One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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Hey, I must have been good because none of my parents questioned me further. Mom started lecturing me on safety and the need to be prepared in case of dire situation, something about carrying pepper spray. Dad on the other hand just quietly stated I take the cab or the auto the next time if I am traveling alone. Now I could not tell them I had my personal body guard or at least silent companion (hey not so silent now, finally) by my side always.

I calmed them both and assured them I will always take the necessary precautions and not try to be over smart, thus getting them to agree so that I do not miss college the next day.

That night I hardly slept, the excitement and the anticipation of meeting Rahul the next day kept me awake.

And if I dozed off I could only dream of him, our time together and our meeting the next day. I dreamt of a million scenarios to our meeting but one thing common in all the dreams was our being together finally. When I finally did fall asleep, I woke up late and was very late for college. I managed to miss my train for the very first time (idiot, that’s me). By the time the next train arrived I knew I was not going to see Rahul on it and he sure would have thought that I was not coming that day.

I was totally disappointed and upset as I had no way of contacting him nor could he call as we never got to exchanging our numbers. I was so distracted that I missed my first two very important lectures and did not submit my design draft to the teacher. But the state I was in I couldn’t have cared less, I 29


just kept looking at my watch waiting for 12.30 pm. By 12.15 pm I just could not stand the suspense nor take the stress any more so I left college asking my friend to proxy for me, requesting her to cover for me till 1.30 pm outmost. Even though I could see million questions in her eyes I just left saying bye to her.

Even though the cafe was just opposite my college it is quite a walk, but I still reached five minutes early. I took the seat away from the entrance but sat facing it being conspicuous enough for whoever entered. When 12.30 pm came and went I was disappointed but something just made me wait there. At about 1 pm I had finally given up hope and accepted that he was not going to come. I was wallowing in hurt and disappointment. I was just getting ready to leave, when suddenly I heard my name whispered so softly that it felt like a caress across my face.

I shuddered and slowly turned still not sure whether it was him or my imagination was working overtime. But on seeing him stand so close to me with his breath mingling with mine I was not only sure but overwhelmed with emotions. I just couldn’t express myself. There was excitement, there was fear of the unknown and there was a feeling so strong and new that I could feel myself burst with it. For the longest time I just continued to stare, I could not get a word out.

Seeing me speechless made him smile and say

“So this is how you are when you get all quiet, docile and charming.”

Despite his smile and words, the only thing I could manage to say was