Radar Love by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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* Preface *


In 1939 General Smuts, Prime Minister of South Africa and Commander of the military forces signed the declaration of war joining the Allied forces.

At this time, Britain had requested the co-operation of all the countries of the Commonwealth to assist the technical division in the development of instruments to aid the defense of air attacks. The division was classified as a highly guarded secret, only the very top brass and the scientist involved were aware of it. The special division was given the name “Special Signal Services” or “SSS” The secret weapon was Radar – “Radio Detection and Ranging.”

In May 1941 when the South African oceans became increased targets for enemy ships, the chief principals approached the Bernard Price Institute to facilitate the introduction and setup of Radar stations along the coastlines. They became a sector of the SA Corps of Signals and also operated under the division of the SSS.

The SSS had a great deal of difficulties recruiting enlisted men to help with the setup of the Radar Stations since the command at the closest Army bases knew nothing of the SSS or Radar. When they did finally get a few men, they were all classified C3 – unfit for active duty. These men had broken limbs or were suffering from illnesses such as bronchitis or pneumonia and, therefore, were of little or no help at all and declared incompetent.

How the system worked; an operator at the Radar Station turned a handle to rotate an aerial while watching for blips or echoes on a screen.  When a noticeable blip appeared on the screen, the operator, after first identifying whether the blip was from a ship, fishing boat, aircraft or U-Boat forwarded the information by phone to a Filter room (otherwise known as a Freddie). One Freddie facilitated all the Radar Stations in the region. At Freddie, the information was received by personnel manning the phones, who would then relay the given information to a person who plotted the co-ordinates on a plotting table. Readings from the Radar Stations of the same blip would frequently be received to enable them to monitor and track its course.

Freddie forwarded any information they deemed threatening to the Combined Operations Unit (Army, navy and air force) and if they felt it necessary, they issued the orders for a plane or patrol boats to investigate. Note: Even the Combined Operations Unit had very little knowledge of the SSS.

In 1941, all able men were called up for active duty service, and after the problem they had originally experienced with C3 class men, it was agreed that women with a University degree or higher would be employed as Radar operators while the technicians remained male.

By late 1942 shipping losses had intensified, and finally, the promised Allied Radar equipment arrived. This equipment included the much sought after coastal defense radar originally made for the Royal Navy. These were ideal for detecting U-boats. The two sets were erected at Signal Hill and Cape Point. All in all, there were twelve Radar Station sets erected throughout Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London and Durban.

Recruitment officers were sent to the Universities to scout and enlist suitable female candidates. These candidates were sent on a six-week course and then posted to either a Radar Station or a Freddie. They had no choice in the matter.

Due to the secrecy of the SSS very little detail or information was revealed to the recruits, this of course only intrigued the recruits immensely and heightened their desire to be a part of this elite organization.

The story you are about to read will take you on a journey of four friends in their impressionable youths as they served South Africa during World War II.

While I have hopefully kept all the facts correct and truthful, please remember this story is purely fictional.