Pink Ribbons by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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As Josephine prepared for the fight of her life,

Myeon became her biggest support.

He took time off of his career to be by her side. He had fallen in love with her and this was his way of showing her what he meant by 항상 (hangsang/always).

Josephine finally left the hospital. Myeon had prepared his apartment for her arrival.


“You know you could have taken me home. There is room for you there.” Josephine said as they arrive at his apartment.


“Yes but I think you’ll be more comfortable here. Consider it a mini vacation. After all, you've been through, you deserve it. ” Myeon joked.


He watched lovingly as Josephine wandered around his apartment.


“You know this isn’t going to be pretty. I may become a grouchy woman.” Josephine informed jokingly.


“I know. It doesn’t matter I will work hard to keep you comfortable and pretty. And you are already grouchy.” Myeon mocked.


Josephine smiled, grabbed his hand and pulled him through the apartment.


“Which one is my room?” She added.


“Your pick. Choose the one you like.” Myeon said with a smile.


Josephine went from hallway to hallway just mesmerized.


“Don’t overexert yourself.” Myeon reminded her.


He grabbed her hand and led her in the other direction.


"I think this room is perfect for you," Myeon said with a smile as he swung the door open.


Josephine was in awe. It was beautiful. It was decorated with all her things and it was pink, her favorite color.


“Do you like it? It matches your hair.” Myeon joked.


“OMG Yes! I love it! It’s beautiful.” She said as she turned and hugged him.


“I’m glad you like it.” He replied as he held her tight.


Josephine grabbed his hand and led him down the hall.


“What’s in this room?” Josephine asked.


"That's my room," Myeon replied.


“And this room?” Josephine pointed.


"That's the bathroom," Myeon said with a smile.


“And this room back here?” Josephine whispered.


"That room is the magic room. I will take you there one day. But you should never enter it alone." Myeon said in a mysterious tone.


Josephine giggled. As they walked down the hall, she stopped at every picture of Myeon.


“You’ve been so many places.” Josephine gasped.


“Maybe one day I’ll take you to some of them. What do you think?” Myeon offered.


“That would be so much fun!” Josephine replied.


"We'll plan on it. Ok? But first, you have to get better." Myeon assured.


The week rushed through and it was the first day of treatment.

Josephine was terrified but showed no fear to Myeon. As they walked into the clinic, Josephine tightens her grip on Myeon’s hand.


“You are going to be ok. I’m here with you.” Myeon assured.


Josephine stood still.


"Come here," Myeon said as he hugged her tight.


“I will be with you all the way. I promise.” Myeon assured looking into her face.


Josephine looked away.


“Look at me JoJo, we are one! We will fight and win. Trust me.” Myeon promised.


She nodded her head in agreement.


“You ready?” Myeon whispered.


Josephine stood unsure. Myeon took the moment and kissed her deeply.


“Are you ready now?” He joked.


She nodded yes.


They slowly walked down the hall and it the consultation room.


"Hello, Josephine. I'm Doctor Chen." The doctor introduced.


“Hello Dr. Chen, this is….” Josephine replied pointing at Myeon.


“I’m Myeon, her boy, boyfriend.” Myeon interruptedly stuttered.


“Nice to meet you both. I remember you from the hospital concerts.” Dr. Chen said with a smile.


Myeon and Josephine held hands as the doctor explained the procedure.


“OK. Let me explain what we are going to do. Feel free to ask any questions ok?” The doctor added.


“We are going, to begin with, External radiation. We will use this large machine called a linear accelerator. It will shoot a beam of high-energy radiation at the area affected by the cancer. We will do this on an outpatient basis 5 days a week for over 5 to 7 weeks.” The doctor explained.


Myeon listened intently. Josephine not so much. Her mind blanked out as soon as the doctor began talking.


“So are you ready?” The doctor asked.


“I guess?” Josephine answered nervously.


Josephine looked at Myeon and he nodded yes.


“Ok, let get you into a gown so the therapist can see you real quick. She will outline the treatment area on your skin.” The doctor instructed.


Myeon watched as the therapist created a map of the treatment area. She will use it each day to guide Josephine’s treatment. Josephine smiled as she watched Myeon’s face intensify.


“Ok. Let's get you in for your first treatment.” The therapist said as she finished marking the area.


Myeon looked over at Josephine and smiled.


“Fighting!” He whispered as he placed his lips on hers for a light kiss.


As Josephine began to follow the nurse into the treatment room, Myeon stopped her.


“JoJo? I love you.” He whispered.


Josephine smiled and whispered back.


Saying that was a large machine is an understatement. Josephine just stared at the ceiling thinking. Every time she closed her eyes, she envisioned Myeon kissing her.


“He was the one who told me he loved me at the hospital as I woke up. I remember his voice.” She thought and smiled.


As the treatment began, Josephine laid still. Tears streamed down the sides of her face. She was terrified.


“Please don’t let him be a dream. After all this, I deserve something nice in my life.” She negotiated with herself as the treatment continued.


Myeon sat in the lobby watching t.v.  His cell suddenly rings.


“Hello?” Myeon says.


"Hey it's me, Charlie, how is she?" She asked concerned.


"She just went in but she seemed ok," Myeon replied.


"Ok, I'll call back later on. Please let her know I called, ok?" Charlie insisted.


"Yes, of course, I will." Myeon ended.


Myeon stared at the door while he waited. He kept looking at the clock on the wall. It seemed 30 minutes took way longer. Just as he stood up to begin pacing, the door opened and Josephine stood on the other side. She smiled and walked out.


“Ok. We will see you tomorrow. Make sure you rest a lot and eat something light.” The nurse instructed.


Josephine nodded in agreement and smiled.


“How was it?” Myeon asked as he put Josephine’s arm in his for support.


“It was scary and painful. I just want to go home.” She replied as they walked to the car.


“I have something special for you.” Myeon teased.


“Really? What is it?” Josephine asked curiously.


"Come on, we are going on a little trip," Myeon said with a smile.


Josephine smiled and got into his car.


"We are at your apartment," Josephine said as they arrive.


“Yeah, I know. Come on!” Myeon said as he helped her out of the car.


As they reached the elevator Myeon smiled.


“Why are you smiling?” Josephine asked.


“No reason, Come on.” He replied.


Myeon lead Josephine through the house and to the room all the way in the back.


"You said this room was off limits," Josephine said as Myeon grabbed the doorknob to open it.


As he flung the door open, Josephine’s eyes lit up. It was like if they had just walked into Paris, France.


“OMG! How did you do this?” Josephine asked in awe.


"I know I told you I wanted to take you to Paris but right now you are not feeling too good so I brought Paris to you," Myeon explained.


Josephine walked around the room fascinated. It was like if they were at a French bistro and the view out the window was the Eiffel Tower. He even had a French waiter and French food.


“This is soooo romantic.” Josephine swooned.


“Do you like it?” Myeon asked.


“Mmmhmm. I’m in shock.” Josephine answered.


“Come sit, let’s eat.” Myeon directed as he pulled the chair out for her.


She smiled and sat quickly.

Still mesmerized Josephine looked around the room.


“It’s like we are really there.” Josephine gushed as she pointed at the different attractions.


Myeon smiled and watched her amazement. He enjoyed watching her smile, after all, she had gone through.


“This is so amazing, Myeon.” Josephine complimented.


“I’m glad you like it. Next time, we’ll go somewhere else. Where would you like to go?” Myeon asked.


“I don’t know. Surprise me.” Josephine said as she took a bite of a macaroon and fed him the rest.


Myeon made it possible that every time Josephine came home from treatment.

They would visit another romantic place together.

He created Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Japan, just for her entertainment.


This was his special way of distracting her from all she was going through.


The next few weeks were the hardest ever. The treatment began to show on Josephine. She was extremely tired and her skin had become red and blistery. Many times Myeon heard Josephine crying in the shower, he knew it was because of what she saw and how she felt about it.


“Sweetheart, can I come in?” Myeon said through the door.


All he heard was Josephine sobbing. He slowly opened the door to find her slumped down in the shower crying.


“JoJo, what’s wrong?” He asked concerned.


"Look at me," Josephine said sobbing as she uncovered her breast area.


“Look at what? You are beautiful.” Myeon assured.


He walked over and helped her to stand up. As they stood face to face, he looked down at her chest.


“You are gorgeous! Your breasts do not define you, baby. You know that. You are extraordinary and strong. You are invincible.” Myeon added.


He reached over and caressed her face.


"I love you, Josephine," Myeon said as he kissed her cheek then her neck.


She exhaled and closed her eyes.

He removed his wet shirt as they kissed.


The way the water drops glistened on his lightly tan shoulders reminded Josephine of tiny stars in the dark sky. He reached for her and turned her around.


“Close your eyes and let it all go.” He whispered as he put shampoo on her hair and began massaging it through. 


She inhaled deeply then exhaled.


He then turned her around and slowly placed her head under the shower.


“Imagine we are at a warm waterfall. Just me and you.” He whispered.


Josephine smiled.


“Do you hear that?” Myeon asked.


“Hear what?” Josephine replied.


Myeon smiled as he pulled her close and made a wind noise near her ear


“The warm wind rustling.” He replied.


She smiled again. With the shower dripping and Myeon's wind effect. Josephine's mind drifted away.


"You are so beautiful, JoJo," Myeon said as he caressed her.


She melted away to his soft touch and kisses.


 Their relationship had reached another level.

Many say there is no such thing as fate, destiny or true love. 

But what Myeon and Josephine have is a combination of all three and then some. As Josephine lay in Myeon’s arms, he looked at her and smiled.


“One more time sweetheart. You are almost done.” Myeon whispered in her ear as he kissed her cheek.


Josephine smiled and whispered “We won. I beat it!”


“You are a champion baby.” He added kissing her forehead.


She stared at him until he became a blur and she fell asleep. Myeon quickly began planning for their last trip.


“It has to be the ultimate.” He said to himself.


As he pondered, it quickly came to him.


“Yes, that’s it!!!” He said with a huge smile.

The morning sun was extremely bright this day. As if it knew it had to be perfect for Josephine. Charlie even joined them.


"I can't believe we are in Switzerland this morning," Charlie commented.


Myeon smiled as he handed Josephine coffee.


“How the hell did you get snow in here? And where the hell are these pink snowflakes falling from? OMG! Is that a ski slope in the distance? This is freaken magical, Myeon. You need to tell me how the heck you did this?” Charlie admitted.


Josephine laughed.


“It’s magic Charlie. All you have to do is dream it.” Myeon replied with a smirk.


“You must have something super special planned for today. JoJo has finally finished her treatments.” Charlie inquired.


“Mmmmhmm," Myeon answered.


“Can I get a hint?” Charlie asked.


Myeon nodded no with a smile.


Josephine smiled as she watches them go back and forth.


"Well. I can't wait. I wouldn't miss this for the world. You did it, bae!" Charlie celebrated.


Josephine didn’t feel too good this morning but just the thought that it was finally over gave her that extra push. Plus she was excited about where she’d be going next with Myeon.


Arriving at the clinic today had a different feeling like we had defeated the big monster.

Josephine went in and prepared for the final battle.


Meanwhile, Myeon and Charlie sat in the lobby.


“So are you going to tell me what’s up? Come on!” Charlie prodded.


“No.” Myeon blatantly replied.


"Come on Myeon, I won't tell her," Charlie begged.


Myeon smiled and nodded no.


Charlie stood up and turned on the t.v. in the waiting room.


“Look something is going on in downtown today.” Charlie pointed out.


“Put on a movie. I don’t want to watch that.” Myeon quickly suggested getting Charlie to change the channel.


“Soooo, are you going to tell me?” Charlie asked again.


“No Charlie. It’s a surprise. Plus you have to promise you will not comment or make a sound until we are there and she sees first. Ok?” Myeon commanded.


“I promise. OMG! This is so exciting.” Charlie expressed.


Charlie continued changing the channels until they found something interesting. The hour went by so quick they didn’t have time to get into the movie.


“Congratulations! She is done!” The doctor said as he walked Josephine out.


Charlie and Myeon stood up and started clapping.


"She's my strong girl," Myeon added as he hugged her.


Josephine smiled.


“Are you ready for our last trip?” Myeon whispered into Josephine’s ear.


“Yes. Are we going to the beach?” Josephine said excitedly.


"Shit if you can get the beach into the magic room, I commend you," Charlie commented.


“Shhhh.” Myeon motioned to Charlie.


“Ok, you trust me, right?” Myeon asked Josephine.


“Of course, with my life.” Josephine quickly answered.


“Ok, let me put this blindfold on you. I want this to be a total surprise.” Myeon added as he blindfolded Josephine and gave her a small kiss.


They all got into his car and began their journey.


“Where are we going?” Josephine asked over and over again.


"Don't worry, we will be there soon," Myeon replied with a smile as he looked at Charlie through the mirror.


Charlie smiled back with excitement.


“Ok we are here, but wait! I will remove your blindfold. Just a little bit longer, baby.” Myeon instructed.


Charlie’s face lit up to see where he was taking Josephine.


“Ok sweetheart. Hold on to my arm. I will tell you when we are there.” Myeon said as he led Josephine down a long corridor.


“It’s so cold.” Josephine shivered as she cuddles up to Myeon as they walked.


“Almost there.” He said before he came to a complete stop.


“Are you ready? Ok before I take off your blindfold I have to tell you something.” Myeon whispered as he placed his hands on her face.


“ok?" Josephine said unsurely.


"A year ago, I came here and was told to do something. At that moment I thought it was the most ridiculous thing. But I still closed my eyes and did it. What did I have to lose, right? Well, Josephine, my wish came true." Myeon said through tears as he removed her blindfold.


Josephine smiled and looked up at the wish tree.


"I don't know if you ever made a wish here but I thought it was the perfect place for us," Myeon added.


Josephine eyes filled with tears of joy because a year ago today she had made a wish also.


"Oh, my" Charlie blurted out as she saw Myeon search his pocket and lower himself to one knee.


Josephine couldn’t help but smile in between tears.


“JoJo, we have been through a lot together.  I can’t see myself being without you. I don’t know how to be without you. Will you marry me?” Myeon said.


Josephine nodded yes, smiled and grabbed his face. He rose until they were face to face. He smiled and lightly kissed her nose.


“SO?” Charlie said out loud.


Josephine smiled and nodded yes with her head.


The crowd that had gathered burst into a loud glorious cheer.