Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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(How to Keep that Honeymoon Feeling)

only about 20% of our mind’s resources to hear and understand the other
person’s point of view.
It is my experience that conflicts of interest in a healthy relationship can almost
always be resolved without arguing. For those rare arguments that do take
place, smart arguing strategies should be employed to make the argument
worthwhile. Dr. David Witt at the University of Akron wrote an extremely
valuable guide teaching how to argue effectively that you should read before


your next argument: Arguing Effectively


The value I want you to focus on right now is Super Sight. What I mean by
“Super Sight” is being able to see and hear what ordinary people don’t – not
because they can’t, but because they don’t try.
In your relationship, you want to develop Super Hero-like abilities to hear and
see what is on the mind of the person you love. The trick is to listen not with
your ears, or with your mind, but with the other person’s mind.
When you listen, try to hear what is on that person’s mind. Try to see through
their eyes.
Disagreements are a perfect example of this. When we have a disagreement,
we share a common problem. But we have different ideas about how to solve