Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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The Honeymoon Was Great. What Changed?

The biggest change is that now there is more competition. When you were on
the honeymoon, it was just you two. Your biggest worry was which wine to order.
All of your attention was focused like a laser beam on one another. And it was
beautiful being so intimate and being in your own world together.


Your Relationship vs. The Competition Now that you are home from the honeymoon, there is much more competition.
The competition includes your jobs, visiting family, personal interests and
hobbies, friends, social activities, housework, paying bills, and so on.
This competition can easily consume all your time and attention.
Only by being careful to protect your time together and by making an effort to
focus your attention on one another can you beat back the competition before it
consumes your relationship altogether.
When you feel like you are too busy to give enough time to one another, take a
look at what uses up your time and attention. Can anything be cut out of your
schedule? It might be difficult to imagine your life without some of these
activities. Chances are, though, that your life will feel more meaningful and