My Bodyguard by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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I feel like a child in a pair of brand new shoes as we make our way inside the supermarket. I haven't stopped grinning like a fool ever since Red slid the sneakers on my feet. Really, I'm having a break from my normality.

I do love shoes. Well, maybe it's because of my job and all, plus having a husband with kinky for long legs in high heels. I wear them most of the times than any other type of shoes. But Red is right; I should free my legs.

Naturally, my eyes find my bodyguard’s, and his stunned eyebrow makes me chuckle.  He's been less uptight after our little tête-a-tête outside the car earlier. No more awkwardness and I think it's much better this way.

"Do you need help?" Red asks when we finally walk in, his face casual and relaxed.

"Yes. Hold the cart for me please," I say and he nods.

Probably this is the largest supermarket in the town. I find everything I need for the kitchen and bathrooms. I fill the cart with all essentials, a small reminder of my previous life before marrying Patrick.

I miss New Orleans. I miss shopping with my mom in the local market. I miss listening to her mundane gossip, too, about some people we know and the high society ladies going to her salon. Oh, I have to call her later.

"Beef or chicken?" I ask Red while holding the package of each in the air. He looks startled. "Come on! Which one do you like?" I stare expectantly at him.

"I like both," he answers bluntly.

I put both inside the cart, followed by packets of pasta.  "Parmesan cheese, spring onions, tomatoes, garlic ..." I mumble the list to myself to see if there's anything I’m forgetting.

"Why are you putting this aside?" Red inquires about the broccoli I just casted away in the vegetable section.

"Um . . . I don't like it?" I shrug. It's the truth.

As though he wants to roll his eyes, Red takes the fresh bundle of broccoli and put it inside the cart. I frown incredulously at it, and he flashes me a smile that can shift the mountain.

"It's good for health," he mutters and walks past me while wheeling the cart with so much ease.

"Huh?" I huff at his audacity. "Okay, sir, two can play this game." I blurt, and even though I can't see his face, I'm sure he's smiling.

Now, what do we do with you, Red? I start scratching my brain. Oh, I get it! I know he hates carrots; he'd always put them aside when he eats something with carrots. I grin my evil, sly grin.

"More carrots?" Red laments when I add more in the cart.

"Oh, yes. They're so good for health." My tone is sarcastic, my eyes on his baffled ones. "For your skin, and for your eyesight, too." I wink and walk away towards the other side.

Tit for tat, my love! I smile widely, and he shakes his head.

The cart is almost full as we head to the payment counter. I'm about to open my wallet when I see Red handing his own card to the lady. I'll have to refund all the expenses through his salary.

It's around three in the afternoon. Red puts all the shopping bags inside the car trunk before we both clamber in. I sit at the front this time, and my bodyguard is no longer surprised.

"Home?" he asks coolly, trying to see if there's anything else I need before we go.

"Um . . . yeah." I touch the player and soft music fills the air.

An easy silence follows as the car moves. I’m unsure if saying I’m happy is the right expression, but I am feeling happy right now. A few people walk by, nice green scenery— my smile brightens until I suddenly I think of Bill and his newborn.

Patrick doesn’t want kids and that's why we don't have any up to now. He's got two sons of his own and he says he doesn't need more brats to drive him crazier. It's been fine by me, because my career has been pretty important than that. We both agreed it was okay.

But why do I suddenly feel like it's not okay? Career? What if I lose it— if I haven't lost it yet? What is it that I have aside from a nice place to live with all the luxury I could possibly dream of?  What else is there in my life? I’m wearied at the thought.

"Everything okay?" Red narrows his eyes at me.

"Um, yeah." I take a deep breath, collecting my inner momentum. "Do you have a child, Red?" I gaze up at him.

"Huh?" He's totally surprised by this strange question. Jeez! "No, I don't,” he answers.

"Oh, okay." I sigh. "It's a baby boy, right? Bill's child."

"Yes," Red replies.

"Nice. I wonder what I should buy for him. Maybe I can make some clothes? I've always wanted to design baby's clothes." I smile softly, and Red returns in similar fashion, his eyes glowing fondly.

Red is probably watching me as I unpack the groceries while moving here and there around the kitchen. It's weird that we're all alone in the house, yet I feel totally comfortable as if it’s something ordinary.

"I'll take care of this; you can go ahead and freshen up, or rest," I say. My back is facing him as he's standing behind me leaning against the wooden cabinet.

He doesn't respond.

"Red?" I call softly while removing the vegetables from the bag, laying them on the countertop. He's still silent. "Red!" I whirl around to face him, scowling.

He's still here, standing right where he's been standing this whole time, staring at me. I gulp at the intensity of his gaze, his ember eyes blazing like a sea of volcano, surreptitiously drinking me in with unspoken words.

What's going on? I still.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I whisper slowly.

"What do you think?" Red replies, his voice hoarse and ardent.

Desire pools inside me as I discern the sultry darkness in his eyes. My breath hitches and the effect drops down between my legs. He wants me— I can feel it, I can see it, and in a blink I'm feeling the same way.

"Red . . ." His name slides in my tongue at the same time he catapults toward me and takes my mouth in his. Woah!

It's stout, sudden, his demeanor impatient as he squeezes his tongue deep through my lips, holding my body tightly. Pushing me backward, I collide with the kitchen counter when he moves with me, and I easily yield.

Oh God! He doesn't talk, he doesn't wait, he simply kisses my lips, harder, tenaciously, and I kiss him back with everything I got. He tastes heavenly, his kiss needy and wanting, filled with utter carnal . . . deep desire over me.

This man will be the end of me. I can feel the tempest coming my way so long as he's not far from me. I tip my head back, panting, and Red's hungry mouth is on my throat, heading south, perilously, caressing my breasts.

"Oh Red," I hardly breathe as his hand summons my dress about my waist so he's inside me. He caresses my thigh, gently, then roughly, and I moan, pleasured. Holy fuck!

He pauses. Looking me in the eyes, finally, he starts running his thumb on my trembling lower lip, and I lean into his hand with my eyes shut, relishing the feel of his fervency. God, I love this.

"You're the one driving me nuts, Mia," Red whispers, and his lips slam back into mine before I even open my eyes. He lifts me with ease and instantly I'm seated on the cabinet.

Oh Jesus! I can't even think straight. I need him.

My thighs curl around his waist. He's delicious. I'm reeling the strength of his hold around me, the relentlessness of his whole body that puts mine under captive. His finger slides inside my pantie, yanking it aside, and gently he tests my arousal.

"Oh you're so wet, Mia." He glides me softly.

Of course I am. I'm not sure for how long I've been but as he unzips his jeans and frees his erection I feel so ready to have him. I lean backward on my palms, watching him with pure, unrestrained anticipation. He stands levelly, holding his hard, pulsating cock, and gently uses its tip to tease my sex.

Oh fuck! I shiver instantly at the feeling it entices. He’s playing with my arousal, gliding the entrance of vagina, as if he is going in, but then he moves out. He repeats the tease, turning my libido wide awake.

“Red, please,” I plead . . . begging him to fuck me.

But instead he kisses me, and I keep begging for more. And suddenly he slams his cock inside me.  Ah! I hug him tighter. He pushes gently until he fills me, panting soundly.

“Oh!” He halts, as though savoring the taste of me, and then he fists into my hair as he proceeds.

"Oh God," I murmur, gaping at the pace of his moves. He eases his length out, slowly, looking at me, and then back in, slowly, so I feel his every inch.

Fuck, it feels so good! I feel the tears in my eyes when Red kisses me all-over again, as if his life depends on us, thrusting on and off, slowly without haste. I love it. God, I love it.

"Oh, Mia. Fuck, you're beautiful!" Red roars between my lips, rotating his hips as he takes me gently.

"Ah!" I hug him more, my fingers dug into his curls, my emotions overwhelming. He's making love to me— it's how I feel.

Red holds my thighs and pulls me onto him, and I feel him deeper inside me as he does. Arghh! I cry loudly, the pleasure is immense. I shut my eyes as he keeps rocking, my thighs in his arms and my mouth in his mouth

It's a sweet, delicious intoxication. It's just him and me, nothing else exists. My body convulses slowly, and I'm surprised. No big foul play, yet I easily come when Red takes me. This is weird. What is he?

"Oh Red!" I shout his name, and he doesn't stop.

"Are you on pill, Mia?" Red demands, catching up his speed.

I'm always on pill.

"Yes," I answer, and he groans loudly as he comes inside me.

"Arghh!" He stills, his body rigid. "Fuck!" He squeezes himself once again, and I feel his warm release pouring out once again.

Holy shit! Why do I love it?

Red hugs me tenderly as we both take a breath. I'm sweating, but he isn't. I feel his erratic breath, his capricious heartbeat, and it's a very beautiful tune. He kisses my shoulder, and I lay my head on his.