Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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(How to Keep that Honeymoon Feeling)

Christina is being too sensitive.
Josh wants his mother to work with him on this. His goal is not to create an “us
versus you” scenario. So, he gives his mother the benefit of the doubt and says,
“I really don’t think you want to hurt Christina, but some of your comments really
are hard on her. I’m worried that if you aren’t more careful about how you speak
to her that it could hurt our relationship with you.”
Josh’s mother agrees to be more careful.
At the next visit, Josh’s mother is especially hard on Christina. On the way
home, Christina is in tears. She and Josh decide that they will have to apply
consequences in order to get his mother to change her behavior before she
seriously damages her relationship with her son and daughter-in-law.
Josh contacts his mother to set the boundaries and consequences, “The next
time you make a cutting remark about Christina, we will get up and go home.
I’m not going to let Christina be treated like that.”
The rules have been explained. The next time Josh’s mother makes a hurtful
remark towards Christiana, Josh and Christina do not make a fuss. They simply
get up and go home. They have kept their end of the agreement.