My Bodyguard by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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Red's warmth spreads all over my body. We're lying in bed, my head on his chest, and his one arm wrapped around me. His tight embrace engulfs my body into a soothing cocoon of safety promises— I do feel very safe.

He doesn't utter a word, neither do I, and we've been like this for ages. I've long stopped crying, lost in the smooth, dexterous movement of his fingers running through my hair.

"I need to step out and see if all the doors are locked," Red whispers quietly. I don't respond. "Mia, please don't be mad at me. I promise I won't question anything you do about your life with him . . . even if—"

"I'm aware of all his cheating," I blurt, interrupting him without moving a muscle. My voice is very low, dispirited. "I'm also aware that it'll take a lot of efforts for me to get out of my marriage with him. I need to be prepared for it." Just the thought tires me wholly.

Red sucks in a sharp breath. "Does that mean you want to divorce him?" he asks, his voice full of stun and wonder.

Didn't he expect this?

"I thought with your smart Intelligence Quotient you'd have figured that out already," I tease, and somehow I manage to pull out of his chest.

His gaze meets mine as I slowly sit up and a smile flits on his face. He also sits up so we're facing each other directly.

"I may have a smart IQ . . . but I don't think women are creatures to be underestimated," Red purrs, making my face crunch. "What now? Another one of Mia Vera's reproachful scowls?" He shifts and sits more comfortably.

I burst into fit of giggles, all the tension within melt and gone.  Red! Why didn't I know this side of him earlier? I'm in awe.

"You seem to know a lot about women, huh? How many have you dated?" I inquire, and I fail miserably to mask the tiny bit of jealousy scorching in me.

Red smirks, dropping his feet off the bed. "Many enough to know that if I keep this topic up . . . the possibility of having you mad will be higher. Try to sleep, Mia. Goodnight." He leans over and kisses my lips before standing up.

I'm puzzled. What? Just a kiss and he's off? Goodnight? Does that mean I'm sleeping alone?

"Goodnight," I mutter. Maybe it's better I get back to reality as fast as I can. I watch Red walking through the door until he shuts it. "Oh God," I breathe while running my fingers through my hair.

Just as what my bodyguard strongly suggested, I try to sleep while hugging my pillow tight. Fuck, it's harder than I thought. I toss and turn in bed, and in the end I'm facing the ceiling, mindful.

This isn't where I want to be, realization dawns on me and it's too intense to ignore. No, even if it's for the last time . . . I want to sleep in his arms. Stoutly, I rise up, tug the duvet aside, and flounce toward the door.

It's dark downstairs, but I take no interest on that as my destination is Red's room. I knock twice but he doesn't answer, which makes me draw myself in. Again the sound of shower regards me. What a flawless timing I have!

Should I wait? Should I go? Or should I join in? I blush.

I choose the last option. Gingerly, I reach for the bathroom door and open it. My heart is beating fast with both nerve and excitement. What am I doing? This is invasion of privacy, Mia! My subconscious warns. Do I even listen?

The bathroom is furnished with grey tiles on the floor and walls. A small, wooden vanity with a round mirror stands near the entrance, and as I dash in I see the toilet beside an oval shaped bathtub. To the right there’s a shower stall, and it’s where my eyes are focused on.

Through the transparent, neat glass walls of the stall I see Red taking a shower. His wide back and spectacular rear view are what I behold first. Holy cow! My sexy bodyguard is totally naked, facing the wall. My face turns hot— super burning hot with preternatural desire.

Ruffling his hair with the body wash, the water cascading mildly on his head and down to his body, every muscle of his rippling deliciously as he moves, Red seems so lost until he turns around stoutly and sees me. He squints his eyes startled, and I gulp softly while nearing the stall.

"Mia,” Red utters as I walk into the shower stall, shutting the glass door behind me. We are standing two or three steps apart. “What are—" He pauses, staring transfixed at what I commence doing.

Smoothly, I tug the T-shirt over my head and pitch it on the floor. The only thing I hear is the sound of water hitting the tiles. My gaze doesn't leave Red's as I hold the side strings of my immaculately white underwear, shrugging my hips, no bra holding my breasts.

I step out of my pantie and make my way toward Red. His glorious chest rises up and down, panting, his eyes dark with mixed emotions— anger, frustration, and that sinful shade I choose to focus on. I can tell he was still thinking of our argument earlier, and it’s disturbing me somehow.

Red says nothing and I hold my tongue when I reach him. Without haste my hands rest on his broad shoulders, feeling the cool water raining on us both. I shudder, but mainly because I'm very much beguiled by him. We stare each other deeply in the eyes, our hearts beating as one

And then my gaze drops on his strong chest, dazzled. I lay a soft kiss on his sternum and he responds with a sharp breath, tensing in my smooth touch on his pecks. I want him to touch me back, but he doesn't. I don't give up, however. Slowly I trail my lips up to his neck, and stop about his lips.

"Forgive me for what I said earlier," I murmur, my eyes back on his. "You are not just my bodyguard, Red, and I hope you know that."

To my surprise Red smirks at me. "Apologizing in a shower, Mia? Naked? Is this a new trend?" His voice is husky and my eyebrows knit together. "What?" He suddenly seizes my waist, pulling me closer, violently yet sexily.

"You're angry," I breathe ruggedly, already turned on despite the situation.

"I am," Red admits, eyes blazing. He puffs some water falling down his face, and in a blink I'm leaning against the cold tiles, his body restraining mine. My heartbeat accelerates. "But not at you." His lips are instantly on mine, kissing me ferociously.

Woah. His mouth is demanding, hungry and relentless. I try to hold him but he holds my hands instead, pinning them above my head.

Okay, what is this rage? I mentally scoff, but physically I'm enjoying every bit of it. He's burning and I love the fire in him— anger or not.

"Red," I moan his name, tossing my head aside.

Red fiercely kisses my neck and his one knee pushes my legs apart at the same time. His erection throbs against my tummy as he reaches the apex of my thighs and rubs my sex.

Holy fuck! I'm lubricous wet and his finger slides pitiless inside me. "Ah!" I cry loudly.

In and out, fast, Red strokes me without a pause. It feels strange, but hot, having him this rough and unyielding. And suddenly he shifts me so I face the wall, the tiles cold and moist against my skin.

He doesn't talk, he only pants, heavily, and I'm ready to succumb at any length so he's fine again. Leaning over me, my body highly aroused, he eases his cock from behind and deeply he slams into my sex.

"Ahh!" I arch my back, tossing my head backward. Damn, the pleasure is indescribable.

Red thrusts me harder and faster each time, cupping my breasts with his hands, squeezing and kneading them. I moan louder and he holds his speed. Each blow proves he’s angry, but I can’t tell at what exactly.

When he comes his body rests on my back. He breathes heavily as though he's thrown a load off his shoulder, and I’m exactly the same. Wow! I stay still, letting him regain his momentum after this short and remarkable sex.

I feel him relaxing gradually, his body less rigid and tense. I know I've given him some relief through this and certainly I don't mind that I didn't get my orgasm— he matters the most than my insatiable sexual urges at this moment.

"Mia," he whispers quietly, and at last he kisses my shoulder blade with passion before pulling himself back.

”Ouch!” I whimper at the feel of his length tugging out.

"Did I hurt you?" Red’s voice is apprehensive.

Hurt me? Not even close.

"No, I'm good," I reply while turning around. "Are you okay?" I take his face into my palms, my eyes worried.

He nods feebly, a small smile on his lips. "Come, let's wash you. I need you in bed, Mia, you've had a tiring day," he says and pulls me for a shower. 

"You're washing me?" I joke, happy to have my playful Red back, even though I can't complain much about the fast and furious Red.

"Don't be childish, Mia!" he hisses, but soon he breaks into laughter when I purse my lips at him "Okay, I'm washing you." He takes the brush and soap. "Thoroughly . . . everywhere," he adds, and once again I feel that frisson thrumming through my blood.

When I wake in the morning I wish I didn't open my eyes. It's Patrick's call that snaps me, and Red is fully awake staring at the phone that’s in his hand. He gives me a mirthless glance, his eyes dark. I answer the call.

"What?" I snap into the phone, Red's eyes still on mine. "Can't I even sleep in peace now? It's six in the morning, Patrick!" I hug the covers to my chest.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up," Patrick answers calmly. "I don't want us to fight, Mia, so I'll ask you very nicely to not break our agreement. I want you to—"

"I'll go home as you want," I cut him short, annoyed. "Is that all? If yes, then I'm hanging up."

"Mia, wait!" Patrick says fast before I end the call.

"Now what?" Rolling my eyes, I sneer at him. Red stands up frustrated and begins dressing up. My heart clenches. "Do you have something else to command?"

"I got you someone who's interested with the stuff you're making. He'll be moving to Portland and he's dealing with women clothing," Patrick says, and I'm flabbergasted.

But of course with his money he can make anyone buy my non-existent 'stuff' in a whiff. I'm not enthralled at all because this is not how I want to sell my creations. Maybe he means well but I'm not convinced.

"Patrick, just let me be, huh? If he's a potential buyer as you claim, then he should go on about it like a professional." My gaze is still on Red, who's now tossing a T-shirt over his head without sparing a single glance at me.

This is heartbreaking.

"I'm trying to help you, Mia, that's all. But fine, do as you damn please! I'm done." Patrick is already pissed. "Aren't you even going to ask when I'm coming back?" he asks quietly.

That used to be the old Mia. Some months back I'd be threatening to book the next flight to wherever he is if he wasn't going to be home by tonight. How he loved the sound of it— this bastard— but he ruined everything on his own.

"No, I won't ask. It's your home so when you feel like you're missing it you can return," I retort. "I need to get ready." I hang up and throw the phone on the bedside table.

"If you're hungry I'll make breakfast before we go," Red articulates, gazing at me— finally.

"I'm not hungry," I whisper, and it's the truth. Red seems indisposed but he doesn’t argue. "We can catch something on the way. I'm going to get ready."

"Okay. I'll go check the car," Red replies, and the tension between us is once again palpable.