulders, raising my fists in a defense although I had no intentions of dodging her hit. "Everything’s allowed?" The box had been put beside her bare feet and she turned around. She was short, there was no way she could even get to my face to break my nose. Let’s be real. The best damage she could do was maybe, maybe a bruise on my arm.

"C’mon, show me what you got…" I was jumping in place, getting ready for that mighty right hook of hers, but sadly she had something different planned for me. She had kicked my leg, at the exact place where my knee was, making me lose the balance and fall on my knees. She surprised me. "Okay, you got lucky…" I stood back up, though the knees did feel a bit soar. "Don’t hold back, babe."

The playful smile disappeared from her face. "Babe?" When I realized what I just saw in her eyes – was already too late.

 She tried to hit me in the face, but her fist flew an inch from it, no, she did not miss, she hit the bullseye. Her elbow had hit my temple with so much power I couldn’t even describe in words. Everything started to blacken out. The last thing I know was a thud when I landed on the hard-wood floor, right in front of her feet and her hissing, "Never call me ‘babe’."