My Bodyguard by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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I don't remember how long has passed since I shut my eyes. The silence, the scent of wilderness, and the sharp breeze through the driver's door are what wake me from my unpleasant nap.

I'm alone in the car. My heart jumps a beat as a sudden apprehension thaws my composure. Where is Red? Why is the car not moving? And why is the door open?

I immediately unbuckle my seatbelt, my gaze wandering to the front, to the right, to the left, and as I'm freed my eyes are onto the back windshield.

"Red?" I call gently, every muscle in my body alerted. "What's going on?" I clutch the door handle and make my exit rashly.

Outside the harsh air blows my little shirtdress and a few loose strands of my hair, the green trees adorning the highway waltzing at their merriment, and I realize I'm in the middle of nowhere . . . stranded?

Red's leather jacket in on the driver's seat. I squint my eyes at the capricious sun rays piercing through the thickness of the tree brunches. It's probably four in the afternoon.

"Red?" I call out, my voice louder. "Re—" Relief feels me when my bodyguard rises from the back of the car, holding a spanner and a wrench.

His white and tight V-neck holds his brawny chest hotly, but it's unfortunately stained with grease. I fathom he was down checking the engine and I sigh my breath of respite that he’s here . . . safe and sound.

"We have a breakdown," he says coolly, looking worried.

"Flat tire?" I quiz while marching near him.

He shakes his head. "Oil leak."

"Huh?" I scowl.

Red's lips twist into a hard line, as though he's got something to say and he's debating on whether to do it or not. He then looks up at me.

"Can you fix it?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I did it already." He seems confident, yet there's something conflicting crossing his fire-like eyes. "But we better let the mechanic do a thorough checking," he says hesitantly.

"Why?" I blurt, squinting my eyes. "Is it serious? But you said you have—" Something hits the back of my hand, and a shrill of savvy makes my tummy tight.

Someone tempered with my car. It's not a mundane leak and Red is afraid of taking any chances unless he's sure the car is safe to drive. My head's filled with conception as my eyes go raw.

"I just think it's better we replace the oil seals." Red gazes at me levelly.

"Are you sure you're not hiding something?" I quiz, my voice tentative. His face is deadpan; I can't draw any conclusion from it. "Red—"

"It's just a leak, Madam. This car is a bit old so it happens," he says, cutting me off. "You've got nothing to worry about. I'll try to find the mechanic nearby and fix it before sunset." He glances at his silver Hamilton Pulsomatic smartwatch— my gift to him.

"Alright." I nod feebly. Maybe I'm being paranoid, I decide. "So, where are we going to find the mechanic if we're stuck in the middle of nowhere?" I shrug, amused.

This place is as green as a park, thick trees on both sides of the road, utterly calm. I wonder if we're still in Washington, or if we are back to Oregon. I can't tell. But I feel at ease and it’s pretty weird.

"Let's see," Red says, checking the GPS on his watch. I sigh heavily as I lean against the car, my arms crossed on my chest. "Shit, there's no signal." He scowls.

"Just great!" I giggle. "We're stranded in someplace, no connection, and we don't even know if there's a mechanic nearby." I abandon the car to embrace the sense of freedom, independence, and disconnectedness.

Why do I love this? It's been always my dream to get stuck in a place without civilization. Except . . . I had no idea it would be with my bodyguard.

Red glances at me with a creased eyebrow as he tries to finds the signal, his phone up in the air. He's surprised that I'm laughing instead of freaking out.

Can I blame him? Not really. I've lost it and I'm aware. Everything happening in my life recently has been like a planned script in a soap opera.

I wonder what can surprise me at this rate. I've caught my husband cheating, I've been chased my someone unknown, a killer possibly, and the police can't find any lead, and I'm losing my business. What a fancy life I have!

"Oh, this feels good!" I take a few steps around, looking heavenward to see if the great man upstairs still thinks of me.

At times it feels like he's abandoned me. But I know some people have it worse so I shouldn't complain too much. I cast my gaze back to my hot bodyguard . . . my guardian angel. A smile finds a way onto my lips.

"It's not far from Longview and I think people live nearby," Red articulates after a while. His eyes are on the ground as he adds, "Do you see the shoe prints?"

I follow his gaze. "Oh, yes." I nod, impressed.

Well, he isn’t my protector for nothing now, is he? I flush.

"I'll go check," he tells me.

"What? And you're leaving me here?" I snap. Hell no, I'm not staying here on my own. "I'm coming with you!" I state sternly.

Sighing softly, Red remarks, "I wasn't going to leave you on your own, Madam."

Oh? My cheeks burn, deep is the feel of complaisance in my heart. I'm flustered by his unweaving composure. He always knows how to respond.

"Good. I'm safe with you," I blurt and the intensity of my statement gets instantly reflected via the stun in his eyes.

What have I said?

"We're taking the car. A small drive won't be a problem," Red states, and whatever he says I feel inclined to oblige. It's the effect he has on me, quite unlikely.

"Sure." I slam the backdoor shut and retreats into the front passenger seat. Red looks surprised by this. "What? Must I seat in the back? I want to sit here." I wriggle my ass to sit more comfortable.

He doesn't say a word. He locks the doors and pulls on his seatbelt. I do the same and our ride continues moderately.

The scenic view helps me calm my excitement down. Am I this desperate to get away from my reality? I wish to get lost. To get lost with him.

"Um—" Red clears his throat, and off from the train of thoughts I hop. I gaze at him responsively. "Are you okay?" he asks, concern lacing his voice.

I can behold my reflection through his eyes, as though every time he breathes he takes me in. I smile softly, my heart aflutter.

"Yeah. I'll be fine in time," I answer, trying to delude myself. But I know I will. I'm my mom's daughter and she taught me to never succumb to fear.

It doesn't take long until we come across a small town. Red was right. It's old and so is its architecture, the land a bit barren. I hope we can find the mechanic and get something to eat, for I'm starving.

"I think we should stop here and try asking around," I say suggestively, and Red is busy scanning the surroundings. "Hellow!" I stroke my fingers to get his attention.

"Yes, Madam." He responds.

Before us stands a rugged, two-story building that seems to go way back to colonial era. It's a small hotel, and its lobby contains a bar . . .  or dinner? I fail to grasp. We go toward it nonetheless.

It's a small tavern, but it seems quite popular among the folks. We receive weird glances as he walk in, and I'm sure our appearances stand out more than we think.

The men inside are mostly big and strong, covered with many tattoos. Good Lord! I hope this doesn't turn out to be like the scenes in the action movies where they bully new comers in small towns.

I subtly cling onto Red's arm as I whisper, "These people are scary."

"Act normal," Red purrs.

"Hey-yo!" Some guy, long-haired with a cowboy hut, snaps at us. I hold my breath, but strangely my bodyguard doesn't totter. "New around here? Never seen ya before," he says while nearing us, a bit intimidating.

"Yeah, we're passing by. Had a breakdown. Any mechanic nearby?" Red replies confidently.

The guy puts us under intense security, a toothpick between his lips. "Your wife?" He tips his head to my direction, and the other men's eyes glisten at the proper sight of me.

I can feel many gazes on my quarter-covered thighs. Perverts! But I can tell they mean no harm.

Red seems hesitant to respond, which makes me hold his arm tightly, a big smile on my face.

"Yes, I'm his wife," I say proudly. Red's muscles tense in my hold, startled, and his face puckers as he glances at me.

Whatever, hon. I won't let these country bumpkins keep ogling me as though they're watching their favorite ice cream topping.

The guy looks suspiciously at us. Doesn't he believe me? I ponder, and Red's arm slides around my waist, clutching me possessively. Oh my! My insides unfurl, a tingling sensation lacing his strong touch.

"My wife and I were heading to Astoria but the car is giving us trouble. Can we find someone to check it thoroughly?" he asks him.

Staring at us without breaking the contact, the guys tell, "Hey, Simone! Is Josh available in his shop?" He eyes the bartender behind the counter.

"No!" Simon replies while pouring some beers a gigantic glass. "He's done for the day. Taking care of some shit in the city."

"Tough luck, huh? No service till morning. Can you wait?" he tells Red, who's still appalled with everything. "Worry not, ma man. We may not have a five-star, but our place is decent enough. Can't let babymama sleep in the car now, will ya?"

My eyes widen as Red gives me the you-started-this kind of look, his eyes condescendingly firm.

"Sure. We can wait till morning," I boldly reply.


"Cool. You hungry, Lady?" The tough dude asks, smiling at last.

"You bet I am." I grin, my tummy rumbling.

"It's on the house. Jules! Bring them something to eat!" he shouts towards a young lady behind the counter. "And find them the best room available," he adds, and a sharp breath escape my lungs.

Am I going to share a room with Red? We quickly glance at one another, shocked.