Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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A Fragile Union: Keeping the Connection

Two hearts have been bound together in holy matrimony. This binding of hearts
is by choice. Only by choosing to keep your hearts close will they remain close.
Only by choosing to be one in heart and mind will you remain one.
Sometimes you will not feel close. In fact, sometimes you will feel angry and
you will feel like giving each other the “silent treatment.” You may even feel like
pushing each other away.
For a healthy, unified, and happy marriage, you must overcome those feelings
and choose to do what is best for your relationship.
Even if you feel like the other person is being wrong-headed and that you have
the right to be angry or that you should not have to be the one to reach out and
make things right between you two… Even then, you should make the choice to
take the action necessary to bring your hearts back together. And do it quickly!
You have heard that “time heals all wounds.” This can be applied to the splitting
apart of two hearts. These hearts just an hour ago beat as one. But now, you’re
hearts are temporarily split apart. They hurt. They are bleeding. They want to
come back together but feelings of personal pride, anger and hurt keep them
apart. Given enough time, these separated, wounded hearts will begin to heal.
As the wounded hearts begin to scab over, it will become more and more