My Bodyguard by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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He feels big inside my mouth but I don't mind. Eating more than you can swallow? That nosy woman in my head chuckles at my grand efforts to keep Red's face into this Oh-fuck look he's currently wearing while fisting into my already messed up hair.

Up and down, fast, I suck Red's cock to my best ability. He groans loudly, and my mischief stays intact— from the tip to the base, until I feel him deep to my throat. Damn! He grumbles louder, tipping his head back while holding my head tightly onto him. I still, pleasing him.

"Ugh, Mia!" Red clams his eyes tightly, relishing the feel, and then he frees my head.

"Ah!" I pull out to catch my breath. Holy hell— Man, he's so big, and quite delicious. I chuckle while stroking him swiftly, my profaned eyes on his intoxicated ones.

He's awed and I'm all . . . Yes!

"Mia." Red pants heavily, a grin splattered on his face that's filled with strong carnal. "I wanna kiss you." He hauls me toward him and our mouths crash instantaneously.

I'm lying on top of him, his arms wrapped around my back and waist, kissing each other deeper with passion. I don't want this moment to end; it's too precious to just disappear like any other. I'm too emotional as I hug him tighter, his lips worshipping my skin sensually.

"You drive me crazy, I swear. What do I do with you?" Red mutters as he gazes at me in the eyes, his breath as heavy as mine.

"I don't know. Make love to me, Red," I murmur, begging with my wet eyes. "I want to feel you near me. Please." I palm his face, ruffling his hair in my intense caress.

"Oh, Mia," Red breathes and swiftly he shifts me down so he's on top of me. His eyes don't abandon my gaze as he slowly holds the waistband of my underwear and slides it down to my thighs.

I'm filled with strong anticipation, my chest rising and falling with myriad emotions. I think I love him. Now I'm sure I do because if not then I don't know what this is. This is too powerful and I can't handle it alone— I need him. I want him to show me what this is.

Throwing my pantie aside, Red leans over and kisses my lower abdomen. I flex, my body aroused by his wet tongue. He trails his lips up to my breasts, kissing and biting my nipples, and then down to my stomach, softly and gently, until he reaches on my vagina wall. Fuck! My tummy tightens.

"Ah," I murmur, holding the sheets tight.

"I was dying to taste you, Mia." Red holds my thighs heftily and sprawls my lags apart. I'm exposed, naked, totally at his mercy. "God, you're beautiful." He rasps, and I'm too indulged to even peek at his risque advancements.

"Oh . . . Red!" My eyes are shut . . . my other senses wide awake, taking in his every move. I love everything he does to me. We're a perfect synergy.

Red lips touch my inner thighs. I moan sharply. And then his tongue slides inside my sex, tugging and licking my clitoris— the sweetest tease. Argh! It's ethereal. I cry loudly, swaying my hips to thrust onto his unrelenting tongue.

"Mia!" Red hisses as he holds my legs still so that I don't hover. "Don't move, baby," he adds and instantly he's back inside me, his mouth exploring my arousal.

Fuck— baby? Why's this name so hot coming from him? And how the fuck do I stay put if I'm being assaulted this beautifully? Hell no, I can't stay still because I'm on fire. I want him right this instant or else I'm going to explode in his mouth and squirt like a professional whore.

"Fuck me, Red," I beg, my stomach filled with an intense current that threatens to rise and crash my body into several pieces of pleasure. "Please." I don't wanna come— not without feeling his erection buried deeply inside my sex.

"Greedy little thing." Red chuckles and takes a breath. I flush, my face as red as tomato from the overwhelming needs. "As you wish, Mia," he acquiesces while tugging himself levelly with my lower body.

Smoothly, Red inserts his cock inside my sex.  I bawl quietly at the feel. It's heavenly, tight and full, and much more when he thrusts me unhurriedly. Oh God! I hug his neck, devouring each blow that comes as lightly as the rainfall outside, his lips incessantly on mine.

“Oh,” I moan; he pleasure is immense.

The thrill of exhilaration overpowers my body and mind as I'm slowly beginning to tremble, crying nonstop as Red catches his torturous speed, in and out, over and over again, expertly— fuck! Hitting my orgasm, my body shakes uncontrollably; following Red’s as he stills rigidly, groaning loudly.

What the fuck is this? I’m deeply astounded.

Red collapses on my chest, his head on my breasts. I hug his large frame with pleasure, rubbing his hard back. We're both beat and spent, but it feels heavenly. If this is a dream then the morning shouldn't come. I don't want to wake up anytime soon.

"Just a few minutes, Mia. I want to sleep," Red mutters groggily, and I realize he hasn't rested as I did.

"Okay." I pull the duvet and Red fixes it on us using his one hand.

Back into hugging me, he kisses my shoulder and shuts his eyes. Poor guy—he's very tired. We stay silent: he's lost into oblivion, and I’m lost watching him. The rain regales my ears as I hold onto his soft breath, my fingers ruffling his hair smoothly. He's indeed sleeping.

A few minutes pass as I invest my mind onto my immediate future that makes me queasy. Tomorrow I'm going back to Portland and my fairytale will come to an end— the thought blight my day. Lowering my gaze at my sleeping prince, I begin feeling nostalgic already.

"Mia," Red calls drowsily without moving a muscle.

"Hmm?" I respond, derailing the train of unpalatable thoughts.

"Will you have pasta for dinner? I wanna cook for you," he asks softly.

Oh my! I smile widely.

"Yes, pasta will do much better," I reply, excited already.

Red lifts his head to face me with a feeble smile. "Okay. A few minutes more and I'll be up." He lies back on my chest.

I giggle. "It's only three, Red, sleep a little more. No need to hurry; I'm not that hungry," I utter truthfully.

"Wake me up after half an hour. I love your warmth, Mia," he blurts and once again he's off buried onto my chest. Wow!

"One hour," I interject with a small chuckle. "I'll wake you after an hour." He rises again and gives me a savory smile.

I jolt awake at the feel of emptiness over my body. Red is up already and my eyes freak in wonder until I see him getting dressed. He beams at me and I lie back lazily with a big smile of relief. I can’t believe we slept unmoving for three hours. Goodness gracious! It’s almost six as I check the time on Red’s mobile.

“Are you feeling good?” he asks while pulling up the sweatpants.

“Better.” My voice is husky and joyous.

We are now in the kitchen.  Red is checking the boiling pasta and I'm seated on the barstool, busy gritting the parmesan cheese with my eyes ever-stuck on him. What a life! I feel in heaven, my blissful bubble floating on the ninth cloud high above with cupids shooting their tiny arrows.

It's already dark outside, no more rain. Through the window I can feel the evening wilderness, some screeching noises from the trees and rustling evening wind churning the wet leaves. I think I could stay in this cabin forever if Red is right here with me. I smile indulgently to myself.

"You're seriously putting that?" I purse my lips when Red chops the broccoli on the chopping board.

He grins boyishly. "It's good for health, Mia," he repeats that same boring song that reminds me of my mom. "But don't worry; you won't even notice it when you eat with pasta— the broccoli pasta.” He winks.

"Yeah right." I roll my eyes and drop off the stool. "The cheese is ready." I head toward him and place the bowl on the counter top.

"Good." Red smiles and kisses my lips as a reward.

Holy fuck! I shouldn't get used to this . . . Should I?

"Do you need anything else?" I lean against the counter, facing Red.

"Um, yes. I need you to stay right over there because you're getting in my way," Red answers bluntly, a luscious gleam in his hot eyes. I blink. "Mia, you're such a fine distraction I've ever come across and I need to concentrate."

"Oh, am I?" I flush. He shakes his head to the sides, amused. "I'll take it as a complement." I move closer and press my lips on his neck.

His muscles tense. "See? A pure distraction," he hisses and I giggle at his grand allegations.

Back into my seat, I grab a succulent red apple and take a bite. My mood is at its sublime right now and I desire nothing but for this moment to last forever—will it, though? I mentally shrug.

Red moves here and there and sooner the air gets filled with a pleasant aroma. A man who can cook? How sexy is this! I can't stop staring fondly at him, and my heart blooms inside at the feel of his mere sight.

I suddenly remember the first time Patrick introduced him to me. He was my husband's bodyguard at the time. Frankly, I couldn't foresee myself getting head over heels with Red. He was hot, yes, but I wasn't frayed even a bit.

First, I wasn't comfortable with the idea of having him, or anyone, stalking my every move. And second, it was the time I learned of Patrick's infidelity after catching Elena riding his dick inside his office in a broad daylight.

"Red, how did you meet Patrick?" I ask him as it hits my psyche that I never understood how he came into our lives.

Patrick has his own two bodyguards and suddenly there was another one— Red. I didn't pay attention at the time but now I'm floundered with curiosity about this one.

Red looks sharply at me and a small hint of discomfort flits on his face. What now? Is this also something he doesn't want to disclose? Hell no, I'm not settling for less this time.

"Um, I remember Patrick mentioning that he owes his life to you or something?" I stare unblinkingly at Red, as he stirs the pasta swiftly in the skillet with his eyes directed toward mine.

Again it's that bleak look. I frown. It's the gleam of pure distaste in his eyes that he tries hard to mask whenever we talk about Patrick. And yes he hides it pretty well, but unfortunately I've mastered a few of his expressions by now. I can tell the tiny difference when his demeanor shifts.