Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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The Challenge

When Lisa and I fell in love there were cynical people on every side. Many said
it was just a phase that we were going through and that our love could never
last. Others said that the look in our eyes as we lovingly glanced at one another
was sickening to them. Even the few who encouraged us to take the risk and
get married said, “After all, that’s what divorce is for.”
Many marriages do end in divorce. And there are also many marriages that
have not ended in divorce but are, nevertheless, unhappy.
Lisa and I went into our marriage very aware that many friends and even close
family members expected our marriage to fail and that if we weren’t careful it
really could. But we stubbornly chose to buck the odds. We had found love. The
most wonderful thing in the universe and we weren’t going to just let it slip
through our fingers.
After all these years, we remain just as in love as we were on our honeymoon.
Probably even more so since we now know each other better, have been
through more together, and have invested more of ourselves into one another
than we had at the time of our honeymoon.
Happy, lasting marriages don’t happen by accident and they aren’t controlled by
statistical odds. They are carefully cultivated by the man and woman who have