Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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(How to Keep that Honeymoon Feeling)

choice to live out your life together. It is not necessarily the choice to rear
children together.
In an earlier chapter, we talked about your relationship’s competitors. We talked
about your job, family, social activities, and how they are all competing for your
attention. Any children you add to the mix will become huge competition for your
attention and time – competition that cannot be ignored and will not go away.
Once you are a parent, you are always a parent. It does not matter how old your
children are!
So, there you go. Don’t be offended. I’m just telling you that having children is a
choice and you don’t have to make that choice blindly. If you want to have
children, do it and do it well! But make sure that you protect your time together.
Too many couples get married and then become parents and they give all the
time that used to go towards cultivating their marriage over to the task of
parenting. Don’t let parenting replace your relationship with one another.
If you choose to have children, you need to give your children a lot of time and
attention. But remember to also take time out on a regular basis for just the two
of you.


Here is a New York Times article that caught my attention. It is humorously titled,
“Till Children Do Us Part.”
Hope you find it helpful. 23