Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven




AFTER LEAVING ADRIANA, I walked into my bedroom, changed into a pair of sweats, and called Tank back.

“She okay?” he mumbled, answering the phone.

“Yeah. Sorry, brother. Did I wake you?”

“It’s okay. What happened?”

I told him what I knew.

“Fucker must have slipped something into her drink.”

“That’s what I was thinking,” I said. “What about Krystal? You think anything made it into hers?”

“No. She was definitely drunk, but coherent. Rode me like I was a goddamn bull. I swear, my balls are sore from all that bouncing around.”

I chuckled.

“I’m serious. The woman was insatiable tonight.”

“Okay, enough about your horny woman and your hairy balls. You’re making me sick.”

He laughed. “So, what do you want to do about this guy?”

“Teach him a fucking lesson.”

“That’s what I thought. We’ll start looking tonight. Obviously, he didn’t get laid. He’ll be sure as shit looking for someone else to molest on a Saturday night.”

“I’m counting on it.”

“What the fuck is it about this date-rape shit? Why can’t they just be fucking men and earn the pussy? It’s more fun that way anyway.”

I stretched out on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. “It’s not about the sex. I heard it’s about controlling the victim.”

“Okay, Dr. Phil.”

“Fuck off. It’s what I heard.”

He chuckled. “I’m just giving you shit. I actually heard that, too. On Oprah.”

I laughed. “You still watch that show, huh?”

“How do you think Dr. Phil got started? Oprah’s a fucking genius. Everything she touches turns to gold.”

“If your old man knew you were watching Oprah,” I said, chuckling, “he’d kick your ass.”

“Fucking tell him and I’ll kick yours.”

“Doesn’t Oprah condemn violence?”

“For you, I’m sure she’d make an exception. Anyway, back to this fucking dirt-bag. You know, he probably won’t hit the same club.”

“Probably not. We’ll get a description and spread out. I’m sure Hopper, Derby, and Jackal wouldn’t mind helping out.”

“Agreed. Hell, I think we should round up our entire posse and catch ourselves a rabbit. Feed him to the Raptor. Unless you want to just shoot the guy?”

The thought had entered my mind. “That’s letting him down too easy.”


“So, what’s going on with Breaker?” I asked, changing the subject. “Is there going to be any kind of retribution for what happened to Jessica?”

“The Rangers are still standing behind that lying sack of shit.”


“You can say that again. The old man is spitting bullets. I’m thinking he’s just going to say ‘fuck it’ and take him out anyway.” He lowered his voice. “Don’t say anything, but I guess she was a virgin to boot.”

I groaned.

“What a way to have your cherry popped, huh?”

“No shit,” I said. “He beat the fuck out of her, too, didn’t he?”

“From what I hear, he knocked her around pretty good. The old man is so fucking pissed. He’s not going to let this slide.”

“I don’t blame him. That pile of shit needs to be taken the fuck out. Even if he didn’t rape Jessica, he sure as shit is going to assault someone else,” I said, thinking of the way he’d been harassing Adriana earlier.

“He did it. There’s no doubt in my mind, or Pop’s.”

“So, what now?”

“He mentioned contacting The Judge.”

The Judge was a mercenary who didn’t belong to any club that I knew of. He was a discreet mother-fucker who always got the job done, no matter what it was. For a hefty price, though.

“He know how to get ahold of him?” I asked.

“Apparently. It’s his godson.”

That was a shock. “I didn’t know that.”

“You’re not supposed to.”

“Then I’ll keep it to myself.”

“I know you will, brother.”

I ran a hand over my forehead. I was beat and couldn’t wait to sleep myself. “Are we still having church tomorrow afternoon?”

“Yeah. Three o’clock.”


“You like her, don’t you.”


Tank laughed. “What do you mean, who? You know who the fuck I mean. The chick. Adriana.”

I hesitated. “She’s okay.”

“You going to tap that?”

“Fuck no. She was almost raped. I’d have to be a real asshole to even try.”

“You are a real asshole,” he chided, a smile in his voice.

“Fuck off.”

“I’m just giving you shit. She’s cute. I think she was digging you earlier.”

“Doesn’t matter. She’s... different. I’m leaving her be.”

“Different. Like how?”

“She’s... a gullible suburban girl.”

He tried goading me again. “Your address is in the suburbs.”

“You know what the fuck I mean.”

“I’m seeing Krystal. They’re friends. She lives in the suburbs. I don’t see the problem.”

“Come on, Tank. You know what I’m talking about. These are the kind of girls that want commitment, a ring, and a piece of paper. They won’t stand for anything less.”

“I’m going to patch her and who knows... maybe someday we’ll get hitched.”

“Krystal? You really care that much for her?” I asked, surprised.

“Yeah, I do.”

“This is fucking weird,” I said, smirking. “We’re on the phone and talking about relationships. We sound like a couple of fucking chicks. I’d better get off before I start growing tits and talking about shoes.”

Tank laughed. “I hear you, brother. Okay. Catch you later.”

“Sounds good.”

I hung up the phone and was plugging it into the charger on my nightstand when I heard Adriana open the door and step out of the bathroom. I quickly got out of bed and met her in the hallway. Her hair was wrapped in a towel and her face was slightly pink.

“Feel better?” I asked.

She nodded. “What should I do with the towel?” she asked, touching her head.

“I can take it. What did you do with your clothes?”

“Oh, crap, I forgot. I left them in the bathroom,” she said, moving back inside. She bent down and scooped them up.

“Give them to me and I’ll wash them. That way they’ll be clean when you’re ready to go later.”

“You don’t have to go through all of that trouble,” she said, stepping back out of the bathroom. “Seriously. You’ve already done enough.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure you’re not going to want to put them back on later dirty. Although, you do look pretty comfortable in my T-shirt,” I said, my eyes trailing over her chest to her slender legs. I should have given her a white T-shirt, I thought. “So, uh, how do the boxers fit?”

She lifted the shirt, baring her stomach. “They’re pretty baggy,” she said, tugging at the waistband. “But, they’ll do.”

“You just don’t fill them out the way I do.”

She suddenly looked embarrassed. Adriana dropped the T-shirt. “I’m sure.”

I cleared my throat and nodded toward the guestroom. “You may as well try and get some sleep. I’m going to throw your things into the washing machine. Did you want me to wake you at a certain time?”

“Just when you want to kick me out.”

“That’s the last thing I want to do,” I replied, thinking out loud.

She laughed nervously. “Okay. Well, I guess by ten?”

“Sure,” I said, holding out my arms. “I’ll take care of the laundry and then I’m going to crash, myself.”

“Thanks again,” she said, handing me the clothes. She then touched my arm. “You’ve been so incredibly sweet to me.”

I grunted. “Just don’t tell anyone. You’ll ruin my reputation for being a soulless asshole.”

“Your secret is safe with me, Raptor,” she replied before leaning over and kissing me on the cheek.

Resisting the urge to drop everything and kiss her back properly, I turned on my heel and headed toward the laundry room. “Sleep well, Kitten.”

“Thanks. You, too,” she called back.