Newlyweds' Guide to a Happy Marriage: How to Keep That Honeymoon Feeling by Tim Spooner - HTML preview

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The final secret to a happy marriage is gratitude. Whatever is happening in your
life, you always have something to be thankful for because you have each other.
Everyday, I thank God for Lisa. By taking a moment each day to express my
gratitude for Lisa, I am reminded of how wonderful she is and how important
she is to my happiness.
I am encouraged to do whatever I can to protect the beautiful relationship we
have together.
Often, I express my gratitude aloud in Lisa’s presence (and she does the same).
I might say, “Lisa, I am so thankful to have you in my life. You make me so
happy and you are so sweet and wonderful.”
There are a number of benefits to expressing your gratitude aloud. When I
express my gratitude aloud in a way that Lisa can hear, I am able to build up her
self-esteem. Also, when I hear myself giving thanks for Lisa, my heart is filled
with joy and appreciation.
Thankful people are happy people. If you have a thankful marriage, you will
have a happy marriage.