Radar Love by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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*Chapter Twenty Five*


For Peggy the days were long and the nights were endless, even the occasional visit to the Sandown Hotel in Sandown Bay did not speed the hours any faster. Visits to her favorite rock pools on the beach inevitably did not speed the time past any faster either, and sometimes she’d hiked up to the Hangklip Radar Station just to eat up the distance of the days.

Harvey phoned Peggy when he knew that she’d be on her morning shift. It was already in the evening in New Zealand, and he was very tired but to hear Peggy’s voice and for Peggy to hear Harvey’s voice was worth every second. Since Peggy was working, her time on the phone could only be a few minutes; the delayed line between the two countries cut their call very short. The seas were in a mass of chaos between the enemy and friendly ships, with fishing boats thrown in the mix. As much as Peggy wanted to hold onto the phone and speak to Harvey, she was anxious to return to her screen that was anxiously blipping.

She put the phone receiver down and smiled at Audrey and Frank. “He will be home by this time next week. Isn’t that the greatest news?”

“Finally, I miss the ole man,” Frank said.

Peggy returned to her Radar screen quickly catching up with her blips and re-tracking the vessels, laughing at Frank’s notion that Harvey was an old man. “He is waiting for the driver to take him to the harbor, then a week at sea until he is here. I cannot wait.”

Audrey smiled at Peggy’s face that was lit up like a thousand stars. “I am very happy for you, my dear friend, but until then we cannot allow any ships to sink.” Audrey pointed to Peggy’s Radar screen, reminding her of the reason she was where she was.

The simple notion that Harvey was on his way home put an end to Peggy’s nightmares. Harvey no longer appeared without his black-rimmed spectacles with a face so evil it easily frightened the devil himself. Her dreams were of nothing in particular simply because she did not remember them; she slept peacefully.

The night was without light; heavy clouds hid even the stars. The blackout order was still in force, and that seemed to make the darkness even darker. Something touched Peggy’s shoulders; she stirred but continued to sleep. The touch shook her shoulders a little harder and Peggy, this time, opened her eyes. In the darkness, she saw shiny things sparkling from the moonlight that had squeezed its way through the rain clouds. “Hello, my darling.” A voice said. Peggy shot up and sat straight, looking for where the voice was coming. “Hello, my darling.” The voice said again. Peggy panicked that her nightmares had returned and far more vivid than before. She looked about her dark room and started to reach for her flashlight. The tenderness of a touch on her shoulders brought her reaching to a halt, and she focused on the shadow in front of her. “Peggy, it’s me, Harvey.” Peggy was about to scream to wake herself up from another nightmare when she realized the face in front of her had his spectacles on, and he smelled of the cologne she savored.

A hand touched her face; it was the same touch that always sent her body into a frenzy of desire; it was her Harvey. “Darling!”  Peggy squeaked out and threw her arms around Harvey. She held him so tight in her embrace they fell backward onto the bed. “What? When? How come you back early?” Peggy finally managed to ask him when she’d released him just enough for him to explain.

Harvey loosened his equally tight hold on Peggy and shifted off the bed to light a candle. He sat back on the bed and stared at his wife for the longest moments, stroking her face and running his hands through her chocolate color hair. He smiled at her “I missed you so much, my darling.”

Peggy laid her head back on the pillow, her hands up on Harvey’s face gently tracing his features with her fingers. “I have missed you so much to my darling, so much I’ve had nightmares. But how come you back a day earlier, I’m not complaining just curious.”

Harvey let out a little chuckle and kissed Peggy’s forehead. “I lied a little. I wanted to surprise you so I said I’d get home tomorrow instead of today. Am I forgiven for lying?” He charmed Peggy with the cheekiest smile.

“I’m not sure if I forgive you. First, let’s see how well you apologize?” Peggy’s eyes enticed Harvey. He took her with all the amount of lustful love he held for his precious wife.

Harvey only had two days with Peggy, but that did not stop her call to duty. Peggy went on her shift at 11 am, and Harvey had a meeting with Cpt. Vogel practically the entire first day. For most of the second day, they spent either at the beach or in their room. They joined everyone else at dinner, and for a social time in the Rec. room but for the most part, they cherished their seconds together.

Harvey was comfortably relaxed on the couch on the porch, smoking his pipe and watching the moon dance on the ocean. The rain clouds disappeared without a drop falling to the earth sadly as the summer heat always dried up the land so quickly.

Peggy draped her new shawl; a gift from Lt. Mrs. Simpson, around her shoulders and carried them each a cup of tea to the wooden tree stump table. She cuddled up to Harvey wrapping her feet around his legs. Harvey tucked his arm around her waist and yanked her onto his lap, encircling her waist with his arm. Peggy rested her head into Harvey’s neck and let the perfectness of this time be undisturbed.

Peggy lifted her head and waited until her eyes connected with Harvey’s. “When do you want to have children?”

Harvey looked a little surprised. “That came out of the blue my dear but to answer your question I don’t mind. Now might be a little tricky with the war but I want a house full of children as beautiful as you, my darling.” He kissed her softly but lingered a few seconds longer relishing her sweet lips.

Peggy forced herself to refocus on her topic of conversation and not the kiss she desired. “Well, my darling it seems the first one will be a little tricky then.” She smiled at Harvey waiting for his reaction.

He spluttered and coughed out the smoke he swallowed in his gasp. When he breathed evenly once more, he looked at Peggy, now sitting next to him on the couch. Harvey held her hands, kissed them and caught her beautiful smile confirming what he thought he had heard. “My darling, are we going to be parents? I dare say, please say yes.”

“Yes,” Peggy answered. Harvey pulled her into him and happily cried.

Harvey gently touched Peggy’s tummy. “I can’t believe a child is growing in there. You must; my darling, take care of yourself now. No more double shifts and hiking up the hillside to visit the Hangklip Radar Station.”