Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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(How to Keep that Honeymoon Feeling)

seriously enough to make the changes as quickly as you need them to. In these
cases, you will have to set some ground rules with built-in consequences.
By laying down the line and saying don’t cross this line or I will have to take this
particular action, you are giving fair warning in advance of the next time the
person does something that is inappropriate. By setting the boundaries ahead
of time, you don’t need to sit back and accept whatever is thrown at you. At the
same time, you won’t shock the person with an explosion of anger. You can be
in control of yourself and the situation.
Let’s look at a fictional example (any similarities to actual events or people are
only coincidental):
Josh and Christina have been married for about two months now. Sometimes
when Josh and Christina go over to the home of Josh’s parents, Josh’s mother
makes cutting remarks about Christina. Josh and Christina are of course quite
upset about this but they don’t want to seem over-reactive and make a big
scene. They also don’t want to ruin Josh’s good relationship with his mother.
Finally, they decide that they need to set some boundaries with Josh’s mother.
Josh takes his mother out to lunch. At lunch he explains to his mother that he
has noticed that sometimes she makes hurtful remarks about Christina. His
mother starts to protest saying that she never meant to hurt anyone and maybe