Princess Cynisca - Lassie and the Centaur Part 2 by Jyotsna Lal - HTML preview

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A gamos, a marriage ceremony, was conducted. It started with a sacrifice, proteleia, (premarital), which was for the gods to bless the two being wed. Then the future wife Princess Cynisca cut her hair signifying her previous virginity. The two Bride and the groom then took a ceremonial bath in holy water, known as loutra. The water would be poured from a loutrophoros. Smaller loutrophors where possibly given to the gods to bless the marriage. After the loutra a feast was prepared at the palace, however, the women would sit and wait until the men were done.This same custom of men eating before the women, was up held in other meals as well as the marriage feast. Women were allowed to control the conversation, once allowed to dine with the men.


The Princess Cynisca consecrated the marriage by moving into the suitorsPrince Leonidas living quarters.Once the woman stepped in the house the sunoikein, ‘living together’, legalized the engysis that the suitor and the kyrios made. A dowry was given to the husband from the wife. She often did not have any possessions to give, the father or the kyrios provided a dowry, which was important for the couple

The epaulia was similar to a bridal or groom shower. It was where the bride and groom received most of their gifts preparing them for their journey as husband and wife.

When they were married, people feasted and drank wine and looked at the gifts. Gifts were like wedding gifts today, household goods and perfumes and vases and baskets.


 The bride had been first unveiled at the initial wedding banquet in full view of the banquet guests and her

husband.She had been covered again for the chariot procession to her husband’s home. This re-veiling seemed appropriate considering the believed protection offered by the veil and the dangerous liminal nature of the wedding procession.

The bride then remained veiled throughout the katachysmata ceremony and would not unveil again until she had been conducted into the bridal chamber by her new

husband.This final unveiling would be the first sexual intercourse between husband and wife when the bride is fully unveiled and penetrated by her husband.

Weddings were very different in Sparta. In Sparta, there was a short friendly physical fight between the bride and the groom.Princess Cynisca had been told that the groom must win if he and the bride wished to be married.

Prince Leonidas tossed his wife over his shoulder and carried her off into the bridal chamber

That concluded the wedding ceremony. Then, like all the Greeks, wedding guests feasted and toasted the new couple.



Princess Cynisca[Lassie] was a woman in her freshest age, of wondrous beauty, Nubile Beauty, a nymph, rising from the lake ,green slanted flirtatious eyes showed glints of yellows and browns. Wild curly golden hair with auburn flecks floated around her, hanging to her waist. her white teeth with their slight overbite, latched wantonly onto her sensuous full red pouted lips, promising rapture. Globular breasts were open bare, like succulent melons of spring and soft,shapely, rounded arms ,her Legs toned and defined, shapely ,her stomach smooth and Supple,yet defined and firm,her buttocks; bountiful, round, shapely, Firm and High,compact golden triangle just Pleasing To The Eye,Aesthetically Appealing, In Curvature & Contour,

Voluminous, Voluptuous, Yet, Daintily Demure,

Just Perfectly Created.By The Hands Of God,


Lassie could feel him desiring her more and more as the minutes ticked away.she was getting warm all over As he looked her chest ,his lustful eyes caressed her luscious breasts , spent like was seemed an eternity using all his senses discovering her nude body


Prince Leondas began to love his bride Lassie

Dainty & Feminine, With Aesthetic Appeal.

In Your Naked Silhouette, I Could Get Lost.

What A Lovely Sight, It Is, To See.

You Rouse, Such Fervor, Such Passion, Within Me,

Now, for the first time,

I want to hold you , to kiss and caress you .

I want to squeezed and fondled your breasts

I want freely run my hands over

the magnificent, naked breasts.

I want to feel the nipples harden under my touch

Breasts so supple, succulent

I want to run my hands all over your fabulous body without receiving any protest.

I want to suck and chew on the the nipples

until you sigh and moan with pleasure.

I want to let my hands wander to your thighs, gently sliding up to your waist.

Then allow my right hand to drift back down over stomach to the crotch

Every Contour, A Delight, To My Eyes.

Your Nakedness, Makes, My Nature Rise.

Your Body Seduces Me.

.Feminine & Fetching, Just Visually, Pleasurable

Each And Every Inch Of It, Leaves Me, In Rhapsody.

You're A Statue, Of Perfection, Contoured, Symmetry.

Your Nakedness, Beautiful, Defines, Femininity.

Lovely & Trim, At Its Every Turn,

By Sight, Alone, Such Pleasure, It Yields.

Your Body, Your Built, Contoured, Just Perfectly.

The Beauty, Of Its Nakedness, Leaves Me, In Ecstasy


Mesmerized Lassie came close , approching the Prince

slowly turning towards prince and he reached out to touch her voluptuous body ,

Leondas regarded his prize ,gorgeous, naked willing bondage slave She had all the earmarks of being slightly disoriented

The sight was almost more than flesh and blood could stand she were not of this world but that the cosmos was of her, trying valiantly to please her. She looked fabulous. Standing there wide legged, naked Oh God, she was beautiful. Without being asked, she once more clasped her hands at the back of her neck and thrust out her chest. Fabulous!


Lassie was finally with her husband in ancient Greece

Time travel by grace of the centauras the constellation and

benevolent love of Yonder the Centaur who adopted her when her human family abondoned her .