Pure Illusion (Web of Deception #1) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Chapter forty-six

Mama’s Lullaby



Isabel age 7

Tyler age 4



My Mommy loves to sing to us. She showers our faces in a flood of kisses and sings us her special lullaby right before we go to bed.



My little moon-pie, you make me so brave

My little moon-pie, you make me so strong

My little moon-pie, I sing you this song to remember me when I am gone.


Never forget that I love you so much

Even the days when you’re crying and making a fuss

Your big green eyes always give me a rush

There is no one like my sweet little moon-pie.


I pray for my little moon-pie every morning and night

God answered back with a bundle of delight

Two of his angels from heaven took flight

And blessed me with two more little moon-pies.


Mommy loves you more than hearing the sound of her own heartbeat.

And always remember that after I die.

I love you my sweet little moon-pie.