Radar Love by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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*Chapter Twenty Two*


Peggy pulled her room door closed in slow motion. The early morning air was brisk and fresh, and she shivered a little adjusting to the temperature. She cuddled her black coat covering her rich blue floral short sleeved dress. She fiddled with her Calot hat fixing it firmly on the back of her head to ensure it would hold throughout the journey to the Cape Town harbour. Her chocolate colored hair fell loosely over her shoulders; Harvey loved her hair especially when it fell naturally. Her Cuban heeled sandals made a thud-thud noise as she crossed the porch fixing her short black gloves firmly on her hands at the same time.

Harvey took Peggy’s hand and assisted her into the back of the newly acquired and enclosed ration van, then climbed in himself and allowed the driver to lock the doors. He snuggled up closely to Peggy not giving an inch between them and pulled her even closer when he put his arm around her. Harvey held onto Peggy not only for protection along the bumpy road but also to savor the warmth and closeness of Peggy’s body. They spoke little, gave modest kisses appreciating each other for the length of the trip. Neither felt the need to express the heaviness of their hearts.

Cape Town harbor was abuzz with people. There were many ships leaving Cape Town that day; besides the naval officers and seaman that had to get on board their ships, there were hundreds who were traveling for specific reasons, just like Harvey. They were all surrounded by their loved ones saying their final goodbyes. Amidst all the human activity the ships were being loaded with supplies that added to the already over congested docks.

Harvey and Peggy weaved their way through the crowds of people, luggage, and supplies occupied every inch of the dock, until they eventually found the ship, the TSS Maunganui, that he was to sail on to New Zealand. Harvey handed the officer on duty at the gangplank his relevant paperwork that permitted him permission to board. Once Harvey received his entry on board authorized he handed his kit bag to the officer, and then he and Peggy zigzagged again between all the humans and elements until they found a little coffee shop aptly named "Ahoy" to spend the next hour. Peggy was highly grateful she left her coat in the ration van; the coffee shop was full and stuffy and to lug a coat while dodging people would have been nothing but a hindrance to her already anxious temperament.

They sat at the only table available in the middle of the shop, ordered a steak and kidney pie and coffee. “I might just say hello to this pie again once the ship hits the deep seas,” Harvey said with a smile and cutting another slice to devour.

Peggy chuckled as her mind filled with the image of her perfect gentleman hanging over the railing of the ship regurgitating his pie into the ocean. “Now that would not do. Why you will be the laughing stock of the ship.” She teased back. Peggy was so grateful Harvey made every attempt to lighten the mood between them even though his heart was ripping into shreds.

Harvey settled his knife and fork on the center of the plate indicating that he had finished with his meal; he wiped his mouth with his napkin and placed it on top of the plate. He waited patiently drinking his coffee while Peggy finished her meal. The waiter promptly took their dirty plates away and the condiments from their table after Harvey had confirmed they did not require anything further.

Harvey rested his pipe on the side plate he had not used and took Peggy’s hand in his. He held Peggy’s hand for a few seconds tightly rubbing it gently with his fingers. He took in her pensive eyes with his own sad China-blue eyes. “I will always pray for this time away from you to go exceedingly fast that we may be together again.”

Peggy patted his hand with her other hand “And I will pray too. I will pray mostly that God keeps you safe my darling.” Harvey depressingly stood in slow motion; his chair eased back along the floor with his rising and only then did he release her hand.

Harvey gathered his pipe, cap, and gloves while Peggy fitted her hands eloquently into her gloves and lifted her purse from the table. They exited the Ahoy coffee shop; the sun brightly glared into their faces and refreshingly flirted with their bodies. They still had a few minutes before Harvey had to board, so they stood still like statues, near the boarding gangplank, trying with all their hearts and all their might to freeze time. Harvey put his arm around Peggy’s shoulders pulling her into him. “I’m pleased you did not come in uniform, at least I can hold you one last time.” He choked on his words as he ended his sentence; Peggy flung her arms around him burying her face into his chest. Tried as she might, she no longer held back her flow of despair through her tears. Harvey returned her hold with just as much firmness; his arms consumed her, and he buried his face in her chocolate colored hair.

The officer at the gangplank shouted out orders, Harvey’s chest shuddered as he choked out his last few tears. Peggy leaned away from his chest so that her eyes were equal with his; their tears joined in their sad river that flowed. “I love you my darling; I promise I’ll write every day and if I can make a phone call, I will. I love you.” Before Peggy was able to answer him, he kissed her forcefully at first then wantonly and almost desperately. He ended his kiss with a peck on her nose and her forehead.

Harvey wiped the tears streaming from Peggy’s red-stained eyes and when she spoke her lips quivered uncontrollably “I love you so much my darling. So much.” She placed her hands on both his cheeks staring convincingly into his eyes and then embraced him one more time.

Harvey released their embrace and placed his cap on his head as the officer yelled louder and louder.

“Bye, my darling.” He lifted Peggy’s hands to his lips, squeezed them, and they stole the last gaze into each other’s soul. Harvey sighed heavily and left Peggy watching him walk the gangplank and onto the ship.

She waited until Harvey came back onto the deck and stood at the railing. The ships large upright funnel blew heavy smoke as it gradually edged its way from the edge of the dock. The loud blast from its horn shuddered through the concrete docks and the airwaves, and the sun bounced from every piece of the TSS Maunganui’s exposed metal and glass structure. The decks of the ship were crowded with men waving, some like Harvey waved to people in particular and others to everyone in general. Some of the men were only interested in watching the mechanics of the huge ship as it was steered out of the harbor by three Tug boats. Harvey and Peggy waved continuously to each other until the ship was no longer in sight.

Peggy’s misty swollen eyes had a great deal of difficulty finding the driver of the ration van. The drive back to Silversands was the longest ride she had ever taken. Peggy’s heart that dragged behind them made the world turn slower.