Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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(How to Keep that Honeymoon Feeling)

Do You have Children? Thinking About It?


If you have children, that is a wonderful thing. Being a parent is very important
and rewarding. I want to caution you, though, to make sure you get some time
to just yourselves without the children. Parenthood is not a substitute for being
married. You must make an extra effort to work on your marriage by spending
time together. Don’t sacrifice your close relationship with one another for the
children. That doesn’t help anyone!
If you can’t afford to get a babysitter, you could arrange with another couple
who has children to swap free baby-sitting services on a bi-weekly basis. One
Friday you baby-sit their children while they spend some time together. The next
Friday, they baby sit your children while you go out for the night.
You could also have a time in the evening when the children know that they
need to let you spend some time alone together. The children can play in the
other room after 8pm each evening while you spend that precious time truly
being together.
Just please be careful not to give all your relationship time to the children.
If you don’t have children, have you ever seriously considered your option to
not become parents? I know this idea is unthinkable to some couples. And if
that is you, then skip ahead to the next topic. I’m not here to push anything
down your throat. I understand that most couples are meant to be parents. Do