Our Marriage of Convenience: Volume One by L. L. Lako - HTML preview

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The evening harmattan wind carries a lot of dust and chill. The chill penetrates my thin shirt fabric, aiming right for the bones. Slightly worried that the dust might irritate my eyes, I knock on the heavy metal door more urgently.

The sound of the latch comes through. The door opens wide.

‘Thank God you’re here. I’m starving.’

As always, her familiar scent hits me first, followed by the thought of how lovely she looks. Casually put-together in a long green top, dark jean trousers and a fashionable cap, Reana dimples prettily as she steps back to let me in. Against her coffee-and-cream skin, her full, unpainted but gleaming lips are curved in a slight smile. Then again, they almost always seem to look that way. I know for sure that she’s excited about something though, by the sparkle in her large, expressive eyes.

‘Sorry I’m late.’

‘And you forgot your key again. If you’ll make me open the door for you every time, you might as well return the key.’

‘Sorry. You really should learn to check who is at the door before opening it, Ree. That’s what this peephole is for.’

Reana grins, ‘and that concludes the chastisement portion of tonight’s entertainment, folks.’

‘I am serious, Ree. This isn’t a safe area.’

In bare feet, Reana’s head reaches up to my shoulder so she has to tilt up her head slightly to look into my eyes. ‘You worry needlessly.’ As if the discussion is over, Reana turns on her heels. She precedes me down the short, dimly-lit corridor to the living room.

The living room always looks cheerful: overwhelmingly so, in fact. There are throw pillows and knickknacks in bright, clashing colours. This place makes me think of a nursery school classroom. As usual, it is in slight disarray. Books are piled high on a bookshelf in the corner of the room. It suits Reana to the ground.

Reana never learnt how to use a bookshelf properly. Maybe she simply doesn’t care.

The long, glass-topped table in the centre of the room has a pack of Whot cards for our game.

Slipping on something, I catch myself, but only just.

At my slight sound of distress, Reana halts. She walks back to me. With a sheepish smile, she kicks a teddy bear with one ear out of the way. ‘Sorry.’

‘About the door, what if it was someone with nefarious intentions? Would you open the door without checking first?’

‘M, darling, don’t be a bore. Now, as you can see,’ Reana gestures towards the long table. ‘All is set for tonight. We’ll eat first.’

With a sigh, I push my worries aside. ‘You look great tonight.’

She laughs, ‘thank you.’

‘But, there’s something … more. New scarf?’

‘New something. Did you bring food?’

Surprised, I peer into her eyes. ‘Ree, you said you were going to cook.’

‘Aw, I thought you were going to bring the food.’

Ah! I relax. ‘Reana, you know that twinkle in your eye always gives you away.’

Her fake look of horror turns into a mock pout and then soft laughter. Reana returns from the kitchen a moment later with a large tray.

Grape juice! ‘Reana, my one true love, marry me.’

‘And make you grape juice every day for the rest of our lives?’

‘That goes without saying.’

With a fond headshake, Reana serves us Couscous and meat balls.

I take a large gulp of juice and sigh. ‘So, are you going to tell me why you’re in such a good mood tonight?’

Reana giggles. ‘I met someone. He’s handsome. He dresses really nice, like you.’ She puts a meatball in her mouth. ‘He has swag and a nice car. This one has class, unlike that idiot, Garba.’


‘I know, I know.’ Getting my meaning, Reana sighs. ‘I just met him, I know. But he’s really kind, I swear.’ She smiles. ‘His name is Eric. He calls me doll.’

Great! Knowing my job, I nod, ‘happy for you.’

‘Cool. So, I invited him to Femi’s wedding tomorrow, and he said he’ll be there.’

‘Wait, I thought we were going together.’

‘Yes, yes, of course. I invited him along as, like, a second date. I really want you to meet him, M.’

It is quite painful for me to deny Reana anything. It is just about impossible to do so when she aims those large, brown pools right at my soul, just as she’s doing now. Ignoring the funny feeling in my gut, I nod once more and shove a ball into my mouth.

After the meal, Reana brings us mugs of hot cocoa. ‘It is rather late.’ She sits, facing me across the table. ‘Maybe you should stay here tonight.’

‘Are you sure your new boyfriend won’t mind?’ I pick up the cards and shuffle.

Reana dimples. ‘We’re only talking. Eric’s not my boyfriend yet.’

‘Sounds as if you’d like him to be.’ I deal out the cards.

‘We’ll see. Anyway, we’re a package deal, right? You’re non-negotiable. He should know that from now on.’ She drops a two-plus. ‘Pick two.’

Hiding the pleasure her words give me, I pick two cards from General Market with a grunt.

‘Why did you arrive late anyway?’

‘This and that,’ I hedge.

Reana says nothing, which means she can see what I’m trying to do.

I look up, find her watching me intently, and release a sigh. ‘I had an impromptu date with Lola.’


‘We broke up.’ I return my attention to my cards.

Reana watches me in silence for a long moment. She places a hand on mine with a firm but gentle pressure. ‘What happened?’

With a sigh, I recall the pain of the experience. ‘I found out she was cheating and confronted her about it. According to Lola, I am emotionally abusive, because I neglect her. Someone else was more willing to be there for her. She went with him.’ What I do not add is that Lola also accused me of cheating with Reana and using our close friendship as a cover.

Reana gives a sad headshake. ‘I am so sorry, M. You did not deserve that.’

I wave, showing that it does not matter.

‘One day, when we met at your place, she cornered me and accused me of shifting your attention away from her.’

I look up in surprise. ‘You never told me this.’

‘Why would I? So I could ruin your precious relationship?’

I suppose there’s no point in covering stuff up. ‘Lola did mention something to that effect as well.’

Reana gives a short laugh. ‘She thinks we’re lovers? That does not surprise me. Her behaviour bothered me at the time. You were in one of your moods during that period and that was the only reason you were distracted. She did not know and she did not care enough to ask. That was when I knew she wasn’t for you.’ Reana goes silent for a long beat. ‘She cheated and then blamed you for it. I’m sorry you’re hurt but I am glad she’s out of your life.’

‘I’m not hurt.’

With a sad smile that implies she knows better, Reana repeats, ‘I am sorry, M.’

Knowing that there’s little point in further denial, I lift her hand and press it to my cheek in silent gratitude. ‘If I’m going to sleep here, I am not sleeping on this torture foam you call a sofa, not again.’

‘We’ll figure it out. I got an inflatable pad a few days ago. You can help me try it out.’

‘Sounds comfortable.’

Reana snickers. ‘I told you I’m thinking of buying another house in a better area. Until then, I don’t want to buy any real furniture for this place. The mattress is a good compromise. It can serve as a sofa too.’

I drop a 5-star. ‘Pick three. I keep telling you, Ree, move into my place. It’s more than big enough, it’s safe, and it’s more comfortable for hangout dates.’

‘I keep telling you, Mister M, I am good, thanks.’ Reana picks three cards from the General market. Her words do not surprise me. Ree has to do everything by herself. She especially does not accept help from men.

‘Yeah,’ I reply absently. The thought I’ve been pushing away all evening comes back. ‘Ree, tell me the truth.’

She looks at me, curious.

‘Am I emotionally abusive … or neglectful?’

Reana’s eyes soften. ‘Don’t let her words get to you, M. I know what neglect looks like. I grew up with it, remember? Do you honestly think I’d keep you around if you were the slightest bit like that?’

That makes sense.

I raise my mug to Reana in a toast.

We talk and play cards till late into the night. After Reana agrees that I’m the winner, we inflate her new mattress.