One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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We were all settled in our respective roles and relationships until disaster struck me. It felt like it was the end of my world.

We had been going around for more than three years and I was three months away from graduating. Rahul got a transfer letter from his company. Well, the positive thing about the situation was that at last he was being appreciated and acknowledged for his hard work and dedication. But the trouble was that they were moving himto their sister company in Delhi for two years (like two freaking years).

This put us all in different stages of shock. My world was crumbling down. Two years away from Rahul was like being sentenced to death. I couldn’t stop howling and abusing the bosses when Rahul (my hero, smarty pants) came up with the most awesome idea. Fortunately for us especially me all agreed to it because after three years there was no reason not to. Our idea or rather Rahul’s idea was to get engaged on my birthday which was coming up the same 55


week and to marry exactly the week after my finals (hooray for us). Getting married was just a formality for making our relationship official/legal, because for me we were already one.

Ohh, I do not mean ‘one’ literally because despite us being in a relationship for three freaking years now, Rahul had always been the perfect gentleman except for a few kisses and touches. We had never crossed the line, even those kisses had been initiated by me (like would you believe it). He had the patience of a saint I once had an argument with him about this. His reason for not taking our relation further and his answer ashamed me, his words were very simple but profound.

“Mira it is not that I don’t want to be bound to you so completely that not even air can pass between us, but there is the matter of trust that your parents have in me which I would not want to break. Especially, when I know that it is only a matter of time and you will be mine forever.”

This was just the kind of guy every mother wants for her daughter. But it was enough for me to bring my libido down and check my emotions till the time was right for us. Not that we did not enjoy our time because total abstinence was impossible even for him (winkie wink).

The last few months while I prepared for my exams and our wedding Rahul had got the house ready. Rahul’s mom went to Delhi twice to help set up things with Rahul. But frequent trips were neither feasible nor possible because it cost a bomb. Even though both our families are well off we still are middle class families and money needs to be budgeted 56


always; especially with so many more expenses to cover. His seniors had been very understanding and generous (they could be as they knew they had found a gem and didn’t want to lose him). They let Rahul move in prior to his shift to Delhi so that it would be smooth for both of us after our wedding, but especially for me. Rahul had been traveling between Delhi and Mumbai getting organised and making my shift into a new city and life as easy as possible. In fact he arrived barely three days before the wedding for all our functions and ceremonies.

This had been a major reason for all our worries, his return before the wedding because when in Delhi he was swamped with work. And after postponing his return trip thrice we all stressed if he would even make it to the wedding on time. But he did make it and finally we were married.

Rahul had just four days before he started his new job. He was given a beautiful two bedroom apartment by the company for his duration in Delhi. So now with such little time in hand a honeymoon was not possible and asking for more leaves would be pushing it. They had been way too cooperative. We had decided to enjoy these four days settling into our new environment and the new city. But these four days were more important for us to enjoy our time, to reacquaint ourselves to each other as a married couple. These past few months we both had been too busy and wanted to give ourselves the time and privacy to bond. Honeymoon will have to wait till the time is right and I for one don’t grudge Rahul for this decision. We have a lifetime to enjoy together. We even talked about it before agreeing to it. He had called from Delhi to let me know. Just two weeks before our wedding he had 57


called up and was profusely apologetic.

“Mira I really am sorry, I won’t be able to get leave from work immediately after starting. They are giving me just four days to settle in and then back to work. So our honeymoon will have to wait.”

“Hey, that is alright. You know you have given and done more than I could have expected. Being your wife is the most precious gift for me. A honeymoon can wait. Anyway, every moment with you is a honeymoon for me and we are going to be living in an absolutely new city exploring it and spending time together. This is as good as any honeymoon we could have planned.” I said.

“God, I love you so much. I just can’t wait for these days to pass and us being together always. See you soon sweetheart, nite nite.”

Everything was planned so fast and time flew by with the preparations/exams/shifting, that within the blink of my eye, we were married. And dear God I was now Mrs. Rahul Singh Kalra, ready for a new beginning with my soulmate.