Orpheus Looks Back by George Loukas - HTML preview

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She was not far off target. Lizzie was moved out of intensive care two days later and in ten days, we moved to her apartment. During the days of her hospitalization, I stayed at Corina's flat. She was adamant about not letting me go to a hotel. We left together in the mornings; she deposited me at Mass General and collected me at five when she finished work. For the two days Lizzie was in intensive care, I did not see much of her. Half an hour in the morning and about as much in the afternoon. During those two days, however, I became quite friendly with Mrs. Baccini and a comfortable familiarity developed between us. I also met Gianni who was civil enough though a little restrained and I thought that perhaps he preferred Abdullah el Majrabi, his considerable financial clout and his generosity.

When Lizzie moved to a single-bed hospital room, I was with her most of the day though both her mother and I were very particular to have her rest adequately according to Dr Markus's instructions. I could now touch her, caress her and kiss her. Not to my heart's content for that would have been extremely tiresome for Lizzie but enough to satisfy my longing and to cash in a fair amount of smiles.

During that week, there was spectacular progress. Lizzie started moving her limbs, a little more each day and with the physiotherapist and her own determination to get better, she started standing and tottering around the room initially with crutches. She also started eating normally the light meals recommended by Dr Markus. By the time we left the hospital in Corina's car to move to Lizzie's apartment, a weak, angel-faced Lisa walked all the way to the car with my help. The blue-black hue around her eyes was almost gone though a yellowish shade persisted for a while until that too disappeared and restored Lizzie's face to its normal perfection. The only infirmity that remained for a few weeks more was the plaster of her broken arm.

At home, I became Lizzie's male nurse. She was still weak and often had headaches, dizziness and sleep disturbances. From the first day of our arrival, she insisted I sleep in her bedroom and we made love straight off. It was a potent tranquilizer for both of us and we were happy to attest that Lizzies's brain sex centers were not in the least bit affected by the brain injury. They seemed to be humming as smoothly as formerly. Due to the plaster on her arm and because it had more or less become a habit in the few days we spent together in Cairo, I bathed her every morning and this daily routine came to be an occasion not solely for cleanliness. However, the lovemaking marathons subsided and a more normal but highly regular tempo in our lovemaking established itself. What did not subside, was our love and our need for each other. If anything, I think that had the extraordinary tendency to increase.

Mrs. Baccini came home every other day to cook us a little something and by and by we began taking strolls in town and having a meal in downtown restaurants. We saw Corina much less often as time went by but I kept up daily phone contact. Ours was one of those unusual cases where, once sexual love and passion for some reason comes under constraint, a deep and sincere friendship blossoms. My admiration for her intellect and her goodness knew no bounds. I cannot vouch as much for my darling Lizzie. Lisa bought another red Porsche eventually and again cut quite a figure in it. However, it was a rare occasion when she was in it alone. Especially in that car, I made it a point always to be with her.

When things calmed down, I wrote a long letter to my mother in Athens and explained the situation and my intent to marry Lizzie as soon as possible. I wrote that she was rich and I could not let such a good opportunity pass me by. I waited for her reply and wondered if after the few years she lived in Greece she was influenced by the Greek mentality, if she believed me and approved.

I do not know if Corina's second law is infallible, if there are exceptions or if we, Lizzie and I, managed to repeal it. The fact is we are blissfully happy. I, with my Goddess and Lizzie with her guardian angel. We are waiting for the ruling of her divorce to be confirmed so we can get married in a civil ceremony. I have already warned her though, not to expect me to be as flexible as Abdullah. I shall never ever give her a divorce. She commented that this was a change of attitude she did not expect after all my big-hearted declarations that she would be free to leave me whenever she wanted. However, she admitted that she is as inflexible as I am on this topic. She is not disposed to give me a divorce either.

We are planning on a honeymoon in Cairo. It has its practical side. We shall pass by Greece so that Lizzie may meet my mother, and my mother, the rich heiress. In Cairo, I shall try to sell my business on the double and Lisa intends to see Judith Swann to apologize for the little comedy we put on, to have her speed up our visas. More than anything else, we are contemplating a visit to St. Catherine's and a midnight climb to Jebel Moussa to see the dawn of the world. Last but not least, we intend to spend a night making love on top of the great pyramid to check its solidity and energy- enhancing ability. It is a baptism no self-respecting Goddess can decently forego. However, we are in no hurry. We already started our honeymoon when Lizzie came out of hospital and we intend to keep it going for the rest of our lives.

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