Radar Love by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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*Chapter Twenty Seven*


Whenever Peggy, Audrey, Dorothy and Maisy happened on a chance to go to Cape Town, they grabbed it. They always found the shopping a lot of fun even when they did not have enough ration stamps for necessities let alone luxuries. February was always an unbearably hot month, and ice-cream was a luxury item so they would buy one and share it amongst each other; just to appease Peggy’s somewhat increased craving for vanilla ice-cream.

They usually landed up at the Stardust Club in Adderley Street. There they would wait the time away until the driver of the ration van had collected all his supplies and was ready to return to the Silversands Barracks.

Peggy stole herself away from the Stardust Club and walked down to the Cape Town harbor. She sat on the same dock that Harvey boarded the ship on when he departed for his first visit to New Zealand. Seagulls hovered above Peggy begging for a morsel of food, she apologized to them that she had none. Peggy had that morning already written a letter to Harvey but sitting there prompted her to write another. She pulled out a piece of paper from her military notebook and jotted down a few words to her Harvey.

My dearest love,

I wrote to you this morning, as you can tell but I am at this moment sitting on the dock in Cape Town harbor where you left the first time for New Zealand. Please do not worry yourself; I am fine. The Military police here are very kind especially if there are no warships docked in the harbor.

When I arrived, I caught the tail end of a convoy heading out of the Cape Town waters, sailing slowly and precariously I’m sure into dangerous waters. My heart feels as heavy as the anchors weighing down the fishing vessels now docked in the harbor for these brave men.

I can see Robben Island so clearly, and that brought with it the sweet memory of our wedding. What a perfect wedding it was, do you not agree my darling?

My mother still writes to complain that she was not at our wedding. I suppose she has reason to be bitter but as I always remind her "It is war time, and you have to do what you have to do whenever you get the chance to do it." I hope to make it up to her when our baby is born, and she can spend many wonderful hours as a doting grandmother.

I miss you terribly my darling and sitting here being reminded of our farewell and our wedding only tends to rush the mixture of emotions I am constantly in turmoil over.

Let the time go fast until our Lord brings you home safely.

Forever yours



Peggy folded the letter and returned the paper to her bag. She took a slow walk back to the Stardust Club and braced herself for the onslaught of invitations of all sorts she’d receive from the men in the club.

Peggy, Audrey, Dorothy and Maisy sat alone at their table in the Stardust Club and enjoyed watching the dancing. They endured the endless requests to dance with a smile. When Peggy watched the couples dancing, she saw herself and Harvey on the dance floor instead and gathered a pleasurable comfort from that visual thought.


On a bright and starry evening, Peggy sat on the couch on her porch, folding her legs in underneath her as she opened her letter from Harvey. As she read she sipped her tea from the Army issue enamel mug. Everyone was eternally grateful to Chef, who kept their personal flasks filled with warm tea so that they might enjoy it in their quarters instead of always traipsing to the kitchen for a cup.

She held her torchlight on dim over the page and read the words Harvey directed from his heart.

My dearest darling wife (and soon to be mother of my child)

It thrills me wholly at the mere thought of my child steadily growing within you. Thank you in advance my darling for this precious gift.

The week spent in Johannesburg at the BPI flew passed, and I arrived here safely in New Zealand. all the same work but with much more advanced equipment. It is wonderful to be a part of all this new technology.

It is getting very cold here especially at night, and the only thing that warms me is the constant memory of your body next to mine. No matter how far I am away from you, I can always be reminded of the sweet smell of your body and the fruity fragrance of your hair.

I received your letters yesterday, thank you so much. As I read them, I can hear you speaking the words to me. I replied to you, did you hear my voice?

I love you so dearly my darling.

I am eternally yours



Peggy held the letter to her chest and breathed in the smell of Harvey from the words he wrote. She was about to snuggle up on the couch and fall asleep there when she remembered what happened the last time. Peggy’s body shuddered, and her neck nerves instantly crawled forcing her to scratch. She stood up shaking off the irritating crawling feeling and climbed into bed reading Harvey’s letter until she fell asleep.