One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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Trying to bust a hooligan? Fighting for what is right? Being in shock for having you reach out to me for the first time out of the blue. Have you, A STRANGER hold me all the way here. Or having you A TOTAL STRANGER AGAIN walk me home; and to top it all instead of sweet nothings or caring words you start off on your own high horse going all macho and manly on me. Well, I ask you mister who gave you the right to go all macho on me, who are you, not my father nor my brother nor a friend for sure. In fact, we have never even shared a word of pleasantry in all these months we have been travelling together. So, what gives you the right to question my motives or actions? Like are you serious?”

I had him zapped because he had not been expecting this. (whoopsie for me!) But I did not stop at that.

“Well, and what is with this anger, I have not done anything wrong so why am I even trying to explain myself to you.”

While I went on and on with my tirade, Rahul stared smiling. Suddenly he reached out and put his hand on my mouth to shut me up (pretty effectively). Well, I was stunned and silent, I could not help but look at him with wide surprised eyes. We kept looking at each other like forever, everything around us became quiet and still. The few people that were around us vanished from sight and mind, the feel of his hand on my mouth was like a caress and he was the centre of my world. I had goosebumps all over my body, my pulse was now beating faster than ever, and my senses had sharpened to another level. I could feel that strange zing in my blood again. I was boiling with anger a few seconds ago, 24


and now I was melting like ice-cream in the heat of his touch.

I don’t know when one of us had moved towards the other but now we were so close that I could feel the heat of his breath on my face, see the colour of eyes up close and the slow change of emotions in them. He slowly lowered his hand from my lips leaving a trail of fire and heat.

I felt a shiver slither down my back, I slowly licked my lips which were now dry (a sure sign of my nervousness). The minute my tongue took a sweep of my lips I could taste him on my lips. I licked my lips again all the while thinking about how good he tasted when I heard a sharp hiss of breath pulling me out of my stupor. Looking up I saw the passion and heat in his eyes as he watched the movement of my tongue with such intensity that I nearly repeated the sweep again (but this time not with nervousness). It was to see the passion in his eyes as a warm feeling engulfed my body, making me nervous and a little scared of the exploding feelings inside me.

The air encircling around us now was thick with emotions and passion. I did not know how to deal with it. I saw Rahul lower his head towards me when all of a sudden a loud sound broke the mood (shoot! it was my phone, so bloody typical).

Looking at the screen I saw it was my mom (who else?) but it was then that I realised how late it was. I quickly turned to leave, when suddenly I stopped a few steps away to look back and see Rahul still standing where I had left him staring at me. He had a look so strange and powerful that I was speechless for a few seconds.

I slowly walked back to him again and held his hand 25


lightly then looking directly into his eyes I said softly,

“Thank you, but you still have to explain yourself to me.

Why do you think you have the right to shout at me?” winking at him I turned towards home.

I had barely taken a few steps away from him when I heard his voice loud and clear “12.30 tomorrow at Cafe Beans” which was right opposite my college, without turning around I just shook my head and kept walking home with a smile so wide and bright it could light up a room.