Monica: A Tragic Romance by Jocko - HTML preview

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The following day, Monica did return to the park and had hoped to meet with Jack again, but she didn't see him in the area.

"He probably just wanted to see how a girl thinks who tries to bump herself off," she thought. "What could he possibly see in someone like me? I'll bet he now has something to tell his friends about the nut who jumped into the river. Men, they are all alike. All of them pry into a woman's life for their own advantage and nothing else. Well, I don't care if I ever see that bum again, and if he tries to speak to me again, I will ignore him."

She glanced around the walkway in the park and down the side of the river, before deciding to return to work.

On Monday afternoon of the following week, Monica went to the park once more but instead of going to the Monongahela, she went to the Allegheny side of the park. She was sitting on the stone walk watching the cruise ship move slowly along, churning the water as it moved by her view.

"Monica?" she heard a familiar voice behind her.

Turning her head to the rear, she saw to whom the voice belonged...Jack. She ignored his call. "Monica?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

He meandered to the front of her and blocked her view.

"Would you kindly remove your body from in front of my face, please?"

"Not until you say hello to me," he said.

"Ha!" she grimaced.

"What did I do to you, Monica? Are you not speaking to me because I didn't show up down here last week?" She turned her head away from him and looked at the cars passing along the highway.

"Don't be so stubborn," he scolded.

"I am not being stubborn," she screamed. "Then why are you acting the way you are?"

"Because I do not care if I speak with you ever again."

"I am not leaving here until you agree to have dinner with me tomorrow night."

"Why should I have dinner with you?"

"Because you enjoy talking with me, that is why."

"Wrong, I didn't enjoy speaking with you last week."

"Then, why are you so mad at me this week if I didn't leave you with a favorable impression?"

"I didn't say I was mad at you, just that I didn't want to talk to you."

"Monica, I am not going until you give me your word about dinner."

"I will call a policeman if you don't go."

"You want me to help you?"

"No, just leave."

"I see one over there coming this way, Monica, would you like me to tell him that you are a young lady having trouble with a fine gentleman like myself?"

"Okay, Jack, you win."

"What time do you want me to pick you up, Monica?"

"What if I meet you after work in front of the building where I am employed."

"I will see you then, Monica, about a quarter to five."


"See you tomorrow," he said, smiling at her.

Jack walked to the right and headed in the direction of the Hilton Hotel. He turned to see if she was watching and he waved.

Monica didn't believe that he really wanted to take her out for dinner the next evening and when she finally finished work the following day, she went home with Rose.

Jack came to the front of the building where she worked and searched the sidewalk for her. He traveled around the block several times in his auto passing the location where he was to pick her up, but no Monica appeared. The time on his watch was five o'clock. Jack pulled his car down into the driveway leading into the building garage and went inside the structure to find out what had happened. He was able to speak with the receptionist and found out Monica left for the day and probably had gone home. She gave him Monica's address.

After getting his automobile back into traffic, Jack drove to the apartments where Monica resided. He eased into a parking spot fifty feet from the building where she lived. The traffic was heavy on the street and he waited for several minutes before he was able to cross. He ran up the concrete stairs and pushed the glass doors open to the entrance. Standing inside the portal his eyes searched the black on white register for Monica's name.

"Ah, there she is."

Jack lifted the gadget off the wall and pressed the buzzer for Monica's apartment number. Several seconds later, Rose answered the intercom.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Jack Tyler."

"I don't believe we know you."

"Maybe you don't, but Monica does. Is she there?"

"Yes, just a minute."

He could hear Rose yelling for Monica. "Jack, this is Monica."

"Where did you go?" Don't you remember the date we had for this evening?"

"I really didn't believe you were serious."

"Well, do you believe it now?"

"Yes, Jack, I will hit the buzzer and you can pass through the door ahead of you and come up to the apartment."

"Okay, Monica, hit it."

Jack pushed on the crimson entrance with the three by eight viewing window. He walked into the hallway and was on his way to Monica's dwelling.

He approached the door with the correct number and hesitated before knocking.

"Maybe I should turn around and go home," he thought. "That would teacher her a lesson about other people's feelings." Shrugging off the idea, he bunched his fingers together on his right hand and rapped the door.

The entrance swung open.

"Hello, Jack, I am Rose, Monica's roommate."

"Nice to meet you," he responded.

"Come in and have a seat," she said.

"Monica is in the bathroom fixing her hair, Jack. She should be through in a few minutes." Rose plopped her body into the golden chair across from the couch where Jack was seated.

"Since I have to keep you entertained until your date shows, may I ask you some questions," said Rose, pushing her back into the chair's cushion.

"Why not," agreed Jack.

"Do you work with Monica?"


"Well, then, if I am going to be nosey I guess I must ask the most obvious question. How did you two meet?"

"In the park."

Rose's head shifted back. Her expression changed to blank. "I...I didn't know Monica visited the park anymore."

"You mean after she tried to swim in the river?"

"Then you know about her accident?"

"Yes, Rose, I was there whenever it happened."

"Where were you?" asked Monica, entering the room.

"Oh, Rose and I were talking about a motorcycle accident that I witnessed the other day. Are you ready to go?"

"I hope so," smiled Monica. "Where are you parked?"

"On the opposite side of the street."

"Do you want to pull up by the entrance so I will not have to cross the street?"

"Sure, Monica."

Jack opened the door for Monica.

"See you later, Rose," she said, her face glowing with happiness. "Nice to meet you, Rose," said Jack, as he reached for the doorknob. "You too," replied Rose. "Have a good time."

"What kind of food do you like eating, Monica?" asked Jack upon sliding into the driver's seat of his late model Buick. "Since you invited me out, and I presume that you are buying, why don't you pick out the restaurant?"

"Heck, I wouldn't let you buy, Monica. No problem there." He laughed. "Would you like to take a crack at a steak?"

"That sounds good."

"Good, then we will go over to Poli's, if that is okay with you?" Jack turned the key in the ignition and the motor responded. "Poli's is fine."

"Have you ever eaten there?"

"No, Jack, but I understand they do have very good food."

"Every time I have eaten there, the food has been good and tasty, Monica, and I don't see why tonight should be any exception. How long have you and Rose been sharing the apartment together?" asked Jack as they proceeded on their way.

"A few years. We were roommates even before my accident. She has stuck with me through everything and has always tried to help me in every way she could. I couldn't ask for a person to be a better friend than she has been, especially over the past year. To say the least, my experience has been rather traumatic and to feel the way I do sometimes, requires an involvement in my way of life."

"Then, she must be very understanding?"

"Without a doubt, but we will be severing our relationship as roommates in about three weeks."

"Can I ask why?"


Jack waited for Monica to continue.

She watched the cars coming on the other side of the road.

"Are you going to keep me in suspense?" he said wiping his brow with his right hand. "Oh, I am sorry, I was just waiting for you to ask why?"

She turned and smiled.

He opened his mouth and puffed a little air.

"I didn't know I had to ask you a question so pointedly."

"I am waiting for the big "q", Jack."

Monica laughed.

"You would have me believe that I am a dentist."

"Not quite, but I was willing to let you pull a little information."

"Well," he began.

"Hold it, Jack," she interrupted. "I will tell you why without further questioning. Rose is going to be married in a few weeks to a nice fellow and they are going to move into their own apartment. I don't think they want to share one with me."

"What are you going to do about securing another house guest?" he asked as he turned a corner.

"Would you believe that Rose has already found another girl to move in with me and share the expenses?"

"Now that is what I call a real friend," commented Jack.

"I told you she was a good buddy, didn't I?"

"Yep, you sure did, here we are, Monica. I will pull over to the curb and let you get out and then I will go and park the car in the lot."

"Sounds good to me, Jack."

Jack pushed on the brakes to avoid hitting another car in front of him, which had stopped near his intended departure area. Two elderly ladies stepped from the auto and waved to the person remaining inside, after they had pulled the doors closed. The horn tooted and the vehicle pulled away.

Pushing on the gas a light foot, Jack guided his Buick to the edge of the curb. He turned on his dual turn signal and glanced into his sport mirror before opening his door.

Monica had hers open by the time Jack reached the other side. "You certainly are wasting no time in getting out, are you?"

"No, since you invited me to a steak dinner, I figure that I should move as fast as possible before you change your mind and take me for a hamburger."

"Did I hear you say you would like to have a hamburger and fries instead of a steak?"

"No, you heard no such type of data coming from my lips."

"Data. What is data?"

"That is some of the lingo of the date processing world. It means the same thing as information."

"Do you want some help getting out of your seat?"

"Yes, you hold the door open while I pull out the contraption in which I ride and then I will get myself ready for the transfer."

"Okay, Monica that is the way we shall allow it to happen."

Monica managed to place herself into the wheelchair with a little help from Jack. "You go and find a parking place now, and I will wait for you right here."

"Right," he said, slamming the door on the passenger's side. "I will be back in two flashes, maybe even three." She waved as he drove away.

About five minutes passed before Jack returned.

"Had a problem finding a space in the lot over there," he said, pointing across the street to a corner parking garage. "But I finally succeeded in moving into a spot on the main drag down the street a few hundred feet. Are you ready to go in?"

"You bet, I can't wait to taste the meat and potatoes.". "Potatoes," he said, "I only offered to buy you a steak."

"Would you want me to starve?" she asked. "A steak alone will not cure my hunger pangs."

"Now you have hunger pangs?"

"Yes, can we go into the restaurant before you change your mind?"

"Sure," answered Jack.

He opened the glass doors for her to enter and once inside the lobby, they were able to view the patrons already eating. "Doesn't seem like we will have any trouble getting seated and being served," said Jack.

A woman of middle age came over to greet them as they approached the dining room.

"Two?" she asked. "Yes," replied Jack.

"We have a nice table over here, if you would care to be seated there?" she offered. "This will be fine," said Jack. "Wait a minute, would the table suit you, Monica?"


"Fine," said the hostess and she led them over. After they were seated, she handed them each a menu. "The waitress will be with you shortly."

Two hours later, Jack and Monica had finished their meal and were ready to leave. They had discussed everything they could think of and dug into each other's background.

Jack ran down to get his car and came back to the same block where he had left Monica off earlier. He helped her into the vehicle and they started for her apartment.

Twenty minutes later, they were sitting in front of the building.

"I had a wonderful time with you tonight, Jack," said Monica staring at him. "You're not saying that just because I bought you dinner, are you, Monica?"

"No," she smiled. "You are a very nice person and you didn't seem to be bothered with other people staring at us or being with me."

"Why would I worry about other people's thoughts concerning who I am with at the time? I like you and I hope we can see more of each other in the near future."

"I would like to see you, too."

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for the evening," she said.

"You are quite welcome, Monica, but it is you I should thank for having dinner with me. Would you like to go to a movie on the weekend?"

"Yes, I'd love to."

"I will call you and let you know the time I will pick you up, then. Now I guess you want to get back to your apartment?"

"You are going to help me get there?"


During the weeks that followed, Monica and Jack dated often and were finding each other good company.

Whenever Rose and Bob were married, they attended the wedding together and Rose managed to toss the bouquet to Monica. Jack mentioned to her that she was next on the marriage list for catching the bunch of flowers, to which she shook her head.