Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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(How to Keep that Honeymoon Feeling)

what makes you the happiest as a couple.
When Lisa and I got married the thought never crossed our minds that we might
not have children. We had both grown up thinking, “Of course I’ll have children
One afternoon, about a year after getting married, Lisa and I were taking a walk
through the neighborhood thinking about our goals and dreams when Lisa
voiced a thought that had suddenly popped into her mind: “We don’t have to
have kids.”
We started thinking about that possibility and suddenly the idea of not having
children filled us with an amazing sense of freedom and new possibilities began
filling our minds.
We ended up making the decision to not have children. Instead we are now
living on the other side of the world enjoying amazing experiences together.
Often it is assumed that after getting married the next step is having children. In
fact, many couples are asked just days after their wedding, “When are you
having kids? How many kids are you having?”
Despite these expectations, the fact that you married one another is only the