Monica: A Tragic Romance by Jocko - HTML preview

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Two weeks later Jack and Monica were married and after the wedding reception, drove to their honeymoon destination.

Jack had left the room at the resort to buy some magazines for the two of them to read. When he returned, he didn't see Monica. "Monica, where are you?"

"In the bathroom, I'll be out in one minute?"

He threw the publication on the brown traditional dresser and sat down on the bed. "Ta-da!" announced Monica as she exited from the purveyor of human waste room. Jack turned to face her.

She wore a rose in her hair, which was trussed into a wispy knot at the top of her head. Her black negligee enhanced her rarely seen natural beauty.

"What's the matter? Don't you like my new dress?"

"You're gorgeous, Monica," he uttered, rushing over to lift her from her seat.

He carried her over to the bed and laid her gently down. His tender kisses quickly grew passionate and wanting. His hungry lips searched out her firm breasts, sucking her nipples lovingly.

"Oh, Jack, I love you so," she whispered.

Again his mouth met hers as they clung together for what seemed like an eternity. She grabbed the buttons on his shirt, fumbling in her haste to remove it.

"Wait a minute," he said, "I'll give you a hand."

In no time at he was stripped down to his shorts. He crawled into bed and mounted her.

They made love. Monica was a virgin no longer, she had held her prize for her husband, not regretting her decision for a moment.

The physical feeling and sensations she experienced when kissing Jack and his fondling of her breasts passionately excited her, but she had no feeling in the lower part of her body.

The emotions were there, but the lack of expression that could be exhibited by her lower extremities, wasn't. How would Jack feel about her now that he had taken her and found out she wasn't a fantastic partner?

"I love you, Monica," he said, rolling from her body. She reached for his hair and ran her fingers through it. "Forever and ever?"

"For always," he whispered, pulling her over near him.

Several months passed and Monica was experiencing pain near the top of her abdomen and was having bouts of nausea.

"Why don't you go and see a doctor today?" asked Jack after coming out of the bathroom, a face full of shaving cream. "I guess I will have to make an appointment today and find out about this sick feeling," she agreed.

"Let me know when you get it, honey, and I will go with you."

"Okay, Jack, but for right now, I guess we had better be on our way to work. That is after you scrub that whipped cream off you face."

Monica was able to make an appointment for the next day at one o'clock in the afternoon and Jack picked her up in front of her building at twelve so they could drive to her doctor in Monroeville.

When they entered the doctor's reception room, the attractive nurse informed them that the doctor would see Monica shortly. He was being detained by another patient.

Five minutes later, the doctor entered.

"And how are you today, young lady?" he asked upon entering the room.

"I feel okay, except these on and off again periods of nausea I have been having."

"Okay, let me look you over and we'll find out what the problem is, if there is a problem."

He checked her thoroughly and when he was done, he said, "There seems to be one problem with your body and although I am not exactly sure, I believe you are pregnant."

"Pregnant!" she exclaimed. "That's wonderful!"

"I will have another doctor take a look at the data I have on you, Monica, but I am pretty sure another doctor will come to the same conclusion. What do you say I give you a call tomorrow and tell you the conclusion we have reached."

"That will be fine, doctor."

"You realize the baby will have to be taken from your body whenever it is ready, of course, but nevertheless, there is no reason why you can't have a successful birth."

"Thank you, doctor, I hope my husband will be as happy as I am."

"Do you want me to tell him, Monica?"

"No, thanks, this one's mine."

He opened the door for her.

"See you later, Monica. Good-bye."

Jack was leafing through a magazine whenever Monica came to the reception room and he didn't see her approach. "You ready to go, Jack?"

"Oh, Monica. What did the doctor have to say?"

"I'll tell you on our way to the car," she winked at the receptionist. Jack placed the magazine back onto the rack and stood up to open the glass doors for them to leave.

When they were in the hallway, Jack asked once again, "What did he tell you was wrong?"

"Oh, not too much, Honey, except that I have an illness caused by pregnancy."

"You are, we are ... going to have a baby? Don't bounce yourself on the wheelchair, Monica!"

"Jack, you nut, the baby still has a long way to go and you will see, everything will be alright." Jack bent over to kiss her.

"Soon there will be three of us," he said, laughing, "Soon there will be three of us."


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