Pure Illusion (Web of Deception #1) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Chapter six

It’s Who You, I, We Are



The warm sun lingers on my skin, waking me from a deep slumber. My eyelids lazily flutter open to the brilliancy around me that filters through the thick treetops outside the large windows.

Hunter lives in a spacious two-story, three bedroom house made of grey stone and glass, outside of town in the midst of the forest. There’s very little privacy when every wall is purely see-through. But I guess seclusion isn’t an issue when you’re surrounded by wild green jungle-like vegetation and have no neighbors or prying eyes in sight.

As I wipe the sleep from my eyes, I notice that my left wrist is stretched above my head and secured to one of the poles on his wrought iron headboard by metal handcuffs.

I have to pee and I can’t move.


My eyes dart to the pillow beside me with a folded sheet of plain white paper that has a written note:


Went out for a run and to get groceries.

Don’t trust you alone yet so I cuffed you.

It shouldn’t take long. Be back soon.




Infuriated, I strain against the cuffs, thrashing like a rabid animal, quickly exhausting myself. My head starts to spin from the sharp, jerky motions. My heavy breathing and erratic pulse slows as I still my movements. Being cuffed to Hunter’s bed was one of my favorite fantasies.  

Why are you freaking out? This is what you always wanted, right? my subconscious asks.

A strong warm, tingly feeling settles in the pit of my stomach and between my legs, stirring a deep longing I kept carefully at bay. Now, I don’t know whether I have to pee or just plain horny. I need to be relieved either way.

Inhaling deeply, I close my eyes and breathe in Hunter’s masculine scent, letting it calm me. The warmth, tingly sensation before has intensified immensely. It’s spreading. I feel it in my fingers and all the way down to the tips of my toes.

My free hand travels down the slope of my stomach, into the waistband of my panties, between my legs. I’m soaked. God, this feels so wrong but I’m in crucial need to alleviate myself. I need to come. If I don’t, it feels like the weight of it all will crush me.

Panting, I start to touch myself, thinking of Hunter and his longish blond hair, clear blue eyes, and smooth, sun-kissed skin. My chest heaves as my breathing turns ragged. I massage my clit rougher, imaging his powerful, well-defined arms around me, holding me, touching me, and caressing me.

It feels like a billion emotions are racing through me, all clashing together, leaving scorching desire in its wake. The heavenly sensations begin to build. I dig my heels in the mattress and yank harshly against the restraints as my entire body begins to tremble. Moaning softly, I come undone at the seams. Dragging my wet hand out of my underwear, I inhale and sag back into the bed, sated. It’s like I’m melting into his sheets. I feel so much better.

My labored breaths and pounding heart fills the silence, until I hear someone crumbling a plastic wrapper.

I feel my entire body flush.




Mortified, I keep my eyes screwed shut.

“That was so much better than porn,” Hero murmurs. “I’m like, so hard right now. My dick hurts.”

“Naughty girl, Isabel,” teases Falcon in mock admonishment. “You always look amazing when you come, though.”

I’m going to die a million deaths from embarrassment.

Gathering all my courage I can muster, I peek out of one eye. Three sets of eyes are staring back at me. Hero slowly and seductively licks crumbs off his lips in a way it would make girls’ hearts stop. Falcon grins back at me, his brown locks curling over his navy shirt collar. He looks good. Falcon always looks good. Hunter leans in the doorjamb, arms crossed at his chest, his sharp gaze on me. He is dressed in black basketball shorts, sneakers, and a gray loose shirt that is drenched with sweat.

How does he sweat in the wintertime?

“That was quite a show, young lady,” Falcon scolds lightly. His muscled, insanely ripped limbs bring him closer to me. Hunter suddenly straightens his pose, grabbing Falcon’s arm, bringing him to an abrupt halt. “I need to un-cuff her and she has to get dressed.”

Falcon’s brows furrow and his light brown eyes drop to Hunter’s hand. “I’ve seen her come. I’ve seen her naked, too. So let me go before I kick your ass in front of her and your little brother.”

“Hero. Out,” Hunter growls.

Hero throws a flirtatious wink my way that chills my skin and disappears from my view.

Hunter’s free hand fists at his side, ready to strike. They can’t fight. They were best friends once upon a time. It’s just wrong.

“Please don’t fight,” I quickly blurt out.

Their eyes shift to me.

“Falcon, I love you so much, my shining knight. Can you please give me and Hunter a moment? Please.”

He gives me a slight nod, jerking his arm free from Hunter’s tight grasp.

Hunter’s jaw clenches and he stares fiercely at the back of Falcon’s head, as if he wants to knock it right off. Falcon exits the room, shutting the door after him.

His hard gaze flickers to me as he moves in my direction. He sits next to me, never losing eye contact.

“Un-cuff me. I need to pee and shower,” I whisper, avoiding his eyes now.

“I went to the store to buy ingredients. You still like chocolate chip pancakes?”

I don’t reply, but he keeps talking anyway.

“I fixed them every morning for you. Wanted to cook them perfectly. I practiced for a whole month once in the summer. What twelve-year-old boy practices making perfect pancakes to please their best friend?”

He used to fix me chocolate chip pancakes all the time when we were younger. They were always, always delicious.

He blows out a long breath, raking his hand over his face, as if he’s trying to control his anger. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

Not responding, I stare at a fixed spot ahead on the wooden door.

“Eyes. Now, Isabel,” Hunter orders in a lethally quiet tone that makes my hairs stands on the back of my neck and a strong pickle race across my skin.            

My eyes quickly dart to his unforgiving ones.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” he repeats, all patience gone.

I nod once, feeling my cheeks burn and heat.

What the hell was I thinking?

“Who were you thinking about?”

“I have to pee, really bad, Hunter. Please un-cuff me,” I whine softly.

He cocks his head to the side, as if considering something, then simply says, “No.”

“But I have to go. Un-cuff me. I might pee in your bed. It won’t be a pretty sight at all.”

His lips twitch and he raises his brows as if saying, do you really think I give a shit? I groan, straining with all my might against the cuffs. I’m flopping around like a fish out of water.

Hunter arm reaches out and he presses a hand, palm down on my stomach and pushes down. His touch seers right through my skin again. I inhale sharply, feeling my heart pound against my ribs. The feeling is so intense that I feel light-headed. “Settle down, Isabel.”

“Hunter,” I gasp.

“Shh.” His fingers splay over my navel and his thumb sweep lightly across my skin there.

My heart is squeezing so tightly in my chest it, like it’s about to explode at any second.

“My brother has a key to my place and let Falcon in. When I came home, they were bunched in the doorway, mouths drooling. I pushed my way through and saw you coming, hard.” He brings his hand up to his face making a tight fist. “Hero knows what you look like when you come. He knows what you sound like.” Hunter drops his hand, shutting his eyes and tipping his head down, as if some awful tragedy struck. “I want to hurt both of them, Isabel. I don’t have the tolerance for shit like this. I don’t have the tolerance for you.”

He doesn’t have the tolerance for me?

My breathing turns heavy as I continue to listen to his words that strike me like stones to the head.

He gives me a critical once-over, then shakes his head in disgust. It unnerves me in a way it shouldn’t. I know he dislikes me, but does he hate me as well? “You’re a smart girl so I don’t understand why you’re acting like a fucking idiot.” The muscles in his jaw tense as he grits his teeth. “You need to get yourself together, Isabel. And fast before I…” He trails off, running a hand angrily through his hair and squeezing as he goes.

Before he what? 

Hunter stands abruptly, startling me. He digs in his pocket and pulls out a shiny metallic key, unlocking me from the restraints.

I clutch my numb wrist to my chest in my hand, swinging my legs off the edge of the bed. Hunter steps closer, caging me in. The fiery heat emitting off his body is enough to smother me, it’s wrapped around me in a thick, heavy cloud, choking me. His scent overwhelms me. He smells like sweat and fresh lavender, it’s making my head spin as I stare down at his running shoes.

His hand reaches out and flips my long hair over my left shoulder. That same hand touches the side of my face, dragging down my skin until his fingers press in on my lips. “You have a pretty mouth,” he utters lowly, his voice dripping with lust.

My lips part in a gasp. His thumb slides between the seam of my mouth and then dips inside and touches my tongue. He tastes of salt and wild grass and something sweeter, something that’s only him. He removes his thumb as swiftly and as quickly as he slipped it in.

I release a shaky breath and collapse back first to the mattress, my entire body quivering. This is very bad because I want to block out everything including feelings for Hunter. “Take a shower. Your pancakes will be ready by then,” he murmurs over his shoulder as he walks away.