Radar Love by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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*Chapter Twenty*


“But where can I get a dress made in such a short time?” Peggy asked. The SSS ladies were a bustle of happiness and excitement over the wedding of Harvey and Peggy. A few of the artillery ladies joined them in their dormitory sneaking in a bottle or two of fine Cape red wine. They cheered to the celebration and future of Harvey and Peggy.

“There is a native lady here on the Island that is an excellent seamstress. I’ll send her a message with one of the kitchen staff, Absolom; he is her nephew or grandson, I forget which.” Anna-Marie or fondly known as Anna suggested.

“Thank you,” Peggy said. Her mind was in a whirl of thoughts. “But where can I get material?” She asked no one, in particular, rubbing her hands on her white candlewick bedspread. She stared at the bedspread and allowed the clogs of her thinking to sink in. Quickly she stood up and yanked off the bedspread holding it up against her body. “What do you think? Do you think it will make a decent enough dress?” Peggy looked at the ladies faces, their eyes wide in surprise. “Well?” She implored.

Dorothy stood by Peggy maneuvering the bedspread around her waist and chest. “Yes, I think it will be suitable.”

“Mrs. M, as we call her; she has a surname about a mile long and too hard to pronounce, will transform your bedspread into the most beautiful wedding dress. If you give her an idea of what you’d like, she will make it?”

“I’ve always know what style of dress I’d want for my wedding day.” Peggy hurriedly got out a sheet of paper and a pencil and started to sketch her dream dress.  She handed the sketch to Anna.

The ladies examined the sketch and collectively agreed. “Oh, Peggy it is so perfect for you,” Maisy said squeaking out a little sob.

Peggy put her one arm around Maisy. “Now, now Maisy don’t go getting me all in tears already.” Maisy wiped her eyes. Anna dashed off with the sketch and the candlewick bedspread and handed it to Absolom with very strict instructions.

The Island was abuzz with the forthcoming wedding; even grouchy Lt. Mrs. Marais forced a smile. “Congratulations, it is going to be lovely to have something pure and magical happen on this Island for a change.” She had said when Peggy informed her. Their brief interlude exposed a soft side, and it touched Peggy. She thanked Lt. Mrs. Marais, and while walking to the firing range for their first lesson in firing the big guns, she wondered what had made Lt. Mrs. Marais, such a hard-hearted woman. Perhaps it was living on the Island for so many years or that it was not the post she had requested. Perhaps she had lost someone close to her or missed her husband while he was away fighting. There could be so many reasons for her distemper that Peggy felt guilty she had judged her.

The ladies gathered around the massive high-angle 9.2-inch gun and the Radar; they stood in awe of the size of the machinery. They were heavy and cumbersome, yet the artillery ladies handled them with smooth ease. Each SSS lady was given an opportunity to detect and log the range into the gun. Once each had their turn, the artillery ladies with great pride set a range into the firing gun and fired it. The whole thirty-ton structure shook, everything shook. Maisy fainted.

A pass was granted for everyone, and without hesitation evening gowns and fine suits were adorned, and The Izzy was loaded with eager humans ready for a night out on the town. Gratefully the seas were calm and not one evening gown, or fine suit was ruined before the night had even commenced.

Cape Town was buzzing with soldiers, local and foreign “I’s tell you, dees strange men gots no manners.” Staff Sgt. Erasmus complained when the ladies received a flute of whistles on every street corner they passed. Finally, they arrived at the Stardust Club and found a few seats pushing them together; most the men had to stand. A waiter squeezed his way to their table to take their order of drinks. They ordered two rounds unsure if or when they might see the waiter again. The club was cramped, dimly lit and heavily fogged by the cigarettes that were consumed by its patrons. Loud voices and laughter set an ambiance for fun and a lot of dancing.  

Tunes from The Dorsey Brothers, Bing Cosby, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, The Andrews Sisters, Ella Fitzgerald and so many more talented musicians, penetrated the Stardust Club. Audrey danced with so many soldiers it looked like she was having the time of her life; it was no wonder that when she did sit down, she’d kick off her shoes. But as much as she danced and loved the attention it was not as satisfying as she’d first thought it would be. Something was missing.

Peggy nudged Harvey and pointed her head to the dance floor. She caught Dorothy and Audrey’s attention too. The all gaped at Staff Sgt. Desmond Erasmus and Maisy dancing in an extremely close embrace and were gob-smacked when they witnessed their first kiss. “Well, I never! Desmond and Maisy! Well, I never.” Audrey exclaimed and took a big gulp of her Ginger Square.

They all sat rooted in their seats until Desmond and Maisy returned from the dance floor at least five dances later. Desmond held onto Maisy’s hand as if it were a life support gadget; Maisy glowed with a smile that possibly touched her ears. Desmond cleared his throat realizing he had to say something to the stunned group of friends. “Maisy, she my girlie now. I’s always had da eyes for her.” Everyone just burst out laughing and congratulated them both.

Harvey and Peggy danced as many dances their desired hearts, and their feet permitted. It was with great self-restraint they managed not to run away and elope, with each step of each dance their love and yearning for each other grew intensely. Their wedding only a few days away could not come any sooner. “Peggy, my darling in a few days I will call you my wife. I love you so dearly that I fear I might burst with happiness.”

Peggy held his face in their slow close dance. “It is the way I feel too. Becoming Mrs. Newsome will be the best thing ever to happen to me. I love you my darling with all my heart.”

Harvey pushed Peggy back, and she spun around to the swinging tune, her chocolate colored hair flew up off her shoulders, and she returned into Harvey’s arms laughing at him thoroughly enjoying their dance and their togetherness.

It was only two days later, and already Mrs. M had Peggy trying on the dress for its final touches. Peggy was afraid of Mrs. M at first; she was a large woman, hard features, fierce gray hair and the deepest darkest set eyes. When Peggy slipped, the dress on Mrs. M smiled and clapped her hands in adoration. “Beautiful.” She said in her broken English. She only had a small mirror in which Peggy had to try and see how she looked; to see if the dress hung correctly at all the right places. Eventually, Peggy gave up trying and left it up to trust.

To Peggy’s delight Lt. Mrs. Simpson made the journey to the Island for the special occasion. “If I have to break every rule I will be there.” Lt. Mrs. Simpson told Peggy when she’d phoned her with the news.

Friday afternoon broke, and as if God approved of their union he sent forth a breathtakingly beautiful day.

At the front of the dimly lit, Lavender fragranced chapel Cpt. Maxwell Vogel stood as the best man to the groom Lt. Harvey Newsome. Harvey looked very sharp and so very handsome in his uniform. His buckles, buttons, and shoes sparkled they shone so well. Cpt. Vogel even commented on the excellent work the staff here on the Island did at keeping the offices so shiny.

The doors opened and Harvey’s heart leap-frogged into his throat. Everyone stood as the pianist hit the keys of the piano. Audrey, Dorothy, and Maisy in the only evening dresses they had brought with them walked down the aisle. They smiled at Harvey when they got to the front and stood on the opposite side of him.

Burt set the record player on, and “Moonlight becomes you” invited Peggy to enter. Since their first dance, it had become Harvey and Peggy’s song. Peggy entered and walked down the short aisle in her white candlewick bedspread wedding dress; square front neckline, long slim sleeves, the front bodice tapered into the waist with a slightly flared skirt flowing to the ground. Mrs. M found a few pieces of lace and added it to the bodice. Peggy’s long chocolate colored hair sleekly tucked behind her left ear, rolled curls on the right over her ear and the back curled in locks. A few neatly placed Chincherinchee’s in her hair and Peggy looked more beautiful than royalty.

Harvey’s misty China-blue eyes beheld her; she was a vision of an angel walking toward him. Peggy reached the front and stood beside him and feasted on her groom through her own misty eyes. They held hands and repeated their vows albeit with great emotions riding havoc waves within them, as and when instructed by the minister. Harvey said, “I do.” Peggy allowed the tears to roll down her cheeks in tune with Harvey’s. “You may kiss the bride.” The minister said. Harvey’s lips quivered as he felt the touch of Peggy’s lips against his. He wrapped his arms around her, and she held him with all her love and might.

Only when they pulled away did they remember they had company. “I love you so much, Mrs. Newsome. I love you so much.” Harvey scarcely uttered when the guest ascended upon them to offer their wishes and congratulations. Peggy, Audrey, Dorothy and Maisy shared their tears of happiness openly.

To end off their perfect ceremony Harvey, Peggy, and their guests stood on the edge of the Island, thanking the Lord for yet another day of safety in an uncertain world and said farewell to the sun as it disappeared into the ocean illuminating Table Mountain in its wake. “Oh, Harvey, my husband, thank you for such a perfect wedding. It was all I wished for, I love you, darling.” Peggy gave her husband a longing look of love.

“I have a surprise for you, my dear. We have permission to stay at the hotel on the Island tonight.” He grinned.

“Oh darling, now we can truly be married.” Peggy smiled cheekily. They both had a sparkle and a twinkle in their eyes knowing that in a few hours they need no longer to lust for each other, but they would consummate their marriage and their life together forever.