Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight




I HUNG UP and went to the restroom facility to try and clean myself up a little, but it was locked. 

“Nice,” I mumbled, slinging my purse over my shoulder. I walked around the building to a picnic table and sat down. Then I took out a compact mirror and cringed at my reflection. My makeup was smeared and my eyes were red-rimmed from crying. Sighing, I tried to rub as much of the dark makeup off of my face before Trevor arrived and saw how awful I looked.


Although his street name Raptor was cool, I really liked his real name, Trevor. Plus, he seemed like a decent enough guy. When I’d told him about Jason, he sounded like he wanted to throttle the guy. It actually made me feel good. That and the fact that he was willing to drive out here to pick me up at such a ridiculous hour. I just hoped it wasn’t for sex. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if he took me back to his place and demanded I put out, to repay him. Like Jason. It was obvious Jason had wanted me to give him a blow-job. The idea started my stomach rolling all over again. Pushing away any more thoughts of that asshole, I shoved my mirror back into my purse and zipped it back up. Then I laid my head down on my arms. Fortunately, the fresh air and throwing up all over Jason had made my tummy feel better, but I was still so tired. So tired that I eventually nodded off again.

I woke up hearing the sound of a motorcycle in the distance. Wiping the drool from my lips, I grabbed my purse, hurried over to the parking lot, and stood under a light. When I saw Trevor driving toward me on his Harley, I felt such a sense of relief that I almost started crying again.

He stopped next to me and put his kickstand down, leaving the bike running. As he got off, I noticed that he wore only faded blue jeans and a black leather jacket without a shirt. His long hair was loose and windblown. In fact, he almost looked like he’d just gotten out of bed, but, truthfully, I’d never seen anyone look so good. At that moment, he was my knight-in-shining-armor and my stomach was all butterflies.

“You okay, darlin’?” he asked, studying my face.

I tried keeping a stiff upper lip, but it was hard. My emotions were all over the place. I was jittery, scared of what had happened with Jason, and yet so happy to see Trevor, that my legs felt like they were going to give out. “Yeah. I’m better. Now that you’re here and can give me a lift.”

He looked around and then back at me. “He just dumped you off here? In the middle of nowhere?”

I nodded and then felt my lip quivering.

Trevor’s eyes softened. He opened up his arms and stepped toward me. “It’s okay, Adriana. You’re safe, now.”

“Thanks,” I squeaked, as his arms wrapped around me. I closed my eyes, surprised at how much comfort a stranger could offer. But, he was big and strong and I could tell by the look in his eyes that his concern was genuine. It made me trust him that much more.

After a few seconds, he released me and then walked back over to his bike. He opened up one of the saddlebags and pulled out another leather jacket.

“Here,” he said, holding it out. “It’s chilly out here. You’re going to need it for the ride.”

“Thanks,” I replied, grabbing the black jacket. I put it on and zipped it up. “Is this yours?”

He smiled. “Yeah.”

“It’s nice,” I said, running my hand over the soft leather. It looked expensive and new, almost like it had never been worn before. It also didn’t look like something a biker would wear. It was much more... formal.

“My grandmother bought it for me a couple years ago for Christmas. She said I needed to have something classier to wear when I went out on dates,” he said and then chuckled. 

“Well, she has very good taste.”

“She does.” His smiled turned grim. “She’s also one of the few people I know in my family who actually gives a shit.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay. I wasn’t asking for sympathy. I guess I was thinking out loud, again. I do that a lot.”

“No problem. I do that, too.”

He pushed his hair behind his ears. “So, where do you live, darlin’?”

I bit my lower lip, thinking about how loud his Harley was. It would more than likely wake up every one of the blue-hairs in the neighborhood, and there were plenty. My mom would never let me hear the end of it. Plus, she didn’t like bikers. They scared her. Going home suddenly didn’t seem like such a great idea.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know if I should go home right now,” I said. “It’s late and my mom will wake up. I don’t want to have to explain...”

He looked surprised. “You live with your mom?”

I raised my chin. “Yeah. I’m in college. It’s easier and more affordable.”

He chuckled. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, Kitten. I’m not judging you. College is expensive.”

I relaxed. “You can say that again. So, um, maybe you could drive me back to Krystal’s?”

“That’s probably not going to work. I just spoke to Tank. Krystal’s at his house.”

I sighed. “Really?”

“Yep. She got a lift back to his place from some girl named Tiffany. Tank said Krystal had been under the impression that you were getting a ride home. I’m pretty sure she’s passed out now with all of the shit she had to drink.”

“It was supposed to have been me who was going to give her a ride home. But,” I frowned, “I got sick and Jason was supposed to take me home.

Trevor’s eyes hardened. “Obviously, that wasn’t the fucker’s only intent.”

“Apparently not. I guess I can’t go back Krystal’s house then.”

“No sweat. You can stay at my place,” he said. “In the guestroom, of course,” he said, when I gave him a doubtful look.

“Are you sure?” I answered, not knowing if that was a good idea. But, he did say “guest” room.

“Of course I’m sure,” he said. He got on his bike and kicked up the kickstand. “Let’s go.”

I walked over and stood next to him, feeling nervous.

“Hop on,” he said, nodding toward the seat behind him.

“To be honest, I’ve never been on one of these before.”

“Don’t worry, you’re going to love it.”

I smiled weakly. “Okay.”

“Just get on behind me. Wait a second,” he said, pointing to my purse. “Put this around your neck and shoulder. Then zip up the jacket.”

I did what he said and then slid my leg over the seat, straddling the bike.

“Put your feet there,” he said, pointing down to the footrests.

“Okay. How’s your foot, by the way?”

“It’s a little tender, but nothing to worry about.”


“I almost forgot, put this on,” he said, handing me a black helmet. “Just in case.”

I slipped it on and buckled it.

He grabbed one of my hands and put it around his waist. “Hold onto me tightly now. With both hands. I don’t want to lose you.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t want you to lose me, either,” I replied dryly, putting both hands around him.

“If it’s more comfortable, you can slide your hands under my jacket. You might get a better grip.”

“Okay,” I replied, not seeing why it would make that much of a difference.

When my hands touched his bare skin, he stiffened up. “Damn, you’ve got cold hands, Kitten.” 

“Sorry,” I said, enjoying how warm his skin was, not to mention how sexy his abs felt under my palms. I scooted forward until we were as close as could be and then laid my cheek against the back of his leather jacket.

He patted my knee. “Let’s get you home.”