Radar Love by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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*Chapter Nine*


The ration van parked and the new edition of six ladies practically fell out of the van. They grumbled and moaned at the driver’s familiar attempt at giving them the worst ride of their lives. Peggy and Audrey were on shift which meant that Dorothy and Maisy gave the tour of the barracks after Lt. Mrs. Simpson had given her introductory session.

“Is it not time for the shift to end?” Frank asked Audrey as he paced up and down the Tech-hut in an irritating manner.

“Oh relax Frank; the ladies will still be there when the shift is finished.” Peggy chirped from in front of her screen. It was a quiet day at the Silversands Radar Station with not much happening in the oceans for them to report to Freddie.

“No, it’s not that. Well, I suppose it is. The men here are like vultures when a pretty woman is around.”

“And you’re not?” Audrey retorted with a snort.

Frank opened his mouth to retaliate but was so taken aback by her dirty look he shut it again and went back to his desk.

“Ouch,” Peggy said to Audrey.

“All the men here are like depraved animals; it makes me mad. The only decent one is Harvey, and he is too shy to say boo or bar to any woman.” Audrey jabbed a pin into the map as she spoke.

“That savors strongly of bitterness. Is someone a little jealous of the new women?” Peggy goaded Audrey.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Another pin jabbed into the map.

“So then why are you jabbing the pins onto the East Coast instead of the West Coast,” Peggy questioned her and then laughed. Audrey stood back and realized what she was doing, took all the pins out and shook her head bemused.

“Sorry, I think I am a little anxious for whatever reason, I have no reason to be.” Audrey sat next to Peggy at the Radar screen, and they watched the white line go round and around catching a few blips along the way.

The clock chimed 1 pm; Frank jumped up from his desk swinging his jacket over his shoulders simultaneously. “Where is Harvey?” He paced up and down annoying Audrey immeasurably. Peggy and Audrey’s replacement operators settled in for their shift after being informed of the movements in the ocean. Harvey had still not arrived; Frank was fuming.

“Peggy, Audrey, meet the new ladies,” Maisy called out when Peggy and Audrey reached their quarters. The ladies were sitting on the edge of the long wooden porch that ran along the length of their rooms. The new ladies stood and exchanged salutes before introducing themselves. Peggy, Audrey, Dorothy, Maisy, Patricia, Carolyn, Bonnie, Phyllis, Sally and Veronica found an instant camaraderie sharing in what made them who they were.

There was no sign of Frank the entire afternoon; Harvey was held up in a meeting with Cpt. Vogel and no one bothered to think of replacing him. Everyone was eating dinner in the function hall when Frank finally strode in using his earlier misfortune to his advantage. He played the sympathetic role on all the new ladies spewing out his charm much to the aggravation of the men. The ladies being pre-warned met him with calmed elegance buffing off any hope he had of bowling them over; the other men were naturally delighted with this turn of events. There was a constant game of cat and mouse being played at Silversands.

That evening in the Rec. room Peggy was on coffee duty; after everyone had helped themselves to biscuits and hot beverages, she realized Harvey had not. He sat in front of the fireplace reading what looked like important papers and smoking his pipe. Peggy made a cup of strong coffee, one sugar with the tiniest dash of milk, and placed four biscuits on a plate.

Dorothy watched her with interest “Who is that for?” She asked.

“Harvey,” Peggy replied as she started to walk toward Harvey with the cup and plate in her hands.

“How do you know that is how he prefers his coffee?” Dorothy asked curiously.

Peggy stopped and looked bewildered at Dorothy and Maisy “I don’t know. That is a good question, how do I know?” Peggy had hesitated before she continued to where Harvey sat “Oh, well it’s poured now if he doesn’t like it this way I will have to give it to someone else or drink it myself.” She shook her head puzzled.

“Good evening, Lt. Newsome I’ve brought you coffee and biscuits before it’s all finished.” She gently placed the coffee cup and plate of biscuits on the coffee table next to him.

Harvey looked up at Peggy over the papers he was reading. He put the papers on his lap giving Peggy his full attention. “Why thank you, Peggy, this is very kind of you. I got so engrossed in my reading I forgot to help myself.” He smiled at Peggy fully appreciative of her kindness. Harvey’s China-blue eyes sparkled behind his black-rimmed spectacles; his thick jet black hair was always neat and in place. A few years older than the other men did not deter the fact that his tall and well-built physique made him a huge favourite with the ladies and his shy calm nature even more so irresistible. The ladies of Silversands equated Harvey with a likeness to Cary Grant; poor Harvey had no idea what effect he had on these impressionable ladies.

The movie “The Philadelphia Story.” was still fresh in everyone’s minds and while the men swooned over Katherine Hepburn, the woman challenged who was the most handsome between Cary Grant, James Stewart or John Howard. The ladies watched as Peggy offered the coffee to Harvey regretting that they did not think of doing the same.

“If it’s not how you prefer it I can make another,” Peggy offered a little nervous “one sugar with a dash of milk?”

“Well then, it will be perfect it is just as I like it.” He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes; he was tired and yawned. “Excuse me, gosh I hadn’t realized what the time was, I’ve been reading this over and over for a few hours now.” He waved the papers and set them back down on his lap. “Your timing is perfect Peggy, thank you.”

Unsure of what to say further and not having heard Harvey speak so much at once, Peggy stood there uncertain of what to do next. Did he want to talk more or was he fobbing her off? “Well hope you enjoy the rest of the evening Lieutenant.”

“Please call me Harvey, Lieutenants are only for official situations.”  He smiled at Peggy, even his less than perfect smile was perfect, and Peggy was suddenly feeling very hot and flustered.

“Okay, well enjoy your evening then Harvey.”

“You too, and thank you again Peggy.”

Peggy walked back to the games table to a bunch of very curious ladies dying to hear what conversation Peggy and Harvey had exchanged; they were also very envious that he had conversed with her.

Harvey finished his coffee and biscuits then retired from the room greeting those that were still there pleasantly and again thanking Peggy; she smiled and blushed.