My Bodyguard by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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My gigantic three-story house stands before me, painted in light grey with tinted ceiling-tall French windows. Outside it lays a well mowed lawn garden, an enormous fountain rippling its water down the large fish pond, and a massive swimming pool at the far end that makes it a dream come true.

It's my demesne— I'm the queen of this castle. My eyes contemplate its details for almost two minutes. I should be elated that I'm back home, but on the contrary is what I'm feeling. I feel like I've stepped into a prison cell, the place I want to escape so badly.

"We're here," Red mutters, snapping me out of my trance.

I sigh heavily and unbuckle my seatbelt. This is it. I don't even feel like looking at Red right now, for all of my emotions may erupt and something I'm avoiding may eventually happen. I better get out of this car before I start kissing him and forget that my vacation from reality is over.

"I won't go anywhere until tomorrow," I say while getting my bag. "You are free for the rest of the day." I still can't look him in the eyes so I decide to step out.

"Mia," Red calls gently before I open the door.

"Hmm?" I manage to glance up at him. His one arm is resting on the steering as he's facing me. "What?" I urge, feeling myself like an open book at his intense scrutiny.

His sharp jaw tightens. "Nothing. Get some rest," he says with a small smile, swallowing whatever he wanted to say.

I nod and clutch the door handle at the same time. All I need is to be away from him and maybe I'll erase his memory that’s stuck to my heart like a tattoo.

Butler Lucas is at the front door when I stride over. We both smile and somehow I begin feeling at home. Dressed in his cream, four-buttoned suit, his grey hair well combed backward, I see the real French lad he truly is.

"My dear," he regards me with open arms and I draw myself straight to him. “Glad to have you back.” He rubs my back tenderly.

"Thank you." I smile widely, burying my sorrow deep within.

"What's wrong?" he asks quickly. The camouflage of emotions is something I'm good at, but I don't think if I can ever fool this old man. "I get it. Not my area of concern is it?" he adds.

"No." I chuckle, pulling back from his arms. We slowly head inside while I continue, "I think I need a very good rest and I'll be fine. You have nothing to worry about."

"And a good food will do," a female voice interrupts and it's a plump curly haired woman who comes into view, wearing a neat apron around her waist.

"Imelda?" I snap gleefully, watching Mrs. Einstein smiling fondly at me. "You're back!" I'm awed, for she is the best cook I've ever had in my house.

"Yes, Ma'am. How are you?" Imelda asks, smiling wider.

"Good," I reply, and at the same time Red walks in with his bag. My breath lurches away at the confidence he exudes— as though he isn't afraid of anyone in the world.

"Red!" Imelda regards him lovingly. She's very fond of Red, and probably the only person he's comfortable with among my staff.

"Hi, Mrs. Einstein." Red smiles gently at her, and they share a soft hug. "I'm glad you're back."

"Of course you are. Admit it, you missed my food." Imelda slaps his arm, and he keeps smiling mutely. How cute.

Our eyes meet and I twitch my lips into a tiny, mirthless smile. Now I find him so far from my reach and it kills me softly.

"Sir," he greets Butler Lucas and walks past us, heading straight to his room.

"Well, what do you want for dinner, Ma'am?" Imelda asks excitedly, her favorite question.

I think for a while and reply, "Surprise me. Just make sure it doesn't include—"

"Broccoli . . . I know." Imelda grins.

I chuckle lightly. "Yeah, no broccoli," I say. Unless it's cooked by someone special. I blush at the memory of my last dinner.

"Okay, Ma'am." She nods with a bright smile.

I make my way toward the staircase, ignoring the large wedding photo hanging on the wall where anyone who walks in this house can see. "Anything new over here?" I ask loudly, talking to butler Lucas.

"Nothing, my dear. It's all as you have left," he answers.

At each step I take towards my room I feel my heart sinking deeper. Huge million dollar paintings adorn the fancy walls to my right side, the reminder of Patrick's love for arts. I take a deep breath and ascend the stairs with so much going on in my mind.

When I walk into my room I realize my fairytale is indeed over. I smile to myself, my back leaning against the door. Standing inside this huge bedroom makes me feel like a needle in the dessert— lost and deprived, and loneliness suddenly engulfs me.

The room is ultra-modern. Milky white walls are embellished with a few small paintings and a large black and white beach portrait of myself in a bikini. Most furnishing is a serene shade of blue and tranquil white. A sofa bed stands in the middle of the room, and a set couches near the great window.

"Now what, Mia?" I breathe, pushing myself away from the door.

I drop my bag on the bed, take off my sneakers, and lie down facing the elegant crystal bulb chandelier dangling from the ceiling above. I'm mentally exhausted but I think I need to make a few calls before I decide on what to do next. I pick my bag and grab my mobile.

"Declan," I murmur into the phone, seated straight on the bed. "A meeting tomorrow. I'm back." My voice means business.

"Oh, sure. I was meaning to call you anyway," Declan Christopher, my financial advisor, replies. "I've got several banks that are willing to lend you the money.  Interest rates are favorable."

Oh? That's good news.

"Great," I breathe, now physical exhaustion screams in my bones. "Did you speak to the insurance people?" I ask, my eyes on my nails that need a little service by now.

"They're still working on it. In cases like fire, claim processing takes a while sometimes. But if it all goes well, we can recover at least half of the loss," he answers.

"I truly hope that works," I think out loud, sighing. "Email me lasts month's financial reports."

My evening begins after a long nap, followed by a warm bath. I take a stroll around the house, making sure everything is as I want them to be and luckily my employees hardly disappoint me.

My tummy growls, reminding me of the skipped lunch. I'm famished and I don't want to think of anything else other than food at this moment. However, it's impossible not to think of my bodyguard.

"Where is Red?" I ask Imelda as she serves me her inviting lemon baked salmon and asparagus.

"He went out. He didn't even stay after you both returned," she replies and I turn speechless. "Do you need him for anything? You want to go out?"

"No, I just wanted to give him some instructions for tomorrow," I lie. "Please let me know when he returns." I start eating.

"Okay, Ma'am," Imelda says. "I've got a delicious cream cake for dessert. Will you have it?"

"Of course I will. It's decided . . .  no diet this week!" I savor the tender salmon steak that I love so much.

Imelda leaves and I remain all alone in the dining room. My eating pace decreases as seconds tick, and eventually I abandon my fork and recline in my seat. The two days in the cabin flash back and I miss them so much— I miss Red even more.

I fail to enjoy my dinner as I did yesterday and the day before. But I try a bit of Imelda's cream cake— just to please her— before I retire back to my bedroom. I'm tempted to call Red to know where he is, but I don't want to sound clingy.

Unfolding my laptop, I sit comfortably on the bed and go through the new emails, including Declan’s. It takes almost two hours as I end up watching the videos of my old fashion shows and pictures of several catalogues of my past collections.

"We can do this, Mia," I mutter with a hopeful smile, my courage restored that I can still rise again like a promising sunshine after the reign of darkness.

It's ten o'clock and I can't take it anymore. Where did he go? I frown while watching the phone with Red's number on the screen. But no, I can't call him. What will I tell him? That he's out late and he shouldn't be? I huff incredulously at myself.

I slip my burgundy silky robe over its matching little night dress. Comfortable white slippers feel good as I head towards the door. Maybe a little walk outside will do, I decide. It's what I do mostly when I'm having a lot in the head and fail to sleep. 

But I stop halfway the staircase when I see Red emerging from the kitchen doorway holding a bottle of water— he's back. I gulp at his beat gorgeous sight and his eyes frost as he beholds me. I slowly finish the stairs, relishing and his intense gaze stalking my exposed legs.

"You're finally back." Sarcasm laces my voice and I'm sure as hell that I sound like a typical nagging wife. Red's lips part slightly but he doesn't respond. "Where were you?" I try to sound calm.

"Um . . . do I really have to answer that?" Red replies, his tone deep, his eyes blazing.

Maybe he had a few drinks.

"No, you don't. Forget it," I reply dryly and head towards the main door.

"Where are you going?" Red asks instantly, giving me the look of disapproval.

"Do I really have to answer that?" I reply, unable to mask the annoyance and hurt. He blinks, jaw tight. "Don't worry. I just need some fresh air." I hold the door handle.

"I had a few errands to run. And then I met Bill and we decided to grab some beers," Red says, surprising me. "He's back," he adds and I free the door handle.

"I see," I murmur, my heart freezing at this distance spreading between us.

"You shouldn't be out like that. It's cold," Red says. His hot, condescending eyes are on my body that's not decently covered if I'm being totally honest.

"I miss you." The words slip on my tongue and I'm suddenly overpowered by the need to be in his arms. "I wish we could go back to Astoria." My voice is a husky whisper and my feet refuse to stay far from him.

"Don't, Mia!" Red says sharply, stopping me from nearing him. "We can't do this." He sounds cold.

I still, my heart pounding rapidly. "What do you mean?" I ask, and I'm glad I don't sound as desperate as I truly am inside— hopefully.

Red releases a soft sigh. "The house is under surveillance," he says and I start gazing around as though I had no idea at all. "Behind you there's a camera . . . but don't look," he adds and my eyes return to him.

"Yeah," I breathe, a small relief filling my heart from the fact that he's just being cautious.

"I miss you, too," he says in a low, hoarse voice that takes my breath away. "But—"

"Red! You're back!" The same blonde I certainly despise by now appears out of the blue and interrupts us. "Oh, it's only two days but I missed you like crazy!" I can see her, but from where I'm standing she can't see me.

Just great! I sigh heavily, rolling my eyes while reaching for the door. Red’s face looks neutral, staring at her as she approaches him. As long as I'm staying in this house as Mrs. Mia Kingston, my life will be nothing but a bag of complications. Now I’m sure of it.