Raging Storm by Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 35

It was 10:30 when they got to Wisteria Hall. As promised, Gary and his cousin were sitting in the den, drinking coffee, and visiting with Cassie. Jared glanced at Sara sidelong, to make sure she was still standing beside him. For a second, he was seeing double. Sara shared a wary look with Donna.  From seeing her picture in her article at D’Netics website, Sara knew, as well. Gary had already warned Donna of her resemblance to Sara, but Jared had been totally unprepared.

“Well it’s about time you got here,” Gary laughed and gave Jared a warm handshake. “Jared, this is my cousin, Donna Rigden. She’s the one who helped you get Wisteria Hall. She’ll be taking over for me at D’Netics. Donna, this is Jared Thundercloud of Raging Storm.”

Oh, God! Her heart began to pound. She stared at him, swallowed hard and offered her hand. “Nice to, um, nice to meet you, Jared. Raging Storm is one of the few country bands I listen to.” She shared another look with Sara.

Jared pretended he hadn’t noticed how they could’ve passed for twins. It wasn’t the first time a woman had made eyes at him. “So I assume you don’t like country music, Donna,” he softly chuckled.

She sighed, her cheeks warmed. “Well, not a lot. I mean I didn’t, but I like your band,” she said quickly. For you, I could learn to listen to opera!

What the? “I’m glad,” Jared said and shook her hand. A slight tingle ran through him. By the way, her eyes widened, he could tell she’d felt something too.  That’s odd. I’ve found my perfect match - Sara. Why am I getting these feelings from Donna?

She frowned. “Pardon?” Seeing the confused look on Sara’s face, reluctantly, Donna eased her hand away from his.

“I, um,” he blinked and cleared his throat. “I didn’t say anything.”

Gary glanced at them and wondered what was going on. “Jared, did being Arizona again destroy your southern hospitality?” he prompted and motioned to Sara.

“Oh – yes,” he smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Gary, Donna, this is Sara Foster, my fiancée.”

Donna glanced at her feet. Typical – he’s taken. Why couldn’t she be his sister or his cousin? Anyone, but his fiancée!

Jared glanced at her. Can she hear my thoughts? Better still can I hear hers? How’s this possible? This wasn’t supposed to happen!

She frowned and cocked her head. “Excuse me?”

Great! He threw up a strong warning barrier. There are only two reasons this could happen, and I don’t even wanna think about one of them.

“So this is the new female vocalist, I’ve heard about,” Gary smiled. “This is the Sara Foster from the Raging Storm CD you sent me?”

“The one and only.”

She frowned. “Is there anyone you haven’t told?”

Gary shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sara. I’m looking forward to the performance on Saturday. I want an autographed picture and CD to take with me to England. I have a feeling it’ll be a long time before I’ll be able to enjoy live country music again.”

Jared glanced at Donna and softly cleared his throat. “Well, let’s sit. Cassie bring us a pitcher of iced tea and some glasses, please.”

She nodded and left.

He casually crossed his legs and put an arm around Sara’s shoulders. “So it’s official. You’re taking the job in the UK?”

“Triplet International made me an offer I couldn’t refuse,” Gary laughed. “All the funding I want to use as I choose, bigger salary, plus fringe benefits. Who could turn it down?”

“I hear that, but I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’ll probably miss you more,” he chuckled. “Country music’s not as popular, in the UK as it is here.”

“Gary tells me you’re pretty good in the music department yourself.”

Donna smiled again. “I’m not bad, I guess.”

Wonder what we would sound like together. “Well, I’m sure we could find a spot for you in Raging Storm if you’re interested.” Jared what’s wrong with you? Stop this! You’re just tired. That’s it. I’m tired from the trip and the stress. Please, don’t accept Donna!

“I’d love to, Jared,” she sighed, “but I just don’t have the time. I wouldn’t mind the odd jamming session with you though – for fun.” Since, that’s obviously all it could be.

He grinned. Was I wrong about Sara? “I’m sure we could find some time for that too.” Jared! Good god! What’s wrong with you? You’ve got what you wanted. You’re committed to her. You’ve given her the ring. You can’t hurt Sara. It would kill her. You love her. Yes, I do love her. I need sleep. That’s it, I just need sleep. Get professional with her Jared. Talk about work! “So, Donna, you’re taking over the research department at D’Netics?”

“I guess you could say that.” I’m gonna kill Gary for not telling me about you sooner!

The faintest smile lifted one corner of Jared’s mouth. He cleared his throat again. You’re not being fair to her. You’re eavesdropping on her thoughts, but you’ve cut her off from yours. What’s it gonna hurt? Who’s gonna know I can hear her thoughts but me? They’re only thoughts, it’s not as if I’m gonna act on them – am I? “So, Donna, any idea which direction you’ll be going with the research?”

“I’d like to work with stem cells as a possible cure for heart conditions.”

Shit! I remember that. This is too coincidental. “That’s right,” he smiled. “I read your article on using stem cells to cure major heart conditions and diseases. It was a very informative piece.”

“It was far from my best,” she snorted.

“I thought it was more than adequate,” Jared said.

 “Gary said you thought your grandmother was murdered?”

“I believe it’s a strong possibility, Donna. Grandmother was fine one day and in the hospital on life support the next. Her doctor believed it was some form of respiratory infection. Before they could find out for sure, she died.”

She frowned and cocked her head. “Did they do an autopsy? Do you have a copy of her medical records?”

Gary smiled. His cousin was in her element.

“No, Donna. My father adheres to some of our older traditions.”

The creases in her brow deepened; her eyes widened. “Don’t say she was cremated!”

“No, but her body was burned after the funeral ceremony.”

She pressed her lips together. “Lemme guess, your father doesn’t want her exhumed.”

Jared studied her eyes and smiled knowingly. “No, he doesn’t.”

She took a slow breath. “What about blood or tissue samples, from when she was admitted to the hospital?”

“I don’t know yet,” Jared said. “I intend to check that out when I get back down there.”

“Where did your grandmother die?” Gary asked.

“In the hospital at Wickenburg, back in Arizona, the same place my grandfather died.”

 Gary and Donna shared a knowing glance. “I’d love to help, Jared,” she said. “I’d be happy to have a look at her medical records. But, without something to go on, at least with our current technology, your chances aren’t good.”

He glanced at the time on his phone. “I’m sorry to cut this visit short, but I have some packing to do,” Gary said.

“When are you leaving?”

“Saturday, after the performance. I’m being flown over on a company jet.”

“Wow!” Jared said. “Are there any other openings?”

“Unless you’re a genetic engineer or biochemist, I’m afraid not,” he chuckled. “They already have a head doctor in the infirmary. His name is Sam Kaliea. He’s Australian, and from what my best friend Richard says, Sam thinks he’s god’s gift to women. Who knows, maybe he’ll slip up and get fired, or sacked, as they say, in England. If anything comes open, I’ll be glad to put in a good word with the boss for you. I tried to convince Donna to go with me, but she refused.”

“You go right ahead and fly to England on your big company jet all you want to,” she said. “I’m happy right here in the USA with my feet firmly on the ground.”

Jared laughed. “Not fond of flying, eh, Donna?”

She dipped her chin and smiled. “No, I’m not!”

He stood. “Well, look. Thanks for meeting with us so late at night.”

Gary chuckled again. “Jared, you know it’s never bothered me. I only wish I could’ve done more, but I’m leaving you in capable hands. I’ll see you at the performance.”

“Alright, and thanks again. Nice to have met you, Donna. I’ll check on those samples and let you know what I find out.” I only wish we’d met first.

“OK, Jared,” Donna smiled. “Anything I can do to help.”

Jared and Sara waved as they drove off. It was almost eleven. Jared hated calling Lucy to come rehearse so late, but they needed the practice. Cassie made an assortment of sandwiches and fresh vegetables for them to snack on. As soon as they had unpacked and changed, Jared and Sara joined Carl and Steve at the studio and they got busy. They rehearsed several songs, including the new ones Sara had written while they were in Arizona.


After they’d left Wisteria Hall, Donna got surprisingly quiet. On the trip out, she’d been more talkative. Her mood had changed when Jared introduced Sara. Gary glanced across at her. “D, are you OK?”

She sighed deeply and stared out the window. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

He pressed his lips together. “You’re too quiet. Is it because I’m leaving or is it something else?”

She swallowed the lump in her throat; her eyes glossed. “Well, yeah, it’s because you’re leaving. Who am I gonna talk to? Who am I gonna have lunch with?”

He smirked. “You could reconsider and come with me. Who knows what kinda mischief we could get into with the money Triplet International would be paying us. We might even be able to save the world. I know I could get you on.”

Donna smiled. “We’ve already been through this. I have a life here. Well, sort of, anyway. If you’d been a more informative, it might’ve been a little more exciting though.”

He nodded knowingly. “I knew it!”

She narrowed her eyes. “You knew what?”

He chuckled. “You think I didn’t see the sad look in your eyes when Jared introduced Sara as his fiancée?”

“If you’d introduced him to me a little sooner,” her voice trailed off.

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t realize you were looking for a relationship.”

Donna rolled her eyes. “I’m always looking, Gary. I just haven’t had the time. For Jared, I would’ve made time. God, he gave me such a tingle when he looked at me. And his voice was so….”

“You know I love you, but honestly, do we have to have this conversation?” he interjected. “I’m not into all this girl talk. Seriously! If I’d known,” he broke off. “Look at it this way. He’s not married yet.”

“No, that’s true,” she sighed, “but I won’t come between him and Sara. She seems like a sweet person. Maybe I’m not meant to meet anyone. I mean, I’ve got my career and my music – right? Maybe I should concentrate on them. You could always talk to Sam for me. He sounds intriguing.”

“I will not fix you up with Sam,” he laughed. “According to Richard, he would only break your heart. After seeing how Jared affected you….”

Donna frowned and snorted. “Gary, I was kidding!” she broke in.  But she wasn’t. Jared got to her in a way no one ever had. Now, if it were possible, she had to find a way to forget him.

“I wasn’t, D. I’ve got your email address. I’m gonna give it to Richard and tell him to contact you. Give it a chance. You shouldn’t be alone.”

“Gee, thanks! Now, do you suppose we could talk about something else? Like what you’re gonna do about Juanita?”

“Easy!” Gary snorted and concentrated on driving. “Nothing!”


Lucy came bursting in, full of excitement. She embraced Sara and nearly knocked her off her feet. She slipped the strap over her neck and tuned her guitar. “So what’s this all about?”

“We have to be at HMC by eleven tomorrow to rehearse, for the gig on Saturday,” Jared said. Sara gulped.

“That’s wonderful,” Lucy squealed. “Oh wow! Sara, you must be so excited!”

“Oh yeah, I’m tickled pink,” Sara said with a touch of sarcasm in her voice.

“Oh, hon-ey, don’t be scared. You’re gonna be great! We’re all gonna be great – right guys?” Lucy held up a high five to Jared.

He slapped her palm. “You bet, Luce!” He put an arm around Sara’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze of encouragement. “And this sweet voice here’s gonna take this band… straight to the top!” He motioned enthusiastically with a hand.

Sara tightened her jaw, rolled her eyes and groaned. “Thanks, Jared!”

Lucy plucked her strings. “What was the song you were doing when I came in?”

Jared handed her a copy of the words and chords. “It’s Sara’s creation. She wrote it while we were on a mountaintop in Arizona.”

She scanned it. “I like it! Let’s do it. I’ll twin backup on the chorus, and harmonize a third above her on these parts, here,” she pointed. “Is that alright with you, kid?”

“Yeah,” she exhaled. “That’s fine.” Sara made a chord on her acoustic guitar. The light caught her unusual engagement ring; Lucy’s mouth gaped. She picked up Sara’s hand. “Is this what I think it is?”

Her eyes glossed. “We’re getting married, Luce.”

She looked as if someone had knocked the wind out of her. She blinked rapidly and glanced at Jared. She studied his eyes and looked back at Sara. “Wow, that’s, um, that’s great news. I’m, um, I’m happy for you.” She turned her attention to Jared. “I guess you’re gonna be part of the family, after all.” Just not the part I’d expected you to be.

“Thanks, Luce,” he said. “You sure you’re alright with this?”

“Yeah, sure. Why wouldn’t I be?” You don’t want me. Why shouldn’t you have my niece? God help me get through tonight. Lucy took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in her throat. She glanced at Steve and back to Sara. “I’m not the one you need to be worrying about.”

Steve shook his head knowingly. I feel another sandwich session coming on.

Lucy replayed her part. “Let’s get this figured out.”

They tried Lucy’s suggestion. “Well?” Sara prompted. Carl and Steve gave her the thumbs up.

Lucy rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Wow! I’m gonna hand in my resignation. Jared’s right. You are gonna take us to the top.”

“Really?” Sara smiled.

Jared lifted her chin and kissed her. “Really, angel.”

Maybe they were right. Sara could get through this. As long as she knew Jared loved her and would always be by her side, she could get through anything. 

That night when he’d made love to her in their bedroom for the first time, he‘d left her breathless. God, I’ve never felt so alive in my life! What could possibly go wrong?