Oksana by Quinn M. Kelley - HTML preview

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Chapter XI.

I was forced to use a Cyber-Cafe the same day to beg my parents via e-mail to wire $400.00 USD Western Union ($2000 AUH) to Odessa. The Cyber Cafe's signage and interior must be illustrated to be appreciated; it had the name, Ace of Base.

The place reeked of unspeakable body odor. The clerk takes me to the American/English keyboard, so I can send a message to my parents.

The next thing I know, I get dialed up. I am ready to send my international e-mail. I have my father's e-mail address loaded at the very top, and then Oksana tells me exactly what to say to them, to extort more than we needed. I was flat broke; I was going to ask for $200. Then Oksana upped the ante to $400.

Since it was coming in Oksana's name, she spent 75% of it on herself (a blender, groceries, etc.). The other 25% paid for my McDonald's, Coca-Cola Cherry's, Bon Aqua's, orange juice, and cheese.

My expenditures for her were three CD's at the record store (for the disc-man I brought her), lunch and dinner at Mario's, clothes at Mexx ($129.99 UAH), on March 20, 2004, and meals at Bekker Cafe.

We ate at Bekker Café on March 21, March 22, and March 23, for a total of $200 UAH. I spent $137.50 UAH at Mario's on March 20 and March 23.