My Bodyguard by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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He called my name.

He just called my name, didn't he? It's quite inexplicable how this makes me feel; I'm floating in clouds as my entire body lightens in his tantalizing hold.

"Say it again," I breathe raggedly, my eyes and Red's locked tightly. "My name . . . Say it again," I plead.

"Mia . . ." Red repeats like a docile servant, tugging the stubborn strands of my hair that frames my face.

Lord, I melt when his strong fingers graze on my skin, the flames of his blazing ember eyes burning my every resolution to stay indifferent at his presence.

Nothing seems to exist as his lips near mine, gently, a scowl on his face as though he's on the stuff battle between his uttermost desire and decorum.

Kiss me, please.

Oh fuck, what am I thinking of? I'm a married woman! I may have a crooked husband but I'm still branded as his and this shouldn't happen! But why do I crave for Red?

I'm impatiently waiting for his lips to possess mine, to kiss me deeply with any vehemence portrayed in his eyes full of exciting, venereal desire.

But Red suddenly snaps out of this salacious spell and pulls back. "I'm sorry," he says while tugging me into a balanced stance. What? "The shower works now. I'll be outside." He frees my body and I feel bereft.

"You—" I open my mouth to foolishly protest his attempt to leave, and my heart is in pain as he looks back at me with a hard frown.

His face is painted with remorse. He's obviously regretting for what he was about to do; for almost kissing me. I ought to understand him, I know this much, but strangely I don't want to. I feel rejected.

"Alright. Thanks," I mutter, sibilantly. He leaves without looking back. "Oh God." I lean recklessly against the cold tiled-wall, my palms on my burning cheeks. I feel hot and cold at the same time, angered and shortchanged.

What's happening? Why am I angry at this lost moment? My heart beats rapidly as fear engulfs me. Am I falling for my bodyguard?

No, it can't be. I'm just physically attracted to him. He's an irresistible man, that's all.

"Right?" I breathe like a fool, convincing my heart to learn some restraints.

I anticipated my shower to be calm and relaxing, but it turns out the contrary. I can't believe I'm more perturbed of Red's reaction rather than my serious unsolved problems.

You can't fall for him, Mia. I sigh heavily while rubbing my soaked hair. The shower is off and it's time I step out. I quickly pluck the towel and wrap it around my nude body.

Red is my bodyguard and whether I like it or not I am still married to Patrick Kingston— the man who wouldn't hesitate killing him— if he ever learns of my altered feelings.

Red is out of the room as I return. I'm glad because I'm not capable of facing him with confidence right away. It's already dark and I should probably get to bed.

But do I have anything to wear? I didn't bring clothes as I've got a full closet in my country house. Well, this shirtdress will have to suffice as uncomfortable as it may be.

Being Mrs. Red is harder than I thought. I feel like I'm a forsaken wife. A stupid laughter lurches out of my lips as I dry myself. Maybe after a good sleep my psyche will regain its senses.

I'm lying in bed and my cellphone has got a couple of missed calls from Detective Lawrence, and Anne, my friend. There is one from Patrick. He must be on the plane and I'm grateful.

I return Detective Lawrence’s call. "Hi, Mrs. Kingston. I'm sorry to bother you once again," he begins with his feigned good manners.

He was quite rude during our first interrogation, until he learned who I was.

"It's alright. Do you have any news?" I try to be polite.

"Um . . . not really, Ma'am. I just had one little question considering that you weren't in a right mind last night when my boys questioned you," he says. "And . . . Well . . . Although your husband instructed that anything should go through your lawyer, I still need to hear this from you. I hope you don't mind."

"No, I don't. Go ahead." I sit up.

"Okay. What I want to ask is a bit personal.” He sounds hesitant at first but I know he’s thick skinned so he’ll ask anyway.

“Um, let’s see,” I mutter.

“You caught your husband cheating on you with his ex-wife about four months ago, right?" he asks blatantly.

What? How does he know that? I glower irritably.

"I don't see how relevant that question is to the case," I retort. I don't like my privacy exposed.

"Trust me, it probably does," he replies. "I'll consider your cryptic silence as a yes. And you smashed her brand new car to a wreck, didn't you?"

Oh fuck! Now everyone must know how maniac Mia actually is.

"Yeah, I did. And so?" I return, irritated at the memory.

"Nothing. I'm just trying to look for some loose ends."

I scowl. "Are you suggesting that my husband's ex-wife is the one responsible for all the attacks?" I ask him, slowly regaling the idea.

I mean, the old bitch does hate me. And she clearly declared that she'd make me pay for taking what's rightful hers. It’s an old song, though.

"No, I didn't say that. I'm only trying to gather every information I can get. I heard you've left Portland? I hope you stay safe," he says and we hang up after goodbyes.

I don't get the time to meditate this call as there's a knock on the door. Soft, three knocks are Red's style. It's him. I quickly bury myself under the duvet and pretend to be asleep.

The door flicks open and I hear familiar steps scrambling in. I hold my breath; I clutch the duvet as tightly as I can. When did I decide to revisit my childhood? This was so my style knowing I was guilty of something.

"Madam?" he calls gently, perhaps to make sure I'm truly dozed off.

Madam yourself! I mentally roll my eyes.

He sighs soundly and I begin hearing his steps heading rightward, the bathroom direction. The door opens afterwards, and then shuts, and he's gone. I sigh heavily as I ease my body out of suffocation.

It's going to be a long night.

Red exits from the bathroom all refreshed. As always he's breathtakingly hot despite being fully dressed in his previous clothes. My eyes are on him, and he's startled that I'm awake, seated Indian-style on the bed.

"How are we going to sleep?" I blurt out, my voice arctic.

"I'll take the coach. Stay in bed," he answers coolly while shutting the door behind him.

I say no more. I lie down facing the window, my back facing him. I'm suddenly feeling down and lonely now that he's right here in the same place I am, yet oceans apart. What is he doing to me?

After a short moment the lights go off, and Red occupies the couch that's not farther from the bed. I roll over to face the white ceiling above me. A deafening silence blankets us. I feel restless.

I pluck my phone and turn some music on. Bobby Dylan starts the melancholy lyrics of Knocking on heaven's door, my good excuse to let out the tears whenever I feel like. Everything I've been holding back surges speedily.

The fire in my working studio and all the new collection burned. The reckless car chase that got me really scared, and the gunshots in my husband's club which followed by some people trying to get me in the parking lot.

"Are you okay?" Red asks quietly, deep concerns lacing his voice.

I had no idea tears were cascading across my face until now that I'm sniffing.

"I guess," I murmur, catching a breath to reclaim my inner equilibrium. "Depends on who's asking. Is it Red my bodyguard? Or Red my—"

"Which one would Madam prefer?" Red cuts me off, and his question feels like a coquettish demand.

Red my husband.

"The one I didn't mention," I answer softly, whirling my head to face him despite the darkness. He's lying on his back, his arms crossed behind his head. "But never mind me. I'm reeling my insanity." I sigh deeply.

Another reign of silence follows.

"You're a very brave woman," Red utters out of nowhere. I narrow my eyes at him. "With everything going on, I'm amazed whenever I see your smile. Er . . . I mean—" he stutters and I find myself giggling.

And weirdly I'm imagining him laughing soundlessly.

"I'm scared, Red. I really am. But I can never let show," I confess matter-of-factly, my eyes on his majestic body. "I can't give my enemy the satisfaction," I mutter under my breath, sighing exhaustedly.

"I know," Red answers.

"Red, do you really think someone is trying to kill me? Maybe I'm being paranoid, right?" I prop on my elbows to catch a good glance of him.

"Do you want my honest opinion?" Red asks smoothly, gazing at me.

"Please," I breathe.

Red sits up slowly. "I don't think they are trying to kill you as you imagine," he blurts out. My eyes widen in stun. "They're only trying to scare you." His voice is super precise and confident of what he says.

"You think?" I whisper haphazardly. Red refuses to respond, and something tells me that he knows more than I do. "Why would they want to scare me? What for?" I urge.

"That's what I'm trying to find out. Maybe it's a warning," he blurts again, sounding mindful, and I wonder why he's being this open today.

He is quite different from the man who plays my personal talisman.

"A warning? A warning for me?" I quiz, sitting up reflexively.

"Not necessarily." He lies back on the couch.

"What do you mean? If someone is sending a warning, but not for me, then to whom will it—" I pause as a sudden comprehension crosses my mind.

Patrick. Could it be linked to my husband? Am I being used as bait for something shady? No, it can't be. I shake my head.

"Don't think too much about it," Red says, trying to pacify the tension. I'm dismayed, a shiver running down my spine. "Mia?" he calls upon my silence, the sound of my breath audible.

I won't forgive Patrick if this has anything to do with him! Or his businesses! Tears fall down unchecked at the thought of everything I've endured by being his wife. Why did I marry him?

Honey, is it for his money? Why are you in such a hurry to get married? You’re too young, Mia.  My mom’s words replay in my mind.

No, I didn’t marry him for money. I was crazy . . . stupidly in love with the man who turned the little girl in me into a gratified woman.

Red gets up abruptly.

"Don't turn the lights on," I say stoutly, hugging myself under the duvet, shaking.

"I wasn't going to," Red replies calmly. He's worried. I don't understand him until he adds, "I'll stay as your husband tonight, Mia. Please calm down." His unexpected words leave me in the dark.

But it suddenly turns beamingly clear when he approaches the bed.


I'm flabbergasted nonplused until Red is lying next to me. Jesus! My brain frosts when his big, strong arms scoot me to his side, sending a quick chill as he envelopes my slender body.

My back is pressed onto his chest, my butt tightly against his . . . Holy fuck, Mia! How outrageous! I mentally chastise myself while catching a soft breath, my body stilled in his comforting brace.

I did not see this coming. I'm unable to move or say a word; I'm suddenly taciturn, my petulant brooding replaced by this bliss in a blink. He's so warm. I could stay in his arms forever.

"Everything will be fine," Red whispers, his voice deeper and assuring, derailing my so-not healthy trance.

I sniff, oblivious that I was in tears just a moment ago. Way to go, Mia! I take another deep breath to pull myself together, making sure I don't melt easily.

"Go to sleep now," says Red while fixing the covers on us both.

Sleep? How do I sleep when my sexy bodyguard is holding me the way every woman dreams to be held by a man? No, I can't sleep.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" I break the pin drop silence after a short while.

Red doesn't respond right away, but eventually he acquiesces. "Ask," he says coolly.

I can feel his heartbeat, the sound of his breath quite a resplendent tune to my ears, and I love how his chin grazes the top of my head. It feels heavenly safe, something inscrutable.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask and bite my bottom lip.

Why am I suddenly curious of his privacy? I wait patiently.

"No, I don't," Red answers.

Oh? I flush scarlet.

"Married? Or been married before?" I continue, and I'm definitely looking for trouble.

"None of the two." Red's voice is cool and direct.

"I see." I'm strangely respited by these few facts. What a fool! "Is Red your real name?" I decide to quench more of my long preserved curiosity.

Silence answers.

Jeez! If he doesn't want to say it, fine! But I'm disappointed.

"It's my code name," Red replies and I gasp softly.

"It's not?" It's strange that my eyeballs haven't left their sockets by now.

I want to roll over and face him but he shifts closer and hugs me tighter. I stay still, relishing this display of intimacy without a name. What are we doing?

"Sleep, Mia," Red articulates dismissively.

I suck in a sharp breath at the sound of my name. Will I ever get used to it? Boy, it's very lascivious coming from his lips.

A few minutes pass and silence becomes our company. I can't sleep; I already anticipated this much. Red's presence is both relaxing and stirring at the same time, and I wonder how he manages to cope while holding me this tight.

"Are you sleeping?" I whisper, and I don't get any response. Maybe he's sleeping. I get lost into thoughts. "Why are you here, Red?" I purr, hopefully that he can't hear me. "You don’t even realize how difficult it is sleeping with you like this." I sigh heavily.

"Because I can't stand seeing my wife sad. It breaks me," Red mutters, his voice a bit intoxicated.

What? He's awake? An innocent panic surges in me as I roll leftward to face him, adamantly pulling out of his intentional trap around my body.

"Did you—" I pause when my gaze meets his, transfixed.

He's panting, and despite the darkness I can still behold his gleaming eyes and the shape of his lips. I press my thighs together at the arousal, and I think I can feel his growing erection against my thing. I can't stand this anymore.

"I wanna kiss you," I mutter haphazardly, but no remorse follows.

Red's hands abandon my waist so they're free to move. My heart is beating as erratically as his.  Staring allured into my eyes, he gently tugs my hair behind my ears. I shudder at his sensual, tantalizing touch.

I want him. Now. I can no longer wait.

I'm about to attack his lips when he swiftly captures mine. Woah! Holding my face between his big palms, his mouth slams into mine, kissing me deeply with menace, as if he's been waiting forever— he's unrelenting.

I'm stunned, too puzzled to react; hence I submit myself to him. My body thaws, mind-blown, when he drops his one hand back to my waist, tugging the hem of my shirtdress that's already misplaced from constant tossing.

Oh my God! My breath quickens pretty much as our lips mingle incessantly, tongue to tongue, like a sweet delicious dessert, and fuck my bodyguard is an amazing kisser. Way better than I imagined a couple of times.

I clutch his neck, deepening the kiss, getting lost into Red’s world, his deep shades of mysteries. Oh, I love this moment. I bawl in a sharp moan when his hand reaches the apex of my thighs from behind, squeezing my ass. I’m wearing no pantie, so he easily touches my sex, and slowly rubs my clitoris.

“Oh fuck!” I hold him tighter, my waist mirroring his finger. He glides me gently, kissing my mouth, driving me nuts. Oh I’m wet . . . so wet when his finger slides into my sex, stroking me in and out. “Ah!” I moan loudly, trying to look him in the eyes.

“You’re so responsive, Mia,” he says and kisses me all over again, demanding this time.

My God! I kiss him back, fiercely than he does.

Red climbs on top of me, lying on his elbows, and suddenly I'm pinned under his weight. Shit! Now what? He looks at me with amazement, his gaze almost amorous, and without a word he moves back on his knee. He starts unclasping the buttons of my shirtdress.

I'm holding my breath, my chest shoring on and off as I'm slowly exposed, naked, for I have no undergarments on to begin with. So naughty! Red shifts back to my side. Yanking his neck, my greedy mouth is once again onto his, and his hands are onto my breasts, arousing them.

I writhe, tipping my head back at the enormous pleasure. Red trails the wet kisses down my neck, kissing my throat, hard yet gently, and down to my breasts his tongue encircles my nipples, one after the other, sucking them.

"Oh," I moan, and my bodyguard is expertly keeping up the sweet torture, my nipples hard and erect. "Red." His name slips out of my lips when he kisses my stomach, his endearing tongue soft and wet.

Oh fuck! I feel worshipped. I'm craving him. I can't wait for too long. My body refuses to stay still as his mouth heads down south. I pull him back immediately and my lips are back on his. There's a fire in my blood and only Red can put it off.

"Oh, Mia," he finally rasps into my mouth, right amid the intense kissing that could burn up this whole town.

"Hmm," I hum, unsure of what sound I'm making. His warm hand caresses my thigh downward, up to the back of my knee, and then raises my leg so it lies on across his thigh.

"I can't hold it, Mia. Fuck, I can't stop myself anymore!" He's enraged, his breath audible as I'm painting heavily myself.

Anymore? That's something.

"Neither can I," I murmur, truthfully. "Don't say anything, Red. I just want you. Right now," I shamelessly admit, for I don't want to think of tomorrow.

I don't want to play. I just want him to fuck me right now.

Swiftly, Red rises up and tugs his shirt over his head. In a blink it’s down on the floor. I'm too impatient to let his jeans stay on; hence I pull myself toward him and do the requirements. He's amazed.

He doesn't say a word but he lets me undo the button. My gaze glide between his face and the glorious features of his manly torso, every line of muscles visible sculptured. He leans down to kiss me as I unzip his fly.

"Oh God," I gasp softly when his hard erection springs out of his tight briefs.

Holy hell! He's so big!

"What?" Red whispers, stroking himself while throwing the jeans away. I can tell he's smirking, proud of my reaction toward him.

Bastard. I flush.

Res sprawls my legs apart and then pulls me down levelly, and gently he eases his length inside my sex. Argh! I bawl as he fills me, tightly, his exorbitant size adding much to my astonishment.

Damn. My mouth is into a fine 'O'.

Red weighs my body as he leans down to reclaim my mouth, his hips flexing unhurriedly as he pounds into me, gently. I can feel his every inch as he does it, deep to my very wet cores. Sweet Jesus! It's exquisite, he feels so good inside me. I clam my eyes, savoring everything he does to me.

"Oh," Red groans, his mouth ajar, forcing my eyes to unshut and look at his face. He's enticed, totally beguiled by the depth of our intimacy, our bodies molding with perfection.

I hug his wider back tightly, kissing his neck, sucking and biting it, my nails deeply into his skin. Hungry creature I am, and my bodyguard seems to fancy every bit of my perverse.

Red keeps pounding on me, deeper each time, slowly, then fast, again and again, his lips delicious on mine. Oh God! I moan nonstop, rocking my waist, devouring this feel of long anticipation coming to reality. He doesn't stop.

My legs curl around him, and there I feel it, strong and wild— the current building in my stomach. I'm ready to erupt into shattered pieces. I scream loudly when I come apart, and Red pulls out immediately, groaning.

As I lie back I feel like a different person. Red lies right beside me, coddling me in his embrace. I don’t want to talk, and he grants me just that.

I wake at the faint commotion from outside. What a fancy town! I mentally sigh, trying to open my eyes. My body feels hangover, but I don't think I drank much last night . . . did I?

Oh, and why am I feeling sore?

I quickly bolt up and peek underneath the covers. Fuck, I'm totally naked! Oh my God! I didn't . . . Did I? Holy fuck! The memory of last night jogs back speedily. I had sex with Red. I fucked him. No, he fucked me. Ugh, whatever!

Holy shit! I cheated on Patrick.

I plop back in bed with my hand on the forehead. I take a deep breath and calm myself down. Red is no longer here which gives me time to think. Yes, in this very same bed I did it last night.

"Oh God," I whisper, reliving every detail of the crime scene. And like a fool I smart smiling— blushing even— everything Crystal clear in my head.

It was beautiful.

But you're a married woman, Mia! And he's your employee! Some voice snaps at me. I shriek inwardly. I've never cheated on Patrick and we've been married for eight years. I'm freaked, but I do I regret?

No, I don't.

Now where is Red? I collect the big duvet to my chest and slowly clamber out of bed. Oh yes, I can feel the aftermath of a good fuck as I walk. My dress is on the couch, neatly placed.

Smiling, I pace toward the window to regard the beautiful sunshine.  The day has begun, and town folks are up and about. I lean onto the window frame, watching my car parked in the same place we did yesterday.

And suddenly Red appears into view, taking my breath away. He is with an old man, who seems to be the mechanic judging from his direct gaze toward the car. They are talking while at it.

I blush right away, watching Red taking his phone and show the old man something from it. I wonder what they're doing, but I'm pretty sure it has everything to do with the repair.

My phone buzzes out of the blue and I'm inclined to abandon the pleasure of ogling my bodyguard. Frowning, I follow the sound until I find my mobile. My smile fades instantly at the caller's ID.

It's my real husband.

I pick up. "Patrick," I say unhappily.

I hear some noises in the background until Patrick snaps, "What do you think you're doing, Mia?" His voice is deathly cold furious.