Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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(How to Keep that Honeymoon Feeling)

How much better should you treat the person you chose to marry!


Value 5) Bridging the Chasm We all love to be right. It is a great feeling to say something lucid in a discussion
with friends and to know that your point was made brilliantly and well-received.
And sometimes the discussion among friends grows heated and amid wild
gestures and table banging there is a rush of excitement because everyone
believes for a moment that they are a part of something bigger than themselves.
That is all fine and fun as long as everyone participating in this behavior feels
like they are a part of an interesting discussion that doesn’t put anyone down or
make anyone feel uncomfortable.
But when you two are together and trying to make a decision, a radically
different approach is required. Here the goal is not to be the loudest or the
smartest. The goal is to work together to solve a problem and move forward
together in a harmonious relationship.
The problem is that whenever one of you says “I’m right” or “You’re wrong” there
is an immediate and severe separation between you. You might as well have
said, “I’m right here” and “You’re way over there.”