Pink Ribbons by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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As Myeon left the Children’s ward, he felt something pulling him back to the area where he signed that cd for Charlie.

He looked into the room and there she was.

As Myeon left the Children’s ward, he felt something pulling him back to the area where he signed that cd for Charlie.

He looked into the room and there she was.

He didn't know her but in his heart, he felt he did. Maybe because she was a fan, he felt a connection. He was sure he didn’t know though. He glanced through the window on the door. Her room was dark and gloomy feeling. He wanted to go in but he felt strange about it.


“You can go in and see her. Poor girl hasn’t woken up after her surgery. It’s been days. Her name is Josephine. Everyone calls her JoJo.” The nurse said as she passed.


Myeon smiled, took a deep breath and walked in. The beeping of the machines seemed deafening. He walked over and lowered the volume.


“Hello Josephine, I mean JoJo. My name is Myeon.” He said with a smile.


He walked around the room and pulled a chair over so he could sit near her bed. He looked at her and smiled.


“I know you are a fan. Your friend Charlie told me. Do you mind if I visit with you?” He spoke out loud.


He then grabbed her hand and squeezed softly. Automatically Josephine squeezed his hand back. It startled him.


“Oh! Nice to meet you too.” He said as he waited for her to open her eyes.


“Oh! Maybe that was involuntary. How about if I come by tomorrow and read to you a bit. Would you like that?” Myeon added.


He stared at her waiting for a response and then smiled.


“Then it’s a date, I will see you tomorrow ok? Sweet dreams JoJo.” Myeon ended.


Myeon looked back at her as he left her room. As he passed the nurses he stopped.


“Is it ok if I visit with Ms. Josephine tomorrow around this time?” Myeon asked the nurse.


“Yes, of course. I think she will like that.” She replied.


Myeon arrived home and could not get Josephine out of his mind. He didn’t know what the connection was but he felt anxious. He tossed and turned all night.


“What is going on with me?” He asked himself.


He turned over and glanced at his cellphone for the time.


"It's 3 am. I need to sleep. What is it about you Josephine, which keeps me up tonight?” He said out loud.


“Maybe I’ll have some Quince tea, the fragrance will make me sleepy.” He said as he walked into his kitchen to make tea.


Josephine condition had not changed.

Every evening Myeon would come by and read to her. Every day he’d bring her a gift with a signature pink bow.

He had begun decorating her room with flowers and anything pink he could find. He even had her bed sheets and pillows changed to a soft pink set.

Making it a nice place so if and when she woke up she’d feel loved. At this point, Charlie was becoming concerned about Josephine's condition. 


"It's been 5 days, why hasn't she woken up? What went wrong? You said this was routine surgery." Charlie asked the doctors.


“We are stumped.” The doctor said.


"We really aren't sure what was going on. But we will keep the running test. Her brain activity seems fine.


It’s as if she were in a dream state.” Another doctor stated.


As they walked out of the room, Charlie noticed all the changes in the room.


“Who are these flowers from?” Charlie asked the nurse who was checking Josephine’s vitals.


“They were delivered yesterday, I have no idea. They came from the flower shop in our lobby. Maybe they are from the young guy who comes to see her every evening.” She replied.


“What guy?” Charlie asked concerned.


“I assumed it was her boyfriend. He comes and reads to her. While I was checking her vitals, he said the plush doll she has is him, I didn’t understand but that’s what he said.” The nurse added.


"Ok, that's weird." Charlie thought.


“Her vitals have improved a lot since his visits. Before he leaves every night, he sings to her. We all gather around the nurse’s area just to hear him.” The nurse added.


“Did you ever catch his name?” Charlie asked.


"No, but he's very good looking. He has a very sweet singing voice. He did a concert for the kids not so long ago. His name escapes me.” The nurse replied.


“Myeon? No way? Why would Myeon be here?” Charlie replied.


The nurse shrugged her shoulders.


Charlie seemed concerned but not enough to worry. All the pink made my room look bright and cheery.


“Excuse me, around what time does that guy usually come by?” Charlie asked.


“Almost at the end of my shift, around 6:30 – 7.” The nurse replied.


“Ok thanks.” Charlie smiled as she walked out the door.


Myeon had become so attached to JoJo that visiting her had become a priority over everything. He planned his days so he could always be on time for their reoccurring evening date. He had begun to notice he would stay longer and longer. 


At times, he felt he couldn’t leave her side.

As he walked into the hospital, he was greeted by all the nurses. He enjoyed all the attention but he just wanted one girl’s attention.


"Good evening ladies," Myeon said as he passes the nurses station.


“Hellooooo…” They all said in unison.


“Any changes?” He asked.


They all nodded no with sad faces.


He always stopped and looked at Josephine through the window before entering.


"Hello, JoJo!" Myeon said in a whisper as he approached her bed.


“Hellooo," Charlie said, who happens to come out of the bathroom at the same time Myeon entered the room.


“Oh Hello.” He said startled but with a smile.


“Don’t be scared, it’s just me, Charlie. Remember?” She introduced as she reached to shake his hand.


“Oh yes! Hi Charlie! How are you? She is not awake yet huh?” He asked as he looked at JoJo.


“No, no movement or nothing. I’m worried.” Charlie replied.


“Are all these flowers and stuff from you?” Charlie added.


“Yes. I hope it is ok?” he replied shyly.


Charlie nodded yes with a smile.


“Did the doctors say anything?” Myeon inquired.


"No, they are running the test with no answers," Charlie said disappointedly.


“So where are you going looking so handsome tonight?” Charlie asked.


“Thanks! I'm performing tonight at the Firefly festival but I thought I'd pass through here first and check on her.” Myeon replied with a dreamy smile.


“Oooh, I love that pink snowflake brooch. JoJo would have loved it. She always says imagine if snowflakes were pink, she is silly sometimes.” Charlie rambled, imitating Josephine’s voice as she touched the brooch.


“She likes pink snowflakes huh? I’ll wear it in her honor then.” Myeon said with a smile.


“Aww wait! That’s tonight? JoJo and I had tickets to see you.

She’ll be so sad to know she missed it.” Charlie said with a disappointed tone.


Myeon smiled then looked back at JoJo.


“Thank you for visiting her though. JoJo would be so honored.” Charlie said.


"It is my pleasure. Is it ok if I pass afterward to wish her good night?" Myeon added.


“Sure, that’s ok. I’m sure she’d love that.” Charlie replied in a suspicious tone.


“If I’m not being so forward. I would like to talk to you about JoJo. You know to learn a little bit about her from you. If that is ok?” Myeon asked.


“I guess. Let’s meet here tomorrow and we’ll chat. I’d rather do it here with JoJo present that way she can hear what we are saying. Doctors say her brain activity is good. That’s a good sign.” Charlie requested.


“That’s perfect! I’ll see you tomorrow then. And thank you.” Myeon approved.


“No, thank you, if JoJo knew you were here, oh man. This is a dream come true for her.” Charlie gloated.


Myeon smiled as he approached Josephine’s bed.


“And I’ll see you later on. I’ll bring you something from the festival.” He added as he squeezed JoJo’s foot.


As he walked out Charlie approached JoJo.


“Girl you need to wake up! Myeon was here! I think he likes you. He’s looking at you all dreamy and shit… Freaken wake up.” Charlie whispered as she shook Josephine’s hand.


 “And no I’m not messing with you. Take a whiff, his peaches smell is all over this room. Come on JoJo, wake up bae.” Charlie pleaded.


Charlie felt helpless but happy Myeon wanted to know her friend. Later on that night, Myeon returned with a special gift.


“Surprise JoJo! Look what I have for you.” Myeon said as he placed a jar with fake fireflies on her bedside table.


“I thought you might like it. Look how they sparkle. I know, I know, they are not real but they are pretty just like you. Plus they say they have magic powers. Maybe they can light your way back.” He added as he stroked her hair.


As always he waited for a response that never arrived.


“I can’t stay too long tonight. I have an interview in the morning.” He mentioned as he grabbed her hand.


He suddenly felt Josephine squeeze his hand.


“Can you hear me?” He asked excitedly but there was no other reaction.


Discouraged he nodded his head and then raised her blanket to her shoulders.


“I don’t want you to catch a cold. I will be back tomorrow. I promise to stay longer ok?” He whispered.


Josephine’s leg gave a little twitch. Myeon stayed still and watch quietly.


“My mind must be playing tricks on me.” He said to himself as he put on his jacket and prepared to leave.


“See you tomorrow JoJo. Sweet dreams.” He said as he walked out the door.


Excited for the next day, Myeon arrived home and canceled his agenda for the next day.


“Maybe someday I can show you this.” He said as he looked at the beautiful starry night while he closed the window blinds of his apartment.


“I could only imagine how beautiful your smile is.” He added as he walked into his bedroom.


He sat on the edge of his bed and stared off.


“Am I going insane?” He asked himself.


“I think I’m falling for a woman I don’t even know and I don’t know why it happened.” He added.


Laying staring through the skylight in his room he smiled and drifted off to sleep.


Bright and early Myeon was up and excited for his meeting with Charlie. On his way to the hospital, he stopped at his favorite tea place.


“I think JoJo would like this place.” He said to himself as he read the menu.


"Hello, may I help you?" The young lady asked.


"Yes, may I have 3 cups of Quince tea, to go?”


“Of course, give me a second and I’ll prepare them for you.” The young lady replied.


Myeon glanced around and couldn’t help but believe this would be the perfect place.


“I will bring JoJo here on our first date. If we get that far, I mean.” He thought to himself.


He grabbed his tea and slowly walked out thinking about their first date. 


As he arrived at the hospital, Charlie was arriving too. As they passed the nurses station, A doctor stopped them.


“Are you here for Josephine? I have some promising news.” The doctor said.


They both looked at each other and nodded.


“Is she ok?” Charlie asked concerned.


“She is still in the same state. We have noticed a bit of movement. It could be involuntary, just her muscles retracting. But that’s good!” He added.


“Is there any chance of her waking up soon?” Myeon asked.


“It’s possible but when is the question. Her vitals are strong. That’s another great sign.” The doctor replied.


“We’ll keep up with the tests and hopefully something will show what is going on.” He added.


They entered Josephine’s room with disappointed faces.


“Hi, JoJo! Wake up, baby! Look who's here? It's your bunny. Sorry, that's what she called you." Charlie said out loud.


"Hey, JoJo! I brought you some tea. Hopefully, the aroma will wake you up. The smell is heavenly." Myeon added as he placed the cup on her nightstand then handed another cup to Charlie.


“Let’s lighten up the mood a bit. I don’t want her to know we are sad.” Charlie suggested in a whisper.


"Let's play some music for her," Myeon suggested with a smirk.


“I guess you are suggesting play some Myeon music for her.” Charlie joked.


"Yes, of course, it is her favorite." Myeon joked back.


“Ok ok, what are you doing?” Charlie asked as Myeon grabbed Josephine’s hands.


“I’m warming her hands, they are always so cold.” He replied as he rubbed Josephine’s hands in between his.


Charlie nodded her head as she watches him caress Josephine’s hands.


“Ok, so let us begin. Class Josephine 101 will commence now.” Charlie said jokingly.


Myeon smiled and sat next to Josephine’s bed.


“So what would you like to know?” Charlie asked as she put her Myeon plushy next to Josephine.


“Tell me everything.” Myeon requested with a smile as he sipped his tea.


“Well… Josephine… I’m sorry I feel weird about this.” Charlie apologized as she stood up and paced the room.


“It’s ok. Tell me what she likes, maybe that will be easier.” Myeon suggested.

"Well, you got the pink right. She loves the color pink. That's why her hair is that color. Hmmm? She likes you and your music so that’s a plus. She loves dogs. If she could have 20 dogs she would.” She said with a laugh.


Myeon just stared at Josephine as Charlie spoke.


“Are you even listening to me?” Charlie asked.


“Oh yes. I’m just wondering what she is dreaming about. Her eyes are moving back and forth as if she is dreaming.” Myeon said.


“She’s probably dreaming about you," Charlie said with a giggle.


Myeon blushed and looked away.


“She would always say, every time she saw you on t.v.

"The day I finally meet Myeon, I'm going to give him a full bow on my knees like he's a king because he's my biggest inspiration." Charlie reminisced as she imitated Josephine's voice.


Myeon smiled and then looked a Josephine.


“What does her smile look like?” Myeon asked.


Charlie took out her cell phone and showed him a picture of Josephine.


“Wow! Her smile is beautiful, very addicting. Can you send me that picture?” Myeon complimented.


“Sure, of course.” Charlie agreed as she scrolled through her phone gallery.


"I want my friend back," Charlie mumbled as she put her phone away and looked at Josephine.


“Do you think it is possible?” Myeon said quietly.


“Is what possible?” Charlie replied.


"That a person could have feelings for another without knowing them," Myeon whispered.


"Anything is possible, Myeon," Charlie replied.


Myeon nodded his head in agreement.


“Why? Are you having those feelings?” Charlie questioned.


"I really think I am," Myeon confessed.


 Myeon and Charlie talked for about 2 hours. She told him everything she knew about Josephine. If Josephine knew the things she told him she’d be mortified, but that’s what friends are for, right? She answered all his questions and concerns.


“I have to get going. Are you staying?” Charlie asked.


"Yeah, maybe a few more minutes," Myeon replied.


“Ok. I wish JoJo could see this. She’d freak out for sure. I’m still a bit freaked out having you here.” Charlie said with a smile.


Myeon smiled as Charlie’s placed her hand on his shoulder.


“See you tomorrow?” She asked.


“I have a short tour but I will be back by the end of the week,"  Myeon replied with a pout


“That’s ok! I’ll be here with her. I’m sure she’ll miss your bedtime stories.” Charlie said.


Charlie caressed Josephine’s hair and walked out.


“It’s just us two. Let me tell you what’s going on in the world today?” Myeon whispered.


Myeon began reading the newspaper out loud and commenting on today's' news. Josephine as usual slept.


“I wonder if you could even hear me?” Myeon said out loud as he placed her hand near his lips.


Josephine squeezed his hand tightly.


"I really hope you can hear me," Myeon said with a smile.


An hour had passed when Myeon noticed he had stayed past the allowed time.


“Oh no, I have to go before I get thrown out JoJo. I don’t want to leave but they will not allow me to stay longer. Listen, I will be back in a week, I have some work to do. You sleep or even better wake up and I will see you then. I will have a lot of stories to share with you. Ok?” He said as he caressed her cheek.


As always he waited for a reply.


“I want to kiss you. It is a bit forward but it will not hurt.” He added with a sigh as he kissed her cheek.


Myeon walked towards the table and began rearranged the flowers on the table.


“I don’t know how to explain it, JoJo.” He said out loud.


Turning around and facing her bed, he continued.


“I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. I can’t concentrate. My thoughts are all of you. Last night I even dreamt of you. Every day I wish to hear your voice. See your smile. Kiss you.

How is that possible? We don’t even know each other.” He said.


Frustrated, he sat back down next to her and just stared.

As always, expecting a reaction that never came.

He slowly got up and walks up to the door to leave.


As he opened the door, he smiled back towards her and said: "I love you, Josephine.” And walked out.


Through the darkness of the room, Josephine finally replied softly “I love you too.”


She remained quiet and looked around her dark room.


“Did the doctor just tell me he loved me? I must really be out of it.” She mumbled.


Josephine tried to sit up but felt a bit dizzy. She slowly sat up and looked around the room.


“Wow! Look at all the flowers. Everything is so pink.” She said as she turned the light on and adjusted her eyes.


She slowly got up and shuffled her feet to the door. She cracked it open to see where she was. With one big pull, she opened it and ventured out into the hallway.


"Hello, Josephine." The nurse said as she passed the nurses station.


Suddenly they all got up and ran towards Josephine.


“Oh Josephine, you are up, you shouldn’t be walking around. Come on lets’ get back to your room.” The nurse said as she instructed the other nurse to call her doctor.


In a matter of seconds, her room was filled with doctors. Josephine felt a bit overwhelmed.


“Josephine, welcome back sweetheart.” The doctor said.


“You gave us a scare, we are happy you woke up.” The other doctor commented.


“Does your head hurt? Any other pains besides your incision?” The doctor asked.


She nodded no.


“How long have I’ve been asleep?” She asked.


“Since your surgery, a week and a half ago.” The doctor replied.


“Whoa! What happened?” Josephine inquired.


“Truth? We have no idea. We did test after test and the results were all negative. It was like you were in an extended dream state.” The doctor explained.


“Can I eat? I’m very hungry.” She said.


“Yes, we will get you something light.” The doctor said with a laugh.


“I’m Dr. Lee, your doctor. I will be back in a couple of hours to check on you again. No wandering off, ok.” Her doctor joked.


“Ok” Josephine replied in a soft voice.


“Ok, I know you’ve been in bed for a long time but please call me with this button if you need anything. We don’t want you to fall.” A nurse instructed.


Josephine nodded ok.


“I will bring you some chicken broth. Here is the remote, in case you’d like to watch t.v. I’ll be right back.” The nurse added.


One by one the nurses welcomed Josephine back as they left the room. Everyone was elated with the news.


Josephine switched on the t.v. One by one, she scanned the channels for something interesting to watch.


“Wow! So much going on.” She mumbled.

She immediately stopped switching channels when she came upon an interview with Myeon. She watched intently.


“He’s so handsome.” She said with a sigh.


As he spoke, certain words made a strange impression on Josephine thoughts. She saw in a mental flash, Myeon with a jar of fireflies. Her vision then zoomed in on that same jar on the table.


"Oh, we missed the Firefly concert. Charlie probably went and brought me that souvenir. It so cute!” She said out loud with a pout.


She continued watching the interview. She smiled at the comfort she felt from his voice. He mentioned he would be doing a small tour.


“Is this an old interview?” She asked herself as she remained watching.


“Oh, his smile, so pretty. He has a scarf like mine. That is so cool.” She added as she looked at her scarf draped over the chair.


“Ok Josephine, I got you some soup and some Jell-O. I know it’s not a celebratory meal but its 1 a.m.” The nurse said.


“What would you like for breakfast? Maybe I can get you something special.” The nurse added.


“I love Fruity Pebbles. It’s my favorite cereal.” Josephine said as she smiled in delight.


“I’ll see what I can do.” The nurse replied.


Josephine smiled big.


“Eat slowly so you don’t upset your tummy.” The nurse instructed.


“Did I have a lot of visitors?” Josephine asked as she sipped the soup.


“A lot of doctors and nurses have come through here. Oh and your best friend and your boyfriend.” The nurse replied.


“My Boyfriend?” Josephine replied confused.


"Tall, dark and handsome is what we call him. He has such a great voice. He is so super sweet too. You are a lucky girl. " The nurse added.


Josephine felt overwhelmed and confused so she remained quiet.


“If you need me I’m a beep away. Now relax, watch some t.v. and I won’t say sleep because you probably won’t want to do that for a while. ” The nurse added with a smil